Avatar billede jimo.dk Nybegynder
23. november 2002 - 20:51 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Age og mythology

Vi sidder nogen stykker som lle har fået Age og mythology, men vi kan ikke spiller via direct ip. Vi har prøvet meget, og alle andre spil har vi ikke haft prob med. Er der andre som har haft samme problem eller nogen der har en løsning.

Avatar billede sekam Nybegynder
23. november 2002 - 21:06 #1
Avatar billede sekam Nybegynder
23. november 2002 - 23:24 #2
Speak. :)
Avatar billede bantz Nybegynder
28. november 2002 - 15:29 #3
jimo.dk > yup det har alle hvis de har en router.
Game designerne har lavet det sådan så du kun kan spille på direct connect hvis du ikke har en router.
"DirectIP through a router or firewall is tricky (and not officially supported) because AOM can't use any of the special NAT/firewall routing tricks that is uses when you connect to ESO. The best suggestion is: Just use ESO and everything will work automatically."
Du kan også prøve at åbne et par ports i din router:

Her er en mulig løsning. Jeg tager intet ansvar for om den virker eller fucker noget op for dig :)

Nah, I got directIP to work behind NAT. It was a little tricky, but I figured it out.
The real trick is to get the game to recognize your external IP. In my instance, my internal IP is, and when I host or try to join a direct IP game, that's what the game things my External IP is, so, we have to force the game to find the External IP. There are two methods for doing this.

One, is to set the External IP manually, however, I'll warn you that if you have a dynamic (changing) IP address, then you'll have to change your shortcut every time your IP changes. To do it this way though, I log into my router through the web console, and it gives me my exteral IP address, which is 170.xx.xxx.xx (x's for security purposes), but you have to do more. Now, the game uses some default ports, and I play AoK on the zone also, so I had to be careful when forwarding. I forwarded ports 2300 and 64520 both UDP to my machine ( in my case). Sometimes the game uses port 64520, had to search Knowledgebase to find this.

Next I forwarded zone ports 2301 - 2309 UDP and TCP to ensure my ability to play on the zone to my IP. Now, it's best to force the game to use a port. The game defaults to port 2300, but sometimes uses 64520, so I decided to force it to use 64520. I did this by following these steps:

Right click your AoM shortcut on your desktop. In the target field it shows a shortcu to aom.exe. You want to add the following AFTER the closing quotes: hostPort=64520

This will force your game to use port 64520, but you also need to tell the game your external IP, so I also added: OverrideAddress="xxx.xx.xx.xx" (replaced x's with your IP).

Now, here's what caused the biggest problems for me, as Ifollowed the steps exactly before and they didn't work! If you're using the instructions in Patch.rtf from your game directory, and you copy and paste, and just change the numbers, it changes the regular quotation marks to the ones that face inwards. You not only have to change the IP, but delete and retype the quotation marks also. This will cause it to work correctly. So your Target line would look something like this:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology\aom.exe" hostPort=64520 OverrideAddress="xxx.xxx.xx.xx" (all on one line!)

Now, the other method to do this allows ESO to automatically configure your external IP, I'll explain how and then explain why it doesn't always work.

The only difference in this method is that...instead of using OverrideAddress="xxx.xxx.xx.xx" you're using AddressServer=”repeater.aom.eso.com”

so your shortcut would look like this:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology\aom.exe" hostPort=64520 AddressServer=”repeater.aom.eso.com”

again...all on one line in the Target field of your shortcut properties...now here is why it doesn't always work. In my case, I have a regular DSL modem/router here, and from there it connects directly to my ISP. In some cases, your router is behind yet another router. Though the game should work fine, when using the repeater.aom.eso.com, it sometimes only finds the IP of the second router, and not yours as it needs to. Then you have to input manually. But give this a try and I think it will work fine for you. I followed these steps and I can now host and join perfectly!

By the way, I am running WinXP Pro, with ADSL behind NAT with an internal IP, just as the originator of this topic was. My encapsulation protocal is slightly different (PPPoA as opposed to PPPoE) but it shouldn't make a difference in this case. Try it out...hope this helps!

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