Når du har din foresp UDEN feltet postnr fra tabellen postnr, kan det 'næsten' ikke gå galt. vær opmærksom på at du IKKE kan intaste noget i feltet bynavn
dsjk>This question has just been up a copule of times over the last few days! Go into the Kundeoplysninger table in design view. Change tha data type to Lookup Wizard and follow the instrauctions! This will (should) make a relationship from Kundeoplysninger to the Postnummer table. Now create a form using the form wizard and choose the Kundeoplysninger table. This should give you a form where the Postnr is NOW a combo box. The Postnr in the combo is BOUND to the postnr in Kundeoplysninger table. Is this what you want?
If you want to be able to choose either postnr or name then copy the combo box so that you now have TWO combo's, both are BOUND to the forms Postnr. You now need to alter the Column Widths so that the first combo shows only the Postnr and the second only the name
2.54cm;0cm and 0cm;2.54cm for example.
Now when you choose posnr th ename will also get shown in th eother combo and if you choose the name the number will get shown!
Terry> formularen er lavet, og jeg vil helst ikke lave en ny, da jeg så skal rette en helt ´del til. Er der en måde hvor jeg kan tilføje det til den formular jeg allerde har lavet?
you can also CHANGE the postnr field to a combo box. Right click on the field and choose change to and select combo box. But now you need to later the the parameters manually and if you made a new form with them on they are already made for you!
Den oprindelige formular var ikke lavet på en forespørgsel, så det gav lidt problemer. Men nu har jeg lavet forspørgslen og rettet formularen til.
Tak for hjælpen
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