Avatar billede hugobart Nybegynder
16. september 2002 - 22:53 Der er 1 kommentar og
1 løsning


Hey jeg skal bruge et botscript som der kan autoop autovoice ovs.

Det skal bruges på efnet.

Avatar billede pacman Nybegynder
16. september 2002 - 23:51 #1
Jeg ved godt det er ondt, men du får altså en gang copy+paste..
du kan finde det samme i mircs help file (/help /aop)


The Control dialog performs functions related to channel and user control.

If a user joins a channel where you have Ops and that user's address is listed in the auto-op list, they will be given Op status. You can add an address to the list in the following format:


On IRC, user addresses are specified in the format:


So if my nickname is MadGoat and my address is khaled@mirc.com then to put me in your list, you would use:


If I change nicknames a lot, then you would use:


If I change my nickname and userid a lot, then:


The /aop command

/aop [-rw] <on|off|nick/address> [#channel1,#channel2,...] [type] [network]

The -r switch indicates that the address is to be removed.
The -w switch makes the auto-op apply to any network.

If you do not specify a type then only the users nickname is used. If you specify a type then the users address is looked up via the server.

The $aop identifier returns $true if auto-op is enabled, and $false if it isn't.

The $aop(address/N) identifier returns any matching address in the list, or the Nth address. The .type property returns the list of channels.

The auto-voice list works in exactly the same way as the auto-op list. The /avoice command, which uses the same format as /aop, can be used to add or remove users to your auto-voice list.

The $avoice identifier returns $true if auto-voice is enabled, and $false if it isn't.

The $avoice(address/N) identifier returns any matching address in the list, or the Nth address. The .type property returns the list of channels.

Random delay auto-op/voice
This option introduces a random 1 to 7 seconds delay in the auto-op/voice routine. This is to prevent channel windows from filling up with mode notifications whenever a nickname is in the auto-op/voice list of several users. If at the end of the random delay the user has already been opped/voiced then mIRC does not perform an op/voice.
Avatar billede pacman Nybegynder
16. september 2002 - 23:53 #2
hvis du f.eks. skal autovoice alle der joiner, skriver du:
/avoice *!*@* #kanal
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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