Hurtig UK stavekontrol
Nogle der lige gidder at checke denne mail for bugs:Trying to conect to my server at my ext. IP delivered by my ISP.
The problem is that I can´t se my own server, IE -> The page cannot be displayed<- if i try
A lot of people in all the NG tell me that the problem is that my router don´t support loopback.
Is there anything I can do to stop this problem?
If i´t can be any help, I can say that everbody else bot me can se my server
(outside my network), I am using Sambra Server V5.2 and I have only one PC attatch to the router.
I don´t hope that I must go gack to my old Cisco 677 router:-(
Yours Faithfully
Allan Beach
Stave og forstå. Vil de hos 3Com i US kunne fatte mit problem?