31. marts 2003 - 19:39Der er
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Scheduled task
Jeg har et problem med Windows 2000 scheduled tasks og afviklingen af ASP-scripts. Jeg har sat en scheduled task til at kalde en Internet Explorer, som derefter kalder ASP-scriptet.
Det virker mildest talt noget ustabilt. Nogen gange fungerer det, men for det meste fejler det. Er der nogen, der har erfaringer med regelmæssig og stabil afvikling af ASP-scripts via Scheduled Tasks, eller skal man lave det på en helt anden måde ??
MingW32 (GCC-2.95) style Run the 'mingw32.bat' file to get the proper environment variables set, then run 'make mingw32' in the root dir. If you have any problems linking libraries or finding header files, be sure to verify that the provided "Makefile.m32" files use the proper paths, and adjust as necessary.
Cygwin style ------------ Almost identical to the unix installation. Run the configure script in the curl root with 'sh configure'. Make sure you have the sh executable in /bin/ or you'll see the configure fail towards the end. Run 'make'
Microsoft command line style ---------------------------- Run the 'vcvars32.bat' file to get the proper environment variables set, then run 'nmake vc' in the root dir. The vcvars32.bat file is part of the Microsoft development environment.
IDE-style ------------------------- If you use VC++, Borland or similar compilers. Include all lib source files in a static lib "project" (all .c and .h files that is). (you should name it libcurl or similar) Make the sources in the src/ drawer be a "win32 console application" project. Name it curl. With VC++, add 'ws2_32.lib' to the link libs when you build curl! Borland seems to do that itself magically. Of course you have to make sure it links with the libcurl too! For VC++ 6, there's an included Makefile.vc6 that should be possible to use out-of-the-box. Microsoft note: add /Zm200 to the compiler options to increase the compiler's memory allocation limit, as the hugehelp.c won't compile due to "too long puts string".
Men jeg må ærligt indrømme, at for en primitiv asp-programmør som mig giver ovenstående ikke særlig meget mening. Hvilken installation er den nemmeste ? Og kunne du evt. skære denne lidt ud i pap ???
OK, fair nok, men du skal i hvert fald have tak for hjælpen...
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