Hej Jeg skal have indholdet af en Acces tabelcelle vist på en ASP-side - og det kører fint. MEN nu er der en fil med enormt mange karakterer i - flere end Acces vil acceptere som notat - så jeg kan ikke få alle disse karakterer ind i en tabelcelle i Acces. Hvordan får jeg løst dette???
Actually a memo field CAN contain more than 65535 characters! If it doesnt contain binary values and just plain old text. Access help does say usingh DAO but it may be possible with ADO, although I have never tried it!
"Up to 65,535 characters. (If the Memo field is manipulated through DAO and only text and numbers [not binary data] will be stored in it, then the size of the Memo field is limited by the size of the database.)"
well it depends on what you want to do with in once it is in Access! You say in your question that you want to show it in your ASP page. So and idea is NOT to have the file in the dB but in a folder. You only store the path + file name in Access and your ASP uses this to locate an read the file into you page. This method is quite often used for picture files which also fill quite a lot.
ja, den kender jeg, MEN der foregår tekstsøgning i tabelcellerne, så teksten skal være tilstede der. Yes?
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