Avatar billede charmekbh Nybegynder
28. august 2002 - 09:44 Der er 2 kommentarer

Runtimeerror 429 - ActiveX component cant create object.


Jeg får ovenstående fejl på en win2k Advanced terminal server, når jeg igennem Word med nedenståenstående VB-kode forsøger at åbne en Lotus Notes database.

Det sjove er at fejlen ikke kommer på en workstation, hvor programmerne er installerede på nøjagtigt samme måde.

Der er tilknyttet en bruger til Notes sessionen.

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim i As Long
GemIdNummer2 = "1"
'Åbner Colas Danmark-databasen:
Set session2 = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Set db2 = session2.GetDatabase("Domino20/Virum/ColasDK", "DK_names.nsf")
'Åben det relevante view fra adressedatabasen:
Set view2 = db2.GETVIEW("8. Til brug for brevskabelon")
Avatar billede webcon Nybegynder
31. august 2002 - 00:06 #1
Her skulle der være lidt hjælp:

ActiveX component can't create object or return reference to this object (Error 429) 

Creating objects requires that the object'sclass be registered in the systemregistry and that any associateddynamic-link libraries (DLL) be available. This error has the following causes and solutions:

The class isn't registered. For example, the system registry has no mention of the class, or the class is mentioned, but specifies either a file of the wrong type or a file that can't be found.
If possible, try to start the object's application. If the registry information is out of date or wrong, the application should check the registry and correct the information. If starting the application doesn't fix the problem, rerun the application's setup program.

A DLL required by the object can't be used, either because it can't be found, or it was found but was corrupted.
Make sure all associated DLLs are available. For example, the Data Access Object (DAO) requires supporting DLLs that vary among platforms. You may have to rerun the setup program for such an object if that is what is causing this error.

The object is available on the machine, but it is a licensedAutomation object, and can't verify the availability of the license necessary to instantiate it.
Some objects can be instantiated only after the component finds a license key, which verifies that the object is registered for instantiation on the current machine. When a reference is made to an object through a properly installedtype library orobject library, the correct key is supplied automatically.

If the attempt to instantiate is the result of a CreateObject or GetObject call, the object must find the key. In this case, it may search the system registry or look for a special file that it creates when it is installed, for example, one with the extension .lic. If the key can't be found, the object can't be instantiated. If an end user has improperly set up the object's application, inadvertently deleted a necessary file, or changed the system registry, the object may not be able to find its key. If the key can't be found, the object can't be instantiated. In this case, the instantiation may work on the developer's system, but not on the user's system. It may be necessary for the user to reinstall the licensed object.

You are trying to use the GetObject function to retrieve a reference to class created with Visual Basic.
GetObject can't be used to obtain a reference to a class created with Visual Basic.

Access to the object has explicitly been denied.
For example, you may be trying to access a data object that's currently being used and is locked to prevent deadlock situations. If that's the case, you may be able to access the object at another time.

Avatar billede fraefel Nybegynder
12. september 2002 - 16:08 #2
Lyder som om du ikke har adgang til at oprette en ny instance af objektet, eller at objektet ikke passer sammen med den Notes du har installeret...

Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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