WebWiz JMail fejl
---------------------Koden---------------------------With objJMail
'Out going SMTP mail server address
.ServerAddress = strIncomingMailServer
'Who the e-mail is from
.Sender = strFromEmailAddress
.SenderName = strFromEmailName
'Who the e-mail is sent to
.AddRecipient strRecipientEmailAddress
'The subject of the e-mail
.Subject = strSubject
'Set the e-mail body format (BodyHTML=HTML Body=Text)
If blnHTML = True Then
.HTMLBody = strEmailBodyMessage & strEmailBodyAppendMessage
.Body = strEmailBodyMessage & strEmailBodyAppendMessage
End If
'Importance of the e-mail
.Priority = 3
'Send the e-mail
(linje227) strIncomingMailServer = "" Then .Execute
End With
'Close the server mail object
Set objJMail = Nothing
jmail.SMTPMail error '8000ffff'
The message was undeliverable. All servers failed to receive the message
/forum/functions/functions_send_mail.asp, line 227
--------------------ØNSKET LØSNING-------------------
Da der ikke skal sendes nogen mail - ønsker jeg blot at omgå denne fejl? hvordan