Avatar billede ewaldo Nybegynder
17. juli 2002 - 13:35 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Kun visning af form, ved backend DB

Min Database er kreeret og fungerer, den skal benyttes af flere brugere, derfor har jeg splittet den så den nu kører som backend.

Jeg ønsker at slut brugeren KUN får den form jeg har defineret, no more no less. Altså ALLE brugerens handlinger skal foregå gennem formen.

Jeg har forsøgt mig med shortcut i form af .MAF, men brugeren får stadig adgang til queries m.m.

Avatar billede terry Ekspert
17. juli 2002 - 13:51 #1
What is .MAF ?

Open the dB and hide the database window. You can also make your own menu and hide the standard window so that they cant play around!
Avatar billede ewaldo Nybegynder
17. juli 2002 - 14:01 #2
.MAF = Microsoft Access Form Shortcut.

The menu is to be hidden within the BE DB, correct?
If so, i think i screwed up :/

By removing basicly anything, in the BE DB, I'm now left with a DB full of data, with no interface :P
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
17. juli 2002 - 14:07 #3
ewaldo>Normally the backend will contain the tables. The forms queries and reports are in the front end. You dont need to think about menu's in the backend!
The tables in the backend are LINKED to the front end
Avatar billede ewaldo Nybegynder
17. juli 2002 - 14:07 #4
Terry you are the MAN! Shift + Open did the trick, as long as users don't find it I'll be ok

Drop an answer and its yours, thanks
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
17. juli 2002 - 14:12 #5
Avatar billede ewaldo Nybegynder
17. juli 2002 - 14:15 #6
Yes i figured, got it all working :)

If you wanna know what the deal with the .MAF, i think it goes like (not sure):

The Front end, is still a .MDB where you can disable/hide menues, etc. BUT user can bypass it with the Shift + open, by using the .MAF you are only providing a shortcut for the actual Front end .MDB, and leaving the end user with only the option to execute the .MAF, dunno if it makes sense.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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