Det du skal finde er MTS Themes og du skal have installeret en Theme Engine Brug KTE version nyeste.
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Selve *.mts filen ser således ud:
NAME Pulsar
DESCRIPTION Pulsar theme from eXtreme.
SCRIPT pulsar.mrc
COLORS 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,15
BASECOLORS 0,15,15,4
RGBCOLORS 255,255,255 0,0,0 0,0,128 0,144,0 255,0,0 159,0,0 160,0,160 255,128,0 255,255,0 0,255,0 0,144,144 0,255,255 0,0,255 255,0,255 128,128,128 208,208,208
FONTCHAN Tahoma,11
PREFIX 05::04::
PARENTEXT : 04[ <text> 04]
LOAD !script pulsar.start
JOIN 5• Joins:4 <nick> (<address>4)
JOINSELF <pre> Now in <chan>
PART 5• Parts:4 <nick> (<address>4) <parentext>
QUIT !script %:echo 5• Quits:4 %::nick 4( $+ %::address $+ 4) $iif(%::text,$iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) == Quit: && $gettok(%::text,2-,32),: 04[ $gettok(%::text,2-,32) 04],$iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) != Quit:,%::parentext))) %:comments
KICK <pre> Kicks: <knick> was kicked from4 <chan> by04 <nick> <parentext>
KICKSELF <pre> Kicks: you were kicked from4 <chan> by04 <nick> <parentext>
$iif($gettok(%::modes,2-,32),$ifmatch $+ ) %:comments
MODEUSER 14[4ø14] UserMode: 4[<modes>4]
TOPIC <pre> Topic: 4<nick> changed it to<parentext>
INVITE <pre> 4[Invite4 (<chan>4)] by15 <nick>
NICK <pre> Nick: 4<nick> : 4[ <newnick> 4]
NICKSELF <pre> Nick: 4<nick> : 4[ <newnick> 4]
TEXTCHAN 4(<cmode><nick>4)15 <text>
TEXTQUERY 4(<nick>4)15 <text>
TEXTCHANSELF 4(<cmode><me>4) <text>
TEXTQUERYSELF 4(<me>4) <text>
TEXTMSG 4(<nick>4)15 <text>
TEXTMSGSELF 5›4› Msg: to 4[ <target>4 ] :15 <text>
SERVERERROR 5›4› Error:15 <text>
REJOIN <pre> Attempting to rejoin <chan>...
WALLOP 4(<nick>4)15 <text>
DNS 5• Looking up host of4 <nick><address> ...
DNSERROR !script %:echo 5• Failed to resolve4 $iif(!%::address,%::nick : 4[ no such user4 ],$iif(!%::nick,%::address,%::nick) $+ ) %:comments
DNSRESOLVE !script %:echo 5• Resolved4 $iif(!%::nick,$iif(%::iaddress == %::raddress,%::naddress,%::iaddress),%::nick ( $+ $iif(%::iaddress == %::raddress,%::naddress,%::iaddress) $+ 4)) to4 %::raddress $+ %:comments
ACTIONCHAN 4! <cmode><nick> <text>
ACTIONQUERY 4! <nick> <text>
ACTIONCHANSELF 4! <cmode><me> <text>
ACTIONQUERYSELF 4! <me> <text>
CTCP !script %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] requested by4 %::nick $+ %::parentext %:comments
CTCPCHAN !script %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] requested at4 %::chan by4 %::nick $+ %::parentext %:comments
CTCPREPLY !script %:echo 4(ø4) Reply: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] from4 %::nick $+ %::parentext %:comments
CTCPSELF !script %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] to4 %::nick $+ %::parentext %:comments
CTCPCHANSELF !script %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] to4 %::chan $+ %::parentext %:comments
CTCPREPLYSELF !script %:echo 4(ø4) Reply: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] sent to4 %::nick $+ %::parentext %:comments
NOTICESERVER !script %:echo 5›4› Server:15 $iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) == ***,$gettok(%::text,2-,32),%::text) %:comments
NOTICE 5›4› 4[<nick> 4(<address>4)]15 <text>
NOTICECHAN 5›4› 4[<cmode><nick> 4(<target>4)]15 <text>
NOTICESELF 5›4› Notice: to 4[ <target>4 ] :15 <text>
NOTICESELFCHAN 5›4› Notice: to 4[ <target>4 ] :15 <text>
NOTIFY 5›4› Notify:4 <nick> (<address>4) is online <parentext>
UNOTIFY 5‹4‹ Notify:4 <nick> (<address>4) is offline <parentext>
raw.311 !script pulsar.whoisstart
raw.319 14›15› 4Channels: <chan>
raw.312 14›15› 4Server: <wserver> 14(15<serverinfo>14)
raw.301 14›15› 4Away: <text>
raw.317 !script %:echo $str($chr(160),7) 14›15› 4Idle: $ 14[15Sign on: $asctime($ctime(%::signontime),HH:nn:ss - dd/mmm/yyyy 14(15dddd14)) · 15Online time: $$calc($ctime - $ctime(%::signontime)))
raw.307 !script %:echo 14›15› 4Status: is $iif(%::isregd != is,not) a registered nick
raw.378 14›15› 4Real Hostname:15 <text>
raw.313 !script %:echo 14›15› 4IRCop: $iif(%::isoper == is,yes,no) $iif($gettok(%::text,3-,32),14(15 $+ $ifmatch $+ 14) )
raw.318 5• End of /Whois info 14————————————————
raw.314 !script pulsar.whowasstart
raw.369 5• End of /Whowas info 14————————————————
raw.002 14[4ø14] Host: 15<server> running 15<value>
raw.003 14[4ø14] Created on: 15<value>
raw.004 !script %:echo 14[4ø14] Usermodes:15 $gettok(%::text,3,32) · Chanmodes:15 $gettok(%::text,4,32)
raw.005 14[4ø14] Protocols: 15<text>
raw.251 !script pulsar.lusersstart
raw.252 14›15› 4Opers: <value>
raw.253 14›15› 4Unknown: <value>
raw.254 14›15› 4Chans: <value>
raw.255 14›15› 4Clients: <users> · 4servers: <value>
raw.265 !script %:echo $str($chr(160),7) 14›15› 4Local: %::users · 4max: %::value 14[15 $+ $round($calc($calc(%::users / %::value) * 100),1) $+ % $+ 14 $+ ]
raw.266 !script pulsar.lusersend
raw.315 5›4› End of /Who for 4<value>
raw.352 !script %:echo 5›4› %::cmode $+ %::nick · 14(15 $+ %::address $+ 14) · %::realname ·4 %::wserver $+ $iif(%::away == G,· 4[ Away) $iif(%::isoper == is,$iif(%::away == H,· 4[ IRCop 4],/ IRCop 4]),$iif(%::away == G,4])) · %::value hops %:comments
raw.302 !script %:echo 5• Userhost:4 %::nick $+ ! $+ %::address $iif(* isin %::value || - isin %::value,4[ $iif(* isin %::value,IRCop ) $iif(- isin %::value,$iif(* isin %::value, / Away,Away)) 4]) $+ %:comments
raw.341 5• Invite: to 4<nick> to join 4<chan> <comments>
raw.324 <pre> Modes: at 4<chan> : 4[<modes>4] <comments>
raw.329 !script %:echo %::pre Created: $asctime(%::text,HH:nn:ss - dd/mmm/yyyy 14(15dddd14)) %:comments
raw.372 · <text>
raw.375 4(ø4) Message of the day
raw.376 4(ø4) End of /motd
raw.391 !script %:echo %::pre Time:15 %::text $+ %:comments
raw.401 14[4ø14] Error: No such nick : 4[ <nick>4 ] <comments>
raw.403 14[4ø14] Error: No such channel : 4[ <chan>4 ] <comments>
raw.404 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot send to 4<chan> <comments>
raw.406 14[4ø14] Error: There was no such nick : 4[ <nick>4 ] <comments>
raw.421 !script %:echo 14[4ø14] Error:4 $+(/,$lower(%::value)) is an unknown command %:comments
raw.432 14[4ø14] Error: 4<nick> is a erroeus nickname <comments>
raw.433 14[4ø14] Error: nick 4<nick> is already in use <comments>
raw.441 14[4ø14] Error: 4<nick> is not on 4<chan> <comments>
raw.442 14[4ø14] Error: 4you are not on 4<chan> <comments>
raw.443 14[4ø14] Error: 4<nick> is already on 4<chan> <comments>
raw.467 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot join4 <chan> : 4[ key required4 ] <comments>
raw.471 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot join4 <chan> : 4[ channel is full4 ] <comments>
raw.473 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot join4 <chan> : 4[ invite required4 ] <comments>
raw.474 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot join4 <chan> : 4[ you're banned4 ] <comments>
raw.475 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot join4 <chan> : 4[ incorrect key4 ] <comments>
raw.482 14[4ø14] Error: You are not channel operator on 4<chan> <comments>
raw.332 !script pulsar.topic
raw.333 !script pulsar.endtopic
raw.353 !script pulsar.names
raw.366 !script pulsar.endnames
raw.other !script %:echo 14[4ø14] $iif(%::nick != $gettok(%::text,1,32) || %::chan != $gettok(%::text,1,32),4 $+ $ifmatch $+ :) %::text %:comments
ECHO <pre> <c1><text>
ECHOTARGET <pre> <c1><text>
ERROR 14[4ø14] Error: <text>
SCHEME1 Modern
PARENTEXT 04: [ <text> 04]
JOIN 5• Joins4 : <nick> 04(<address>4)
PART 5• Parts 4: <nick> 04(<address>4) <parentext>
QUIT !script %:echo 5• Quits 04: %::nick 4( $+ %::address $+ 4) $iif(%::text,$iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) == Quit: && $gettok(%::text,2-,32),04: [ $gettok(%::text,2-,32) 04],$iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) != Quit:,%::parentext))) %:comments
KICK <pre> Kicks 04: <knick> was kicked from4 <chan> by04 <nick> <parentext>
KICKSELF <pre> Kicks 04: you were kicked from4 <chan> by04 <nick> <parentext>
MODE !script %:echo 14[4ø14] ChanMode 04: %::nick sets mode 4[ $+ $gettok(%::modes,1,32) $+ 4] $iif($gettok(%::modes,2-,32),to04 $ifmatch $+ ) %:comments
MODEUSER 14[4ø14] UserMode 4: [<modes>4]
TOPIC <pre> Topic 4: <nick> changed it to<parentext>
INVITE <pre> Invite4 : to join <chan> by4 <nick>
NICK <pre> Nick 4: <nick> changed it to4 : [ <newnick> 4]
NICKSELF <pre> Nick 4: <nick> changed it to4 : [ <newnick> 4]
TEXTMSGSELF 5›4› /msg 4[ <target>4 ] :15 <text>
DNSERROR !script %:echo 5• Failed to resolve $iif(!%::address,%::nick 4: [ no such user4 ],$iif(!%::nick,%::address,%::nick) $+ ) %:comments
DNSRESOLVE !script %:echo 5• Resolved4 $iif(!%::nick,$iif(%::iaddress == %::raddress,%::naddress,%::iaddress),%::nick ( $+ $iif(%::iaddress == %::raddress,%::naddress,%::iaddress) $+ 4)) to %::raddress $+ %:comments
DNS 5›4› /dns 4[ <nick><address>4 ] ...
NOTICESERVER 5›4› Server 4:15 <text>
NOTICE 5›4› 4[ <nick> 4(<address>4) ]15 <text>
NOTICECHAN 5›4› 4[ <cmode><nick> 4(<target>4) ]15 <text>
NOTICESELF 5›4› /notice 4[ <target>4 ] :15 <text>
NOTICESELFCHAN 5›4› /notice 4[ <target>4 ] :15 <text>
CTCP !script %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp 4: [ $lower(%::ctcp) 4] requested by4 %::nick $+ %::parentext %:comments
CTCPCHAN !script %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp 4: [ $lower(%::ctcp) 4] requested at4 %::chan by4 %::nick $+ %::parentext %:comments
CTCPREPLY !script %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp 4: [ $lower(%::ctcp) 4] from4 %::nick $+ %::parentext %:comments
CTCPSELF !script %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp 4: [ $lower(%::ctcp) 4] to4 %::nick $+ %::parentext %:comments
CTCPCHANSELF !script %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp 4: [ $lower(%::ctcp) 4] to4 %::chan $+ %::parentext %:comments
CTCPREPLYSELF !script %:echo 4(ø4) Reply 4: [ $lower(%::ctcp) 4] to4 %::nick $+ %::parentext %:comments
SERVERERROR 5›4› Error 04:15 <text>
NOTIFY 5›4› Notify 4: <nick> 4(<address>4) is online <parentext>
UNOTIFY 5‹4‹ Notify 4: <nick> 4(<address>4) is offline <parentext>
raw.002 14[4ø14] Host 4: 15<server> running 15<value>
raw.003 14[4ø14] Created on 4: 15<value>
raw.004 !script %:echo 14[4ø14] Usermodes 4:15 $gettok(%::text,3,32) · Chanmodes 4:15 $gettok(%::text,4,32)
raw.005 14[4ø14] Protocols 4: 15<text>
raw.302 !script %:echo 5• Userhost 4: %::nick $+ ! $+ %::address $iif(* isin %::value || - isin %::value,4[ $iif(* isin %::value,IRCop ) $iif(- isin %::value,$iif(* isin %::value, / Away,Away)) 4]) $+ %:comments
raw.324 <pre> Modes 4: at <chan>4 : [<modes>4] <comments>
raw.329 !script %:echo %::pre Created 4: $asctime(%::text,HH:nn:ss - dd/mmm/yyyy 14(15dddd14)) %:comments
raw.341 5• Invite 4: to <nick> to join 4<chan> <comments>
raw.372 · <text>
raw.375 4(ø4) Message of the day
raw.376 4(ø4) End of /motd
raw.391 !script %:echo %::pre Time: %::text $+ %:comments
raw.401 14[4ø14] Error 4: No such nick 4: [ <nick>4 ] <comments>
raw.403 14[4ø14] Error 4: No such channel 4: [ <chan>4 ] <comments>
raw.404 14[4ø14] Error 4: Cannot send to <chan> <comments>
raw.406 14[4ø14] Error 4: There was no such nick 4: [ <nick>4 ] <comments>
raw.421 !script %:echo 14[4ø14] Error 4: $+(/,$lower(%::value)) is an unknown command %:comments
raw.432 14[4ø14] Error 4: <nick> is a erroeus nickname <comments>
raw.433 14[4ø14] Error 4: nick <nick> is already in use <comments>
raw.441 14[4ø14] Error 4: <nick> is not on 4<chan> <comments>
raw.442 14[4ø14] Error 4: you are not on 4<chan> <comments>
raw.443 14[4ø14] Error 4: <nick> is already on 4<chan> <comments>
raw.467 14[4ø14] Error 4: Cannot join <chan> 4: [ key required4 ] <comments>
raw.471 14[4ø14] Error 4: Cannot join <chan> 4: [ channel is full4 ] <comments>
raw.473 14[4ø14] Error 4: Cannot join <chan> 4: [ invite required4 ] <comments>
raw.474 14[4ø14] Error 4: Cannot join <chan> 4: [ you're banned4 ] <comments>
raw.475 14[4ø14] Error 4: Cannot join <chan> 4: [ incorrect key4 ] <comments>
raw.482 14[4ø14] Error 4: You are not channel operator at <chan>
raw.332 !script pulsar.topic modern
raw.333 !script pulsar.endtopic modern
raw.311 !script pulsar.whoisstart modern
raw.314 !script pulsar.whowasstart modern
raw.251 !script pulsar.lusersstart modern
raw.353 !script pulsar.names modern
raw.other !script %:echo 14[4ø14] 4( $+ %::numeric $+ 4) $iif(%::nick != $gettok(%::text,1,32) || %::chan != $gettok(%::text,1,32), $+ $ifmatch 4:) %::text %:comments
ECHO <pre> <c1><text>
ECHOTARGET <pre> <c1><text>
ERROR 14[4ø14] Error 4: <text>