Avatar billede vlklng Nybegynder
08. januar 2003 - 00:57 Der er 1 løsning



Jeg har følgende bip:
først 2 korte derefter 8 hurtige bip.
Så er der en pause på 5-10 sekunder og
så kommer der 2 korte og 1 enkelt.

Nu kan jeg ikke lige morsekoden, så jeg håber der er nogen der kan fortælle mig hvad det betyder og hvad jeg skal gøre for at få maskinen til at virke???
Avatar billede vlklng Nybegynder
08. januar 2003 - 01:50 #1
Fandt den her fra et andet topic:

Værsgo, en liste over hvad forskellige antal bib under opstarten betyder!

1 beep: DRAM refresh failure. The memory refresh circuitry on the motherboard is faulty.
2 beeps: Parity Circuit failure. A parity error was detected in the base memory (first 64k Block) of the system.
3 beeps: Base 64K RAM failure. A memory failure occurred within the first 64k of memory.
4 beeps: System Timer failure. Timer #1 on the system board has failed to function properly.
5 beeps: Processor failure. The CPU on the system board has generated an error.
6 beeps: Keyboard Controller 8042-Gate A20 error. The keyboard controller (8042) contains the gate A20 switch which allows the computer to operate in virtual mode. This error message means that the BIOS is not able to switch the CPU into protected mode.
7 beeps: Virtual Mode (processor) Exception error. The CPU on the motherboard has generated an Interrupt Failure exception interrupt.
8 beeps: Display Memory R/W Test failure. The system video adapter is either missing or Read/Write Error its memory is faulty. This is not a fatal error.
9 beeps: ROM-BIOS Checksum failure. The ROM checksum value does not match the value encoded in the BIOS. This is good indication that the BIOS ROMs went bad.
10 beeps: CMOS Shutdown Register. The shutdown register for the CMOS memory Read/Write Error has failed.
11 beeps: Cache Error / External Cache Bad. The external cache is faulty.

andre fejl:
2 short beeps: POST failed. This is caused by a failure of one of the hardware testing procedures.
1 long & 2 short beeps: Video failure. This is caused by one of two possible hardware faults. 1) Video BIOS ROM failure, checksum error encountered. 2) The video adapter installed has a horizontal retrace failure.
1 long & 3 short beeps: Video failure. This is caused by one of three possible hardware problems. 1) The video DAC has failed. 2) the monitor detection process has failed. 3) The video RAM has failed.
1 long beep: POST successful. This indicates that all hardware tests were completed without encountering errors.

God jagt på årsagen :o))
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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