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26. marts 2003 - 12:06 Der er 3 kommentarer og
2 løsninger

Tricky with PLSQL


I got a database that looks like this in Oracle:

And now I have a task to check like this:
Check with a SELECT that there is no doublestoring in the table BATTLE. No Armies can fight each other more than once, independent on LOCATION and COMBATTIME (the date for the combat).

This has to be solved with PLSQL.

So if any one can help me with this please let me know!

Best regards
Avatar billede teepee Nybegynder
26. marts 2003 - 12:44 #1
Kan du ikke lave en select count(battle_number), army1, army2 ... group by army1, army2 having count(battle_number) > 1 så ved du ihvertfald om der findes nogle
Avatar billede sluppermanden Nybegynder
26. marts 2003 - 13:49 #2
It would be easy to solvet in SQL, by making a double primary key
ad this to the create sentence;

Constraint pk_battle_army Primary Key(ARMY_1_NUMBER,ARMY_2_NUMBER);

that way it is not possible to have the 2 armys fighting each other twice.
Avatar billede tintin12 Nybegynder
26. marts 2003 - 19:27 #3
i don't think that the primary key answer is correct because armyX and armyY can be in any combination in the columns army_1_number and army_2_number
Avatar billede sluppermanden Nybegynder
26. marts 2003 - 22:48 #4
well, that was the general idea
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
28. marts 2003 - 12:46 #5
Thanks Guys!
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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