02. juni 2002 - 14:33Der er
14 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Addon til Database.
Jeg har en Database i ACCESS, og vil gerne have lavet en addon som fortæller mig "der er lige nu xx annoncer i databasen", er der nogen som kan hjælpe mig med det
Hvis du lægger en select på en form som åbnes automatisk når du åbner databasen, kan du få denne til at displaye antallet af annoncer. Jeg går ud fra du kun vil se antallet når du åbner db?
nusemivs>I am guessing that your talking about a web application. So you need to make a SELECT query in the Access database. Something like SELECT count(*) from YourTable where YourTable is the name of the table containing "annoncer" I cant see your database or tables but I could imagine that there will be a need for a flag for open and closed "annoncer" so your SELECT MAY look like this
SELECT count(*) from YourTable WHERE Active = -1
Active is a True/False field named Active True (-1) if "annoncer" is Active False (0) if not!
hansk>> Nej jeg vil have et linie stående i min menu hvor der står hvor mange annoncer der er.............kig lige på min menu: http://www.rooms4rent.dk
OK, Så kan du åbne et recordset hvor du laver en forespørgsel og trækker værdien ind i dit script. Det kunne være noget lignende dette:
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.open "SELECT Count(*) From YourTable WHERE Criteria", YourConnection YourVariable=rs("CountOfYourField") Rs.Close set rs = Nothing
nusermivs>I would like to see the solution, you have after all received a couple of answers, so if you have used these then they should get the points.
nusermivs>As hansk states, you dont know that you can or cant use all or only PART of the answers given before your friend has made a solution. You rejected my answer and then asked hansk to help you so there MUST be something you can use! Perhaps we could get admin to take a look!
that doesnt show anything but text and 0, not HOW the 0 is found!
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