Avatar billede carnudo Nybegynder
22. maj 2003 - 15:45 Der er 8 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Drawing with Special Characters

Hi dudes and girls,
Have you seen those kind of drawings that some people do with letters and special characters?, I am trying to find a site with examples or related stuff, but I havent found anything, I thought I was good at google, I guess I need a better key word to search with, ofcourse in case you already know some sites with what I am looking for.
Avatar billede thehidden Nybegynder
22. maj 2003 - 16:05 #1
Hmmm, I'm not sure what your thinking about, but my guess is your wondering about the ASCII graphics (graphic made out of ascii charaters :) ) You could go visit www.mess.be if it is messenger-related or you could go search google again, but this time with ascii graphics... Try using word (or compilant) to find special characters under insert/symbol or try find some geek side on the net, i.e. www.2600.dk or .com to find ascii graphics...

Avatar billede carnudo Nybegynder
22. maj 2003 - 16:11 #2
None of the above thanks anyway. Sometimes people draw in nfo files or other text files, things with . or # or just all the special characters with letters,
let me see if I can draw something to you here:


If I was very good the above drawing could have been a gilr wearing a bra, or a bear, hope you understand what I mean.
Avatar billede henninga Novice
22. maj 2003 - 20:02 #3
Maybee you should try to find a web about HAM-radio using RTTY (Radio Tele Type).
They have made theese pictures of ascii characters for many years.
Avatar billede henninga Novice
13. juli 2003 - 03:22 #4
Feedback ???
Avatar billede carnudo Nybegynder
18. juli 2003 - 09:53 #5
I tried to find some examples but couldnt find any. Do you have any links?
Avatar billede thehidden Nybegynder
23. juli 2003 - 00:07 #6
Avatar billede henninga Novice
23. juli 2003 - 00:18 #7
Det ser da spændende ud >thehidden
ASCII-VIDEO eller hvad man kan kalde det ;o=
Avatar billede henninga Novice
01. september 2003 - 00:38 #8
Here you can find a program to convert bmp and jpeg to ascii pictures

Avatar billede carnudo Nybegynder
02. september 2003 - 16:23 #9
Will look at it.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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