på den side står der:
The TNT/TNT2 video card you have will run the game a bit choppy. That video card is about 4 years old and, although the drivers for the card have DirectX 8.1 support, the card itself cannot utilize those features. The hardware for the card is not compatible with DirectX 8.1. Any commands sent to the card from the game using 8.1 commands, will be shunted or sent to a software buffer and that will slow down the game play noticeably. Because the video card can not understand the DirectX 8.1 instructions it will basically work in software mode only and this is the cause of the choppy graphics.
The only way to fix this is to change your video card to a 3D Accelerator that has DirectX 8.1 (Not DirectX 8.0) driver support.
Så okay - der står ikke at DirectX ikke kan snakke sammen med TNT2´eren, men faktisk en bekræftelse af, at det så er DirectX der står for hele beregningen af grafikken.
På den 600Mhz PC jeg så sad med, betød det i praksis, at den stod helt stille.
Det samme, eller lignende, er garanteret tilfældet i Muggemands tilfælde.