Avatar billede cyperspawn Nybegynder
13. januar 2003 - 19:21 Der er 6 kommentarer og
1 løsning

hjælp til en total noob


på denne side findes noget xml script code men det siger mig ingen ting

Min første opgave er denne hvis jeg kan få et grund script kan jeg selv lave resten

Sample guild page: http://www.camelotherald.com/guilds/Pendragon/281.xml

If you are viewing this page using Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, you should be able to follow the above link and view its XML code.

These pages are updated approximately every half hour. The data within them is refreshed irregularly depending on the server. Our target for character data refreshes to the webserver is at least every 72 hours.

Each guild has its own XML file, which can be read both for basic guild information and for basic statistical information on each character within the guild. The guild data is contained within <guild_status>.

Basic guild information is embedded within the <guild> tag using attributes. Each character is a seperate <character> record within the guild container, using both attributes and elements.

<guild name="Arcanium" realm="Albion" activechars="74"
activemembers="40" guildrp="171249" contacturl="" websiteurl=""
timestamp="2002-03-03 11:59:31"
sshield="http://www.camelotherald.com/shields/4-2-2-full.png" semblem="http://www.camelotherald.com/realms/
<character name="Galihaed" laston="Recently">

Important fields within the <guild> tag:

ACTIVECHARS: How many active (logged in within 45 days) characters are within the guild. One guild member may have multiple characters.

ACTIVEMEMBERS: How many active (logged in within 45 days) members are within the guild. Again, members can have multiple characters. Members are not associated with their characters due to privacy concerns.

GUILDRP: Current Guild Realm Points. This is seperate from character Realm Points. These are not Guild Bounty Points, which can be spent and are not displayed on the Herald due to inter-realm competitive concerns.

CONTACTURL and WEBSITEURL: contact information about the guild entered by the guildmaster from within DAOC.

TIMESTAMP: The last time the individual character data for this server was refreshed.

SSHIELD: URL to graphic of guild's emblem background stored on Camelot Herald..

SEMBLEM: URL to graphic of guild's emblem sigil stored on Camelot Herald.

The shield graphic is designed to be the background of a table containing the emblem graphic (consult any Herald guild page for example HTML).

Please be kind and download these and the emblem graphics to your own web server before using them in your own pages. Linking them directly adds to the server load and bandwidth costs of this server, and abuse will cause these graphics to be removed.

Most of the fields within the <character> tag are self explanatory.

TOTALRP: Total Realm Points for that character. These are not Bounty Points, which can be spent and are not displayed on the Herald due to inter-realm competitive concerns.

LASTWEEKRP: Realm Points that character has earned within the past week. We attempt to keep this number up as much as possible but due to the length of time it takes to compile character data it may not be authoritative.

ANON: Whether or not the character has chosen to flag their character "Anonymous" to external data collection. This feature as well as exporting of character trade skills is currently in development by the game programmers. Currently everyone is set to an Anon value of "True".

på forhånd tak vis det kan laves
Avatar billede a1a1 Novice
13. januar 2003 - 19:36 #1
jeg kan ikke forstå hvad du vil?

er det xml filen du ikke kan forstå


der er noget om hvad xml er fornoget og hvordan det virker...
Avatar billede cyperspawn Nybegynder
14. januar 2003 - 00:48 #2
ok jeg har læst og læst lidt mere og har prøvet lidt og ved nu lidt om hvad jeg mangler
min opgave er er at lave html der vil vise de data som bliver vist på dette link


der er sådan som jeg har læst det måske tale om at det bruger DTD og det kan jeg ikke finde ud af hvordan jeg laver et html filen sådan så at den virker
Avatar billede cyperspawn Nybegynder
14. januar 2003 - 00:49 #3
det link var ellers godt men nu sidder jeg lidt fast
Avatar billede a1a1 Novice
14. januar 2003 - 01:05 #4
det er ikke html men xml der bliver vist, sådan bliver det vist :)
Avatar billede cyperspawn Nybegynder
14. januar 2003 - 01:22 #5
jeg ved godt at det er xml den viser men det er de data fra 1113.xlm jeg formoder jeg skal bruge til at lave min egen html code med
Avatar billede a1a1 Novice
14. januar 2003 - 02:11 #6
du vil fx. skrive

navn: Arcanium
realm: Albion

så skal du bruge xsl
men det kræver ie5+ eller ns6+

xsl tutorial

Avatar billede a1a1 Novice
14. januar 2003 - 02:12 #7
hvis du vil lave det så ns4 og opera osv. også kan se det skal du bruge noget asp eller php (eller sådan noget)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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