I made a form, and a confirm page. In the confirm page I dim\'ed all the form results like this:
dim name name = Request.Form(\"name\")
Now I want to insert the results to a db called db/password.mdb -> password (the table). Can anyone please tell me how? Here are the coloumns, and what varibale I want in them: (they are in order)
Dim objDB \' handle to a database object Dim objRS \' handle to a recordset object, if needed
Dim sDBName \' name of DNS (ODBC connection name)
sDBName = \"dsn=Your DSN\" Set objDB = Server.CreateObject (\"ADODB.Connection\") \' creates the database object objDB.Open sDBName \' opens the database
objDB.Execute(\"INSERT INTO password (User, Pass, Ruler, Planet etc) VALUES (\'ruler\',\'pass\',\'ruler\',\'planet\') \") \' execute the SQL insert command on the database object
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