06. august 2002 - 16:41Der er
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Oversætte 2 tekster/Stille
Hej jeg har lavet 2 stille som ikke er verdens længste! Vil en oversætte dem for mig/os!
1. Første stil:
About my self:
My name is Casper Martinsen. I am 15 years old. I live in Copenhagen’s north west. I’m living with my mother and sister. My mother is 36 years and my sister is 10 years old. Every other weekend me and my sister is out to my father and his girlfrind. My father is 37 years old and my stepmother is 38!
My hobbeis: My hobbeis is playing computer, be with my friends, my girlfriend and have it fun so long i can!
My favourit dish: Lagsagne I dont now why but it is GOOD!!
My spare time: There I play computer and are together with my girlfriend (Janni)! My plans: I will be something inside computer i dont know it 100% right now! About the school: It’s not me at go to school but i shell. If it stud to me so i have my own shop there repair and opgrade and set people’s computer up, and maybe freelance webdesigner! In school im not so good, it could be better so in this year i will do something with that but that say’s all but they dind’t do it!
Mit navn er Casper Martinsen. Jeg er 15 år gammel. Jeg bor i det nord-vestlige København, men min mor og min søster. Min mor er 36 år gammel, og min søster er 10 år gammel. Hver anden weekend besøger min søster og jeg min far og hans kæreste. Min far er 37 år gammel, og min stedmor er 38!
Mine hobbyer: Mine hobbyer er at spille computer, være sammen med mine venner, og min kæreste, og have det så sjovt så længe jeg kan.
Min yndlingsret: Lasagne. Jeg ved ikke hvorfor, men det er godt!!
Min fritid: I min fritid spiller jeg computer, og er sammen med min kæreste (Janni)!
Mine planer: Jeg vil være noget indenfor computer, men jeg er ikke 100% sikker endnu. Om Skolen: Det er ikke lige mig at gå i skole, men jeg skal. Hvis det stod til mig, ville jeg have min egen butik hvor man reparerede, opgraderede og satte folks computer op, og måske freelance webdesigner! Jeg er ikke så god i skolen, så i dette år vil jeg gøre noget for at det bliver bedre, men det siger alle, og ingen gør noget ved det.
My name is Casper Martinsen. I am 15 years old. I live in the north west of Copenhagen . I’m living with my mother and sister. My mother is 36 years old and my sister is 10 years old. Every other weekend my sister and I are visiting my father and his girlfrind. My father is 37 years old and my stepmother is 38!
My hobbies: My hobbies is playing computer, be with my friends, my girlfriend and have it fun so long i can!
My favourit dish: Lagsagne I dont now why but it is GOOD!!
My spare time: In my spare time I play computer and is together with my girlfriend (Janni)! My plans: I will be something within computer i dont know it 100% right now! About the school: It’s not me to go to school but i must. If it stood to me then i would have my own shop which repairs and opgrades and set people’s computer up, and maybe freelance webdesigner! In school i am not so good, it could be better, but in this year i will do something about it but. That say’s all but they don't do it!
My name is Casper Martinsen. I am 15 years old. I live in the north west of Copenhagen . I am living with my mother and sister. My mother is 36 years old and my sister is 10 years old. Every other weekend my sister and I are visiting my father and his girlfrind. My father is 37 years old and my stepmother is 38!
My hobbies: My hobbies is playing computer, be with my friends, my girlfriend and have it fun so long i can!
My favourit dish: Lagsagne I dont now why but it is GOOD!!
My spare time: In my spare time I play computer and is together with my girlfriend (Janni)! My plans: I will be something within computer i dont know it 100% right now! About the school: It’s not me to go to school but i must. If it stood to me then i would have my own shop which repairs, opgrades and set people’s computer up, and maybe freelance webdesigner! In school i am not so good, it could be better, but in this year i will do something about it but. That say’s all but they don't do it!
My name is Casper Martinsen. I am 15 years old. I live in the north west of Copenhagen . I am living with my mother and sister. My mother is 36 years old and my sister is 10 years old. Every other weekend my sister and I are visiting my father and his girlfrind. My father is 37 years old and my stepmother is 38!
My hobbies: My hobbies is playing computer, be with my friends, my girlfriend and have it fun so long i can!
My favourit dish: Lagsagne I dont now why but it is GOOD!!
My spare time: In my spare time I play computer and is together with my girlfriend (Janni)! My plans: I will be something within computer i dont know it 100% right now! About the school: It’s not me to go to school but i must. If it stood to me then i would have my own shop which repairs, opgrades and set people’s computer up, and maybe freelance webdesigner! In school i am not so good, it could be better, but in this year i will do something about it but. That say's everybody but they don't do it!
My name is Janni Larsen and I am 16 years old. I live in Copenhagen’s North West quarter. I live with my dad and visit my mom. Family: I have a big family. My mom who name is Anne, my dad who name is John and my brother who name is Thomas. I just mention my nearest family, because I have a big family to mention. Hobbie: My hobbie is shopping. I love it. I don’t know why? But if I go pass a clothes shop is there something who heave in me! School: I like to go at school. I like to sit still with my homework and hear music.There is not something better! I have decide that I will do all what I can in this school year, and get good and maybe better character! Favourit dish: I have many favourit dish eksample ”hjerter i flødesauce, spagetti i kødsauce, lagsange, koteletter, brændende kærlighed” o.s.v but if I shall select something so will it be ”hjerter i flødesauce”
Spare time: In my spare time i make homework if there are some, or is I home with my mom, or is I together with my boyfriend (Casper). If the weather is good I can find on to go to the beat or Bella høj badet.
My name is Janni Larsen and I am 16 years old. I live in the north west quarter of Copenhagen. I live with my dad and visit my mom. Family: I have a big family. My mom whose name is Anne, my dad whose name is John and my brother whose name is Thomas. I just mention my nearest family, because I have a big family. Hobbies: My hobby is shopping. I love it. I don’t know why? But if I go pass a clothing shop there is something which pulls in me! School: I like to go at school. I like to sit still with my homework and hear music.There is not something better! I have decided that I will do all what I can in this school year, and get good and maybe better grades! Favourit dish: I have many favourit dish eksamples ”hjerter i flødesauce, spagetti i kødsauce, lagsange, koteletter, brændende kærlighed” o.s.v but if I must select something then it will be ”hjerter i flødesauce”
Spare time: In my spare time i make homework if there are some, or am I home with my mom, or am I together with my boyfriend (Casper). If the weather is good I often go to the beat or Bella høj badet.
Hmmm, nu ved jeg ikke lige hvor gammel du er, men du må da kunne skrive bedre end som så? Her er en let omskrevet version (som sikkert kan finpudses endnu mere, men det gad jeg ikke lige ;-):
About me: My name is Casper Martinsen. I am 15 years old. I live in the north western part of Copenhagen. I’m living with my mother and sister. My mother is 36 years old and my sister is 10 years old. Every other weekend my sister and I are with my father and his girlfriend. My father is 37 years old and my stepmother is 38!
My hobbies: My hobbies are playing games on my computer, being with my friends and my girlfriend and have as much fun as I can!
My favourite dish: Lasagne. I don’t now why, but it is GOOD!!
My spare time: I play games on my computer and spend time with my girlfriend (Janni)!
My plans: I want to be in the computer-business, but right now I don’t know as what!
About the school: Going to school is not really something I enjoy, but I guess I have to. If I had my own way, I’d have a small shop where I’d repair and upgrade computers and help people set them up. Maybe even do some freelance web-designing! I'm not too succesful in school, I could do better, so this year I’ll have to work harder at that. Everybody says that, but few do it!
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