Avatar billede s_pede Nybegynder
21. august 2003 - 13:19 Der er 6 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Læse indholdet

Kan man godt læse indholdet af en felt fra en anden tabel end den formularen er bygget op over... Der findes hellere ingen relationer
Avatar billede stry Nybegynder
21. august 2003 - 13:21 #1
Avatar billede s_pede Nybegynder
21. august 2003 - 13:22 #2
Kan du måske uddybe det lidt. Jeg er ikke så pro til acces
Avatar billede stry Nybegynder
21. august 2003 - 13:25 #3
Avatar billede s_pede Nybegynder
21. august 2003 - 13:26 #4
Har fundet ud af.. Sorry
Avatar billede s_pede Nybegynder
21. august 2003 - 13:26 #5
Bare send et svar, så du kan få sølle 15 point
Avatar billede stry Nybegynder
21. august 2003 - 13:27 #6
Fra access hjælp:
DLookup Function Example

The following example returns name information from the CompanyName field of the record satisfying criteria. The domain is a Shippers table. The criteria argument restricts the resulting set of records to those for which ShipperID equals 1.

Dim varX As Variant
varX = DLookup("[CompanyName]", "Shippers", "[ShipperID] = 1")
The next example from the Shippers table uses the form control ShipperID to provide criteria for the DLookup function. Note that the reference to the control isn't included in the quotation marks that denote the strings. This ensures that each time the DLookup function is called, Microsoft Access will obtain the current value from the control.

Dim varX As Variant
varX = DLookup("[CompanyName]", "Shippers", "[ShipperID] = " _
    & Forms!Shippers!ShipperID)
The next example uses a variable, intSearch, to get the value.

Dim intSearch As Integer, varX As Variant
intSearch = 1
varX = DLookup("[CompanyName]", "Shippers", _
    "[ShipperID] = " & intSearch)
Avatar billede stry Nybegynder
21. august 2003 - 13:27 #7
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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