Avatar billede kholst Nybegynder
28. juli 2000 - 15:11 Der er 19 kommentarer og
1 løsning

DNS og SMTP på intranet

Er det muligt at få sin lokale server til at hente mail fra en eller flere POP3-kontoer og dernæst videresende det til klienterne som SMTP.
Dette er tilsyneladende den eneste måde at levere mailen direkte til klietens postprogram eller hva\'?
Jeg antager at det kan lade sig gøre med Exchange-server, men hvad er der af alternativer ?
Avatar billede twister10 Nybegynder
28. juli 2000 - 15:20 #1
Internet Anywhere Mail server, den køre jeg selv med, den kræver blot en internet forbindelse (nnnøøøjj :-) ) også kører den, så er det muligt via denne at hente fra outlook eudora og netscape m.m

I outlook konfigurerer du den blot således at du indsætter postmaskinens IP adresse til både send og modtag, og giver den et brugernavn og passwd. så virker den, du har MAAANGE opsætningsmuligheder, jeg kører selv med den uden probs. og den er HURTIG !

Se mere på http://www.tnsoft.com

Skriv hvis du skal have hjælp til det..
Avatar billede twister10 Nybegynder
28. juli 2000 - 15:22 #2
Her er lidt info omkring denne :

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server is a full featured Internet standards compliant, electronic mail server. It is the central repository for all electronic mail communication to and from your organization. The IA Mail Server allows one computer within your company to communicate with other mail servers on the Internet and all of the computers within your TCP/IP network. The IA Mail Server acts as a post office for the Internet email clients on your network. Email clients such as Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Mail and others can communicate with the server to send and receive email, locally and to the world via the Internet.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server supports Mailing List, Infoserver, Robot and Group mailbox features to empower your organization to communicate with the world. Powerful Spam Control tools have been built into the mail server to help you fight unwanted unsolicited bulk email. The SmartPOP feature can allow your organization to consolidate multiple POP accounts or to utilize a single low cost account for your company\'s email. Remote Administration via HTTP and email is also supported.

Se mere på The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server is a full featured Internet standards compliant, electronic mail server. It is the central repository for all electronic mail communication to and from your organization. The IA Mail Server allows one computer within your company to communicate with other mail servers on the Internet and all of the computers within your TCP/IP network. The IA Mail Server acts as a post office for the Internet email clients on your network. Email clients such as Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Mail and others can communicate with the server to send and receive email, locally and to the world via the Internet.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server supports Mailing List, Infoserver, Robot and Group mailbox features to empower your organization to communicate with the world. Powerful Spam Control tools have been built into the mail server to help you fight unwanted unsolicited bulk email. The SmartPOP feature can allow your organization to consolidate multiple POP accounts or to utilize a single low cost account for your company\'s email. Remote Administration via HTTP and email is also supported.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server is a full featured Internet standards compliant, electronic mail server. It is the central repository for all electronic mail communication to and from your organization. The IA Mail Server allows one computer within your company to communicate with other mail servers on the Internet and all of the computers within your TCP/IP network. The IA Mail Server acts as a post office for the Internet email clients on your network. Email clients such as Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Mail and others can communicate with the server to send and receive email, locally and to the world via the Internet.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server supports Mailing List, Infoserver, Robot and Group mailbox features to empower your organization to communicate with the world. Powerful Spam Control tools have been built into the mail server to help you fight unwanted unsolicited bulk email. The SmartPOP feature can allow your organization to consolidate multiple POP accounts or to utilize a single low cost account for your company\'s email. Remote Administration via HTTP and email is also supported.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server is a full featured Internet standards compliant, electronic mail server. It is the central repository for all electronic mail communication to and from your organization. The IA Mail Server allows one computer within your company to communicate with other mail servers on the Internet and all of the computers within your TCP/IP network. The IA Mail Server acts as a post office for the Internet email clients on your network. Email clients such as Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Mail and others can communicate with the server to send and receive email, locally and to the world via the Internet.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server supports Mailing List, Infoserver, Robot and Group mailbox features to empower your organization to communicate with the world. Powerful Spam Control tools have been built into the mail server to help you fight unwanted unsolicited bulk email. The SmartPOP feature can allow your organization to consolidate multiple POP accounts or to utilize a single low cost account for your company\'s email. Remote Administration via HTTP and email is also supported.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server is a full featured Internet standards compliant, electronic mail server. It is the central repository for all electronic mail communication to and from your organization. The IA Mail Server allows one computer within your company to communicate with other mail servers on the Internet and all of the computers within your TCP/IP network. The IA Mail Server acts as a post office for the Internet email clients on your network. Email clients such as Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Mail and others can communicate with the server to send and receive email, locally and to the world via the Internet.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server supports Mailing List, Infoserver, Robot and Group mailbox features to empower your organization to communicate with the world. Powerful Spam Control tools have been built into the mail server to help you fight unwanted unsolicited bulk email. The SmartPOP feature can allow your organization to consolidate multiple POP accounts or to utilize a single low cost account for your company\'s email. Remote Administration via HTTP and email is also supported.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server is a full featured Internet standards compliant, electronic mail server. It is the central repository for all electronic mail communication to and from your organization. The IA Mail Server allows one computer within your company to communicate with other mail servers on the Internet and all of the computers within your TCP/IP network. The IA Mail Server acts as a post office for the Internet email clients on your network. Email clients such as Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Mail and others can communicate with the server to send and receive email, locally and to the world via the Internet.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server supports Mailing List, Infoserver, Robot and Group mailbox features to empower your organization to communicate with the world. Powerful Spam Control tools have been built into the mail server to help you fight unwanted unsolicited bulk email. The SmartPOP feature can allow your organization to consolidate multiple POP accounts or to utilize a single low cost account for your company\'s email. Remote Administration via HTTP and email is also supported.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server is a full featured Internet standards compliant, electronic mail server. It is the central repository for all electronic mail communication to and from your organization. The IA Mail Server allows one computer within your company to communicate with other mail servers on the Internet and all of the computers within your TCP/IP network. The IA Mail Server acts as a post office for the Internet email clients on your network. Email clients such as Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Mail and others can communicate with the server to send and receive email, locally and to the world via the Internet.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server supports Mailing List, Infoserver, Robot and Group mailbox features to empower your organization to communicate with the world. Powerful Spam Control tools have been built into the mail server to help you fight unwanted unsolicited bulk email. The SmartPOP feature can allow your organization to consolidate multiple POP accounts or to utilize a single low cost account for your company\'s email. Remote Administration via HTTP and email is also supported.

  The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server is a full featured Internet standards compliant, electronic mail server. It is the central repository for all electronic mail communication to and from your organization. The IA Mail Server allows one computer within your company to communicate with other mail servers on the Internet and all of the computers within your TCP/IP network. The IA Mail Server acts as a post office for the Internet email clients on your network. Email clients such as Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Mail and others can communicate with the server to send and receive email, locally and to the world via the Internet.

The Internet Anywhere® Mail Server supports Mailing List, Infoserver, Robot and Group mailbox features to empower your organization to communicate with the world. Powerful Spam Control tools have been built into the mail server to help you fight unwanted unsolicited bulk email. The SmartPOP feature can allow your organization to consolidate multiple POP accounts or to utilize a single low cost account for your company\'s email. Remote Administration via HTTP and email is also supported.

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Avatar billede twister10 Nybegynder
28. juli 2000 - 15:22 #3

Kom til at paste LIDT for mange gange UNDSKYLD !!
Avatar billede arriva Nybegynder
28. juli 2000 - 17:39 #4
Avatar billede dr-data Nybegynder
29. juli 2000 - 01:16 #5

DIT KEYBOARD/MUSKEL-SYSTEM er vel ikke defekt...

| |
Avatar billede twister10 Nybegynder
29. juli 2000 - 10:22 #6

Næææ men jeg har overvejet at skifte batterierne :-)
Avatar billede lbhansen Nybegynder
10. august 2000 - 23:31 #7
I linux kan man  bruge fetchmail til at hente mail, som sender dem videre med smtp til den maskine den kører på. Man kan så bruge sendmail til at gemme dom. Klienterne skal så bruge sendmail som mailserver, og hente mails derfra.
Avatar billede atomizer Nybegynder
13. september 2000 - 11:45 #8
Jeg vil anbefale at i installere Windows NT eller 2k.
Der kan i bruge Internet Information Server til at hente mail og sende det på besteme tidspunkte (både POP3 (ind) & SMPT (ud)).
Internet Information Server er let at sætte op og administre.

En anden mulighed kunne være at installere Linux på en forholdsvis gammel pc (det kræver ikke så mange resourcer af hardwaren).
I kan bruge servicen sendmail, der er godtnok lidt teknisk at sætte op, men der er en god dokumentation med. Du kan også bruget et grafisk værktøj til at konfigurere det med. Det hedder WebMin og er Freeware (kan hentes fra www.webmin.com)
Sendmail er en meget stabil deamon og biver brugt af mange Internetudbydere (ISP)

Held og Lykke!!!

Avatar billede kholst Nybegynder
12. oktober 2000 - 08:22 #9
Jeg tror lige jeg bliver nødt til at uddybe mit spørgsmål lidt.
Det jeg forespurgte var en mailserver der kan transportere mails ud til klient pc\'erne vha. smtp-protokollen. Det er så vidt jeg forstår et exchange netværk fungerer - dermed skal man ikke selv tjekke mail - mailserveren \"skubber\" det ud til klienten.
Avatar billede victor44 Nybegynder
13. oktober 2000 - 15:53 #10
Så skal du oprette alle maskinerne der skal have mail som deres eget \'domain\' og installere en mailserver på hver. Så kan du have en \'hoved\' mail server der modtager mail fra internettet og via alias sender til de forskellige maskiner/mailservere. Sendmail kan dette.
På exchange er det også klienten der \'checker\' mail.
LINUX/UNIX er nok det eneste OS der er lavet til dette. Oprindeligt har det fungeret sådan at der var en *NIX maskine som alle brugere arbejdede på via en terminal. Brugerne kunne så læse deres mail på denne måde, men alt mail lå \'lokalt\'.
Men, helt ærligt er det ikke at skyde gråspurve med kanoner. Kan du ikke sætte dine klienter til at checke selv ?
Avatar billede victor44 Nybegynder
12. december 2000 - 14:10 #11
Hmm. Sker der noget ?
Avatar billede twister10 Nybegynder
12. december 2000 - 18:45 #12
Tror han er VÆK :-)

Det er et gammelt spørgsmål :-)
Avatar billede kholst Nybegynder
16. januar 2001 - 08:37 #13
Jeg er ikke helt væk!

Efter lang tid tror jeg lige jeg ville omformulere mit spørgsmål.

Kort sagt: findes der produkter lign. MS Exchange Server - en knap så hardwarekrævende version.

Jeg har brug for en \"light\" version af Exchange eller lign. til et mindre netværk.
Avatar billede twister10 Nybegynder
17. januar 2001 - 13:20 #14
Internet Anywhere Mail server, den køre jeg selv med, den kræver blot en internet forbindelse (nnnøøøjj :-) ) også kører den, så er det muligt via denne at hente fra outlook eudora og netscape m.m
Som jeg har sagt det før :-)))

Det her kan køre FINT på en 486\'er så mon ikke det er fint til dig :-)


I outlook konfigurerer du den blot således at du indsætter postmaskinens IP adresse til både send og modtag, og giver den et brugernavn og passwd. så virker den, du har MAAANGE opsætningsmuligheder, jeg kører selv med den uden probs. og den er HURTIG !

Se mere på http://www.tnsoft.com

Skriv hvis du skal have hjælp til det..
Avatar billede kholst Nybegynder
17. januar 2001 - 13:40 #15
Tak for dit svare twister.
Jeg har haft kiggertlidt på Internet Anywhere, men den er som navnet antyder kun en mailserver.
Jeg har mindst ligeså meget brug for kalender og opgave funktionerne.

Har du et andet forslag?
Avatar billede twister10 Nybegynder
17. januar 2001 - 13:45 #16
ØØhhh så er jeg på den, for efter hvad jeg ved, så kan Outlook kun arbejde sammen med Exchange kalenderen :-(

Ellers prøv Eudora, jeg er ikke sikker om deres mailserver løsning har det indbygget, men prøv at kigge, ellers er jeg godt nok løbet tør for ideer :-)

Sorry !¨
Avatar billede chrr Nybegynder
26. januar 2001 - 01:48 #17
Hej khost,

SMTP = at sende mail
POP = at hente mail

Exchange \"pusher\" mail til sine klienter vha. en modificeret IMAP protokol, som egentlig fungere efter samme princip som eksempelvis hostmail, man logger ind på et system som modtager ens mail samt opbevare denne.

Men en mulighed var vel at sætte en SMTP/POP3 server op som modtager de pågældende mails (de fleste mailhoteller kan sættes op til at forwarde til en SMTP server) Dine klienter kunne så herefter via POP3 hente deres mails periodisk fra denne?

Hvis du har mulighed for at køre linux ville jeg foreslå at installere Qmail.

Avatar billede yezper Nybegynder
29. januar 2001 - 00:58 #18
kholst > Hvad med Novell GroupWise 5.5?
Avatar billede kholst Nybegynder
12. februar 2001 - 12:13 #19
Jeg tror jeg er nået frem til at nok ikke er et rigtigt alternativ til exchange-server - eller nærmere sagt et alternativ der matcher míne krav.

Jeg acceptererTak for dit svar chrr
Avatar billede kholst Nybegynder
12. februar 2001 - 12:15 #20
Men det kan være der er nogle der kan fortælle mig hvordan man undgår at exchange sluger al for meget hukommelse og processortid - er der nogle service man kan stoppe eller lign?
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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