Online_brugere virker ikke!?
Hej,jeg har et Users_online script der kun virker når sessionen er forbi! i stedet for når den starter!
Det vil sige;
Jeg ønsker at vise en liste over de brugere der er logget ind, men brugernavn står som GæstXXXX når de er logget ind, og så snart sessionen er forbi vises brugernavn.
Jeg ved ikke helt hvor fejlen ligger - men kopierer ind Global.asa - som et udgangspunkt:
<Object Runat="Server" Scope="application" ID="dOnlineUsers"
sub Application_OnStart
application("ServerStart") = now
end sub
function Decrypt(sText)
'Replace with your own decrypt ;)
Decrypt = sText
end function
function adZero(sText)
'Adds zeros to the beginning
if isNull(sText) then exit function
adZero = string(5 - len(sText), "0") & sText
end function
Sub Session_OnStart
'Session_OnStart is automatically called by the ASP Interpreter
'when a new session starts. (Probably a new visitor)
'TimeOut value determines the period in minutes when
'the session is assumed to be abandoned
Session.TimeOut = 10
'Get the current active users list
sActiveUsersList = application("ActiveUsersList")
'Get the new user name from the cookie
sNewUserName = Decrypt(request.cookies("devUserName"))
'If the visitor doesn't have a registered username, assign Guest(n) label
if sNewUserName = "" then sNewUserName = "Guest-" & AdZero(CInt(application("Visitors")))
'Initial action time
sLastActionTime = Time
'User info consists of user name, last action time, and the page viewed
sUserInfo = sNewUserName & "<|>" & sLastActionTime & "<|>" & sLastPageViewed
'Add this user to our collection with SessionID being the key
'(See the top of this file to see how dOnlineUsers object is initiated)
dOnlineUsers.Add Session.SessionID, sUserInfo
'Lock the application variable and update the contents
'The number of active users
application("ActiveUsers") = application("ActiveUsers") + 1
'The number of visitors since last application reset
application("Visitors") = application("Visitors") + 1
'If the date is different than the previously stored date,
'it means we passed midnight, so reset our "today" counters
if application("TodaysDate") <> Date() then
application("PageViewsToday") = 0
application("VisitorsToday") = 0
end if
application("VisitorsToday") = application("VisitorsToday") + 1
'Store the date
application("TodaysDate") = Date()
'Unlock and go
End Sub
Sub Session_OnEnd
'Session_OnEnd is automatically called by the ASP Interpreter
'when the specified TimeOut period has passed after user's last action
on error resume next
'Remove this session from our collection
dOnlineUsers.Remove Session.SessionID
'And update the application variables
application("ActiveUsers") = application("ActiveUsers") - 1
End Sub