sådan filen ligger i Html mappen og hedder
venlig hilsen bjavle
her er lidt kode
# -----------------------------------------------
# Flash Chat script version whatever
# by Torray Wallace
# torraywallace@yahoo.com
http://pluto.spaceportsw.com/~torray# -----------------------------------------------
# No silly disclaimers here. Use it
# modify it, sell it. Whatever you
# want. Just drop me a line to let
# me know how you like it.
# -----------------------------------------------
# Unless you are hacking the code, the
# onlything that needs to be changed is
# the $basedir variable. If you don\'t
# know what it is for your server, email
# your webmaster or server administrator
# or anybody else who has a clue.
# If is doesn\'t work for some reason, try
# editing the first line so that it reads
# \'#!/usr/local/bin/perl\'. Otherwise try
# \'#!/usr/bin/local/perl\'. I can never
# remember which.
# Setup the Variables
print \"Content-type: text/plain\\n\\n\";
if (!$ARGV[0]) {
if($ENV{\'REQUEST_METHOD\'} eq \'GET\') {
} else {
if ($ARGV[0]) {
if ($FORM{\'todo\'} eq \'get\' ) {
if ($FORM{\'todo\'} eq \'post\' ) {
if ($FORM{\'todo\'} eq \'namesearch\' ) {
} else {
print \"no parameters!\\n\";
#### Initialize Arguments ##################################
sub get_arg {
@pairs = split(/&/, $ARGV[0]);
foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack(\"C\", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s/<!--(.|\\n)*-->//g;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
#### Name Search ##################################
sub name_search {
open (USERLIST,\"<$basedir/$userfile\") || die $!;
@users = <USERLIST>;
close (USERLIST);
open (USER,\">>$basedir/$userfile\") || die $!;
print \"Content-type: text/html\\n\\n\";
foreach $pair (@users) {
if ($username eq $FORM{\'name\'}) {
print \"&namefree=false\";
if ($infile==0) {
print \"&namefree=true\";
print USER \"$FORM{\'name\'},,,,,,,,,,,$timestamp,,,,,,,,,,,$datestamp\\n\";
close (USER);
open (INROOM,\"<$basedir/$userfile\") || die $!;
@inchat = <INROOM>;
close (INROOM);
foreach $one (@inchat) {
if ($people==1) {
open (MESSAGES,\">$basedir/$messagefile\") || die $!;
print MESSAGES \"\";
close (MESSAGES);
print \"&eof=true\";
#### Get messages ##################################
sub get_messages {
open (MESSAGES,\"<$basedir/$messagefile\") || die $!;
@text = <MESSAGES>;
close (MESSAGES);
print \"&messages=\";
foreach $line (@text) {
$line =~ s/ /+/g;
$line =~ s/%/%25/g;
$line =~ s/&/%26/g;
#$line =~ s/?/%51/g;
print $line;
print \"&eot=true\";
#### Post messages ##################################
sub post_message {
open (MESSAGES,\">>$basedir/$messagefile\") || die $!;
print MESSAGES \"<$FORM{\'name\'}> $FORM{\'text\'}\\n\";
close (MESSAGES);
#### Get list of current users ##################################
sub get_userlist {
open (INROOM,\"<$basedir/$userfile\") || die $!;
@inchat = <INROOM>;
close (INROOM);
print \"&userlist=\";
foreach $one (@inchat) {
print \"$username\\n\";
#### Clean user list ##################################
sub clean_userlist {
open (USERLIST,\"<$basedir/$userfile\") || die $!;
@users = <USERLIST>;
close (USERLIST);
open (NEWLIST,\">$basedir/$userfile\") || die $!;
foreach $set (@users) {
if ($lastpoll+7 >= $timestamp && $lastdate eq $datestamp) {
if ($username eq $FORM{\'name\'}) {
print NEWLIST \"$username,,,,,,,,,,,$timestamp,,,,,,,,,,,$datestamp\\n\";
} else {
print NEWLIST \"$username,,,,,,,,,,,$lastpoll,,,,,,,,,,,$lastdate\\n\";
if ($inlist==0) {
print NEWLIST \"$FORM{\'name\'},,,,,,,,,,,$timestamp,,,,,,,,,,,$datestamp\\n\";
close (NEWLIST);
#### Get timestamp ##################################
sub stamp {
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$timestamp = $totalseconds;
$datestamp = \"$mday $mon $year\";
chop($timestamp) if ($timestamp =~ /\\n$/);
chop($timestamp) if ($datestamp =~ /\\n$/);