Alternativt skal du løbe strengene igennem og se om der er forskel:
Private Sub Command4_Click() mystring = "ÿØÿw" mycompare = "ÿØÿà" If Len(mystring) <> Len(mycompare) Then MsgBox "Ikke ens" Exit Sub End If For i = 1 To Len(mystring) char1 = Asc(Mid(mystring, i, 1)) char2 = Asc(Mid(mycompare, i, 1))
If char1 <> char2 Then MsgBox "Er IKKE ens" Exit Sub End If
Nu når jeg henter noget ind som binary, kan jeg så beholde det som binary og arbejder med det på den måde - og hvordan får jeg et output der viser mig hvad den læser i binary ?
<-----Åbne fil------> Public Function OpenFile(Optional vntDefaultExt, Optional vntFlags, _ Optional vntFilter, Optional vntFilterIndex) Dim intScreenPointer As Integer On Error Resume Next intScreenPointer = Screen.MousePointer With dlg '.CancelError = True '.DefaultExt = IIf(IsMissing(vntDefaultExt), DEFAULT_EXT, vntDefaultExt) '.Flags = IIf(IsMissing(vntFlags), DEFAULT_FLAGS_OPEN, vntFlags) '.Filter = IIf(IsMissing(vntFilter), DEFAULT_FILTER, vntFilter) '.FilterIndex = IIf(IsMissing(vntFilterIndex), 1, vntFilterIndex) '.ShowOpen 'Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass .FileName = Form1.File1.Path & "\" & Form1.File1.FileName MsgBox .FileName If Not Err Then OpenFile = clsFile.OpenFile(.FileName, False) Else OpenFile = False End If Screen.MousePointer = intScreenPointer End With End Function
<-----Læse fil------> Public Function OpenFile(strFileName As String, _ blnReadOnly As Boolean) As Boolean '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' If the file doesn't exist, then stop immediately. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- If FileExists(strFileName) = False Then Exit Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set up an error handler that will exit the function immediately on ' any error. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- On Error GoTo OpenFile_Err '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Open the file the way the user requested. ' ' NOTE ' Read-Only files will be shared, but Read/Write files will be ' Writelocked to prevent other users from opening the file and ' making changes which will be lost when this file is closed. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- If blnReadOnly Then Open strFileName For Binary Access Read Shared As mintFileHandle Else Open strFileName For Binary Access Read Write Lock Write As mintFileHandle End If '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Since the file was sucessfully opened, then update the class-level ' variables. Also notify the caller that OpenFile succeded. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- mstrFileName = strFileName mblnReadOnly = blnReadOnly mblnFileOpen = True OpenFile = True Exit Function
Det kan genkende filtyper ved at kigge i dem binært....så har man nogle chk filer kan den genkende dem og rename og flytte dem til rette bibloteker....
PT kan den kun lave jpg...skal til at teste filtyper nu :))
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