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* 01 October 1998
This file will requires you to know where your system directory is located.
The path of the system directory will be refered to %SYSTEM% for the remainder
of this file.
- For Windows 95 users, this is located at <%windir%\system\>. For most users,
this is <C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\>.
- For Windows NT users, this is located at <%systemroot%\system\>. For most
users, this is <C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\>.
For Microsoft Window 95 or Microsoft Windows NT:
Right-click on the My Computer icon and select Properties or go to the Control
Panel and select System. A System Properties dialog box should appear.
If the computer you purchased was pre-loaded from a manufacturer, you may see
that manufacturer's logo and service information on the bottom portion of the
panel. If you loaded Windows 95 or NT yourself than no OEM logo or information
should appear at the bottom of the dialog box.
It is very easy to delete, modify, or add your own information. There are two
parts to updating that panel - the graphic logo and the text information.
To add a logo, create any bitmap image file with the extension .BMP, and name
it OEMLOGO.BMP. Place it in your %SYSTEM% directory. The graphic will appear
on the panel the next time you bring it up. You may have to adjust the size of
the graphic to get it to fit correctly in the allocated space.
To add your text information, create a text file named OEMINFO.INI, and place
it in your %SYSTEM% directory.
The format of the file is as follows:
Model= - friend of piglet
[Support Information]
Line1=.plan file; Hans Yum
Line16=last updated 98.05.18
The first section, "[general]", lists the info shown on the System Properties.
The second section, "[Support Information]", is optional. If added, then the
"Support Information" button will appear. Clicking that button brings up a
panel with the text listed.
To remove an existing OEM logo and information, simply delete or renaming the