UHA, det ser grimme grimme ud. Ligner det ikke en goto-label???
Jeg ved godt, at de findes i Pascal, men det er altså kun noget man bruger i assembler, men der hedder det jmp, jne e.l. (og basic, men det er der ingen seriøse programmører, der bruger)
Prøv at smide hele metoden herud, det kan lette opklaringsarbejdet. - Og forhåbentligt vise, at det er en del af en case-sætning :-)
recNext må i hvert fald være en label... Men den kan ikke være problemet, for der er jo ingen tilsvarende goto. Desuden burde oversætteren brokke sig, hvis der ikke er lavet en definition af label'en.
Men hvad mener du med, at du skal trykke to gange på knappen? Er minfil det logiske navn på en diskfil, eller har du sat det til at læse fra tastaturet, eller hvad? Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at se noget mere af koden, for umiddelbart kan jeg ikke se noget galt i det, du har vist. Mit indtryk i øjeblikket er, at du læser tegn for tegn fra minfil, og når du har set det læste tegn igennem, så sætter du pos til at pege på næste tegn i filen - hvis der er flere, og ellers laver du Exit. Men det kan den omliggende kode formentlig opklare...
Jeg kan give jer et eksempel som jeg har hentet den fra. Det eneste jeg har forandret er jeg har skiftet en edit ud med en memo da der ikke kan laves tekst på flere linjer på en edit. Den her virker dog fint nok ????
{Address Record} type TAddressRec = record First : String[20]; Last : String[20]; Add1 : String[40]; Add2 : String[40]; City : String[30]; ST : String[2]; Zip : String[10]; Phone : String[20]; Fax : String[20]; end;
{Direction Type} type TRecMove = (recFirst, recLast, recNext, recPrev);
var Form1: TForm1; AddrFile : File of TAddressRec; AddrRec : TAddressRec;
const MAXRECS = 2000;
{$R *.DFM} {=============Basic Form Methods================} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin AssignFile(AddrFile, 'Address.DAT'); if FileExists('Address.DAT') then begin Reset(AddrFile); if (FileSize(AddrFile) > 0) then begin Seek(AddrFile, 0); ReadRec; NewRec := False; end; end else begin Rewrite(AddrFile); NewRec := True; end; btnNew.Enabled := True; btnInsert.Enabled := False; btnUpdate.Caption := '&Update'; end;
procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin CloseFile(AddrFile); end;
{=============General Purpose Routines===============} procedure TForm1.SetRecVals; begin with AddrRec do begin First := Edit1.Text; Last := Edit2.Text; Add1 := Edit3.Text; Add2 := Edit4.Text; City := Edit5.text; ST := Edit6.Text; Zip := Edit7.Text; Phone := Edit8.Text; Fax := Edit9.Text; end; end;
{Merely reads the current record in the file into the edit fields} procedure TForm1.ReadRec; begin Read(AddrFile, AddrRec); with AddrRec do begin Edit1.Text := First; Edit2.Text := Last ; Edit3.Text := Add1 ; Edit4.Text := Add2 ; Edit5.text := City ; Edit6.Text := ST ; Edit7.Text := Zip ; Edit8.Text := Phone; Edit9.Text := Fax ; end; Seek(AddrFile, FilePos(AddrFile) - 1); end;
procedure TForm1.EnableButtons(EnableIt : Boolean); begin btnNew.Enabled := EnableIt; btnFirst.Enabled := EnableIt; btnPrev.Enabled := EnableIt; btnNext.Enabled := EnableIt; btnLast.Enabled := EnableIt; {Only enable the insert button when "New" is pressed} btnInsert.Enabled := NOT EnableIt; end;
{=============Data Manipulation Routines==============} {This merely clears the fields. It does nothing to the file itself} procedure TForm1.CreateNewRec; var I : Integer; begin if NewRec then LockWindowUpdate(Handle); {Clear the TEdit values} for I := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do if (Components[I] is TEdit) then TEdit(Components[I]).Clear; LockWindowUpdate(0); NewRec := True; EnableButtons(False); btnUpdate.Caption := '&Post to End'; end;
procedure TForm1.InsertRec; var curPos, numRecs, I : Integer; RecBuf : Array[0..MAXRECS] of TAddressRec; begin {First read the fields into the temporary record structure} SetRecVals;
{Get the current file position} curPos := FilePos(AddrFile);
{Get the total number of records to write} numRecs := FileSize(AddrFile);
{Fill the "Head" portion of the file with records from beginning of file to one less than the current position. The file position will end up on curPos after this operation because Read will increment the pointer. This operation only applies to records other than the first one; otherwise, just skip the initial loop} if FilePos(AddrFile) > 0 then begin I := 0; Seek(AddrFile, 0); while FilePos(AddrFile) < curPos do begin Read(AddrFile, RecBuf[I]); Inc(I); end; end;
{Write the record to insert into the array} RecBuf[curPos] := AddrRec;
{Read all the remaining records in the file into the buffer Make sure that you make the buffer position one greater than the current file position, otherwise you'll overwrite the record you've just read in.} I := curPos + 1; while NOT EOF(AddrFile) do begin Read(AddrFile, RecBuf[I]); Inc(I); end;
{Now, write the entire buffer back to the file} I := 0; Seek(AddrFile, 0); while (I <= numRecs) do begin Write(AddrFile, RecBuf[I]); Inc(I); end;
{Now go back to the original position and read the record into the fields.} Seek(AddrFile, curPos); ReadRec; btnUpdate.Caption := '&Update'; EnableButtons(True); end;
{Writes over/updates the current record or writes a new record to the end} procedure TForm1.UpdateRec; var curPos : Integer; begin curPos := FilePos(AddrFile); {Copy the TEdit values into the temporary record} SetRecVals; {If this is a new record, then seek to the end of the file so you don't overwrite an existing one} if NewRec then begin Seek(AddrFile, FileSize(AddrFile)); curPos := FileSize(AddrFile) + 1; end;
Write(AddrFile, AddrRec); {Write increments position by 1, so return to the position again to "stick" to it} if (FileSize(AddrFile) > 0) then begin Seek(AddrFile, curPos); NewRec := False; end;
{"Deletes" a record. Actually, what this procedure does is read all records after the one you want to delete into the array RecBuf, truncates the file from the current position of the file, then reads the buffered records back into the file, adding them to the end} procedure TForm1.DeleteRec; var curPos, numRecs, I : Integer; RecBuf : Array[0..MAXRECS] of TAddressRec; begin if MessageDlg('Are you sure you want to delete this record?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrNo then Exit;
{If user wants to cancel the deletion during entry of a new record then just re-read the current position in the database and leave} if NewRec then begin ReadRec; NewRec := False; EnableButtons(True); Exit; end;
{Get the current file position} curPos := FilePos(AddrFile); {get number of recs to copy} numRecs := FileSize(AddrFile) - curPos - 1;
{Now, if we're not on the last record...} if (FilePos(AddrFile) < (FileSize(AddrFile) - 1)) then begin {...start out by going to the record after the one we want to delete} Seek(AddrFile, FilePos(AddrFile) + 1); I := 0; {Then copy the remaining records into the temporary buffer array} while NOT EOF(AddrFile) do begin Read(AddrFile, RecBuf[I]); Inc(I); end;
{Now, go back to the record we want to delete and truncate the file at that position} Seek(AddrFile, curPos); Truncate(AddrFile);
{Once the file is truncated, write the records in the buffer back to the new end of the file} for I := 0 to numRecs - 1 do Write(AddrFile, RecBuf[I]); end else {...otherwise, just truncate the record that's at the end} begin Truncate(AddrFile); {Since this is at the end of the file, we can't return to this position, so decrement the position by 1} Dec(curPos); end; {Always return to the original position} Seek(AddrFile, curPos); {Read current record into the fields} ReadRec; end;
procedure TForm1.btnDeleteClick(Sender: TObject); begin DeleteRec; end;
{=============Data Navigation Routines and Methods==============} {Locates a record either from beginning of file or from cursor} procedure TForm1.MoveToRec(Direction : TRecMove); var pos : Integer; begin
{Make sure the appropriate buttons are enabled} EnableButtons(True); {Get the current file position} pos := FilePos(AddrFile); {If there's nothing in the file, then get out} if (FileSize(AddrFile) = 0) then Exit;
case Direction of recFirst : pos := 0; recLast : pos := FileSize(AddrFile) - 1; {With movement to next and previous records, } recNext : if (FilePos(AddrFile) < (FileSize(AddrFile) - 1)) then pos := FilePos(AddrFile) + 1 else Exit; recPrev : if (FilePos(AddrFile) > 0) then pos := FilePos(AddrFile) - 1 else Exit; end; Seek(AddrFile, pos); ReadRec; NewRec := False; end;
procedure TForm1.LocateRec(Value : String; FromBOF : Boolean); var curPos, SearchPos : Integer; Found : Boolean; begin {Store the current position of the file} curPos := FilePos(AddrFile); {Set the pointer to where you want to search from} if FromBOF then SearchPos := 0 else SearchPos := curPos + 1;
Found := False; while (SearchPos <= (FileSize(AddrFile) - 1)) AND (NOT Found) do begin {Move to the search position} Seek(AddrFile, SearchPos); Read(AddrFile, AddrRec); {If the element matches the search value} if (AddrRec.Last = Value) then begin {Set the loop exit flag} Found := True; {Give a warning tone} MessageBeep(MB_OK); {Since a Read operation increments the file pointer by one, in order to read the right record into fields, you need to Seek back to the position first; this is especially important if you're at the end of the file where failing to seek back will cause a Read beyond end of file error} Seek(AddrFile, SearchPos); {Read the record in to the fields} ReadRec; end; Inc(SearchPos) end;
if NOT Found then ShowMessage('Last Name not found in file'); end;
{Creates a new, blank record} procedure TForm1.btnNewClick(Sender: TObject); begin CreateNewRec; end;
procedure TForm1.btnUpdateClick(Sender: TObject); begin UpdateRec; end;
{Moves the file position to the first record and reads it in} procedure TForm1.btnFirstClick(Sender: TObject); begin MoveToRec(recFirst); end;
{Moves the file position to the last record and reads it in} procedure TForm1.btnLastClick(Sender: TObject); begin MoveToRec(recLast); end;
{Moves the file position to the next record and reads it in} procedure TForm1.btnNextClick(Sender: TObject); begin MoveToRec(recNext); end;
{Moves the file position to the previous record and reads it in} procedure TForm1.btnPrevClick(Sender: TObject); begin MoveToRec(recPrev); end;
procedure TForm1.btnFindClick(Sender: TObject); begin if (Edit10.Text <> '') then begin if NewRec then btnUpdateClick(Self); LocateRec(Edit10.Text, True); end; end;
procedure TForm1.btnFindNextClick(Sender: TObject); begin LocateRec(Edit10.Text, False); end;
procedure TForm1.btnInsertClick(Sender: TObject); begin InsertRec; end;
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