Nej det er fordi artiklen snakker om england i starten. Derfor den snakker om at englænderne opfandt pommes frites osv og så hvad franskmændende opfandt.
This week is National Chip Week but despite the English fondness for potato chips, pomme frite were actually a French invention of the 18th Century. The microchip was also invented elsewhere, by two American's in the late 1950's. Click on the
This week is National Chip Week but despite the English fondness for potato chips, pomme frite were actually a French invention of the 18th Century. The microchip was also invented elsewhere, by two American's in the late 1950's. Click on the picture to see my flash movie explaining how microchips work, or discover more about their invention below.
Before microchips, making electronic circuits was a laborious business that involved soldering individual components together with the necessary wiring. The microchip did away with this by integrating both the electronic components and the wiring into a single unit.
The invention of the microchip was made possible by the development of the transistor in 1947. Transistors were made with new materials called semiconductors, such as silicon or germanium. In their pure state, silicon and germanium don't actually conduct electricity very well. But if they are treated with tiny amounts of either negatively or positively charged metal ions, the charged areas then permit the flow of electrons through the semiconductor.
At first transistors were made as discrete electronic components, but in 1958 Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments had an idea. Not only could you make transistors from semiconductors, but also resistors and capacitors. And since all the necessary components for a electronic circuit could be made from a semiconductor, there was no reason why they couldn't be made in situ on a single chip to make a completely integrated circuit. He demonstrated the first working silicon microchip to his boss on September 12th 1958.
Kup i Uganda - Idi Amin Kvinder får valgret i Schweiz Intel fremstiller den første microchip Louis Armstrong dør Danmark: Oslobåden grundstøder ved Kullen.
Du får bare dine point.. Jeg må finde ud af noget senere :) Tak for hjælpen..
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