Avatar billede xpx Nybegynder
28. maj 2002 - 16:36 Der er 11 kommentarer og
3 løsninger

Engelsk definition? too/to


Jeg sidder her, og kan ikke komme i tanke om en difinition, at ordne: "too" og "to". Hvad skal jeg skrive/sige?

Avatar billede dcgeek Nybegynder
28. maj 2002 - 16:39 #1
Too= Me too (også mig)
To=til. (f.eks. "From PHP to Delphi")
Avatar billede cazzznh Nybegynder
28. maj 2002 - 16:40 #2
Too many (for mange)
Avatar billede chries Nybegynder
28. maj 2002 - 16:41 #3
too kan også betyde "for"

too much (for meget)
Avatar billede zaditor Nybegynder
28. maj 2002 - 16:49 #4
Hello My name is xpx. I want TO hear you about, what the meaning is, of to/too.... Or is that TOO much TO aks for.....'

Avatar billede narkolas Nybegynder
28. maj 2002 - 16:49 #5
to do (at ordne) eller (at gøre)
Avatar billede prodic Mester
28. maj 2002 - 16:54 #6
too 1 (» også) îîîîî [tu:]
1.    adverbium: (sætn/frase ADV) = også · You use too after mentioning another person, thing, or aspect that a previous statement applies to or includes. ‹ 'Nice to talk to you.'----'Nice to talk to you too.'... 'I've got a great feeling about it.'----'Me too.'... Depression may be expressed physically too... He doesn't want to meet me. I, too, have been afraid to talk to him... We talked to her agent. He's your agent, too, right?
2.    adverbium: (sætn/frase ADV) = oven i købet; tilmed; ydermere · You use too after adding a piece of information or a comment to a statement, in order to emphasize that it is surprising or important. ‹ We did learn to read, and quickly too... People usually think of it as a 'boys' book', which of course it is, and a very good one too. BRUG: fremhævende SYNONYM: as well
3.    adverbium: (sætn ADV) = også · You use too at the end of a sentence to emphasize an opinion that you have added after a statement made by you or by another person. ‹ 'That money's mine.'----'Of course it is, and quite right too.'... 'Oh excuse me.'----'I should think so too.'... The banks are being told to think about small businesses a little more. And about time too. BRUG: fremhævende
4.    adverbium: (ADV efter hjælpevb) = så · You use too in order to emphasize in a humorous or childish way your contradiction of what someone else has said or your refusal to obey them. ‹ 'I'm getting a bike for my birthday.'----'You are not.'----'I am too.' NB: I do too! = vel gør jeg så! BRUG: uformel; fremhævende

too 2 (» overmål) îîîîî [tu:]
1.    adverbium: (ADV adj/adv; ofte ADV adj/adv to-inf) = for · You also use too in order to indicate that there is a greater amount or degree of something than is desirable, necessary, or acceptable. ‹ Leather jeans that are too big will make you look larger... Eggs shouldn't be kept in the fridge, it's too cold... The shaking inside may be due to low blood sugar, too much caffeine or too many cigarettes... She was drinking too much, eating too much, having too many late nights... 'I've come to see Miss Ridley.'----'Then I'm afraid you're too late, sir. She's gone.' ...I know you need your freedom too much to stay with me.
2.    adverbium: (med neg. indhold; ADV adj) = alt for · You use too with a negative to make what you are saying sound less forceful or more polite or cautious. ‹ Americans are never too keen to leave their beloved country... I wasn't too happy with what I'd written so far... He won't be too pleased to see you. SYNONYM: very
3.    adverbium: (ADV adj) = alt for · You also use too when you want to emphasize in a fairly formal way your thanks to someone for something that they have done for you. ‹ 'I'll try and get you a cake.'----'Oh Ann you're too kind.' BRUG: fremhævende
4.    frase: (FRASE adv/adj) = kun alt for · You use all too or only too to emphasize that something happens to a greater extent or degree than is pleasant or desirable. ‹ She remembered it all too well... She is all too aware that we should be grateful for good health... The letter spoke only too clearly of his anxiety for her. BRUG: fremhævende
5.    frase: (kopulaverbum FRASE; FRASE efter vb) = for lidt for sent · If you describe a situation as too little too late, you are blaming someone for not doing enough to prevent a problem and for taking action only after the problem had become very bad. ‹ They think this is too little too late... The government is now bringing in laws to reduce air pollution. But, is it a case of too little, too late? BRUG: misbilligende

Du kan også få forklaringen på "to" - den er bare endnu længere :)
Avatar billede xpx Nybegynder
28. maj 2002 - 17:04 #7
Prodic> Jeg er lytter øre.. :]

Avatar billede seraphiel Nybegynder
28. maj 2002 - 17:22 #8
" Or is that TOO much TO aks for.... "

Det hedder faktisk " Or is it too much to ask for ? " ..
Avatar billede prodic Mester
28. maj 2002 - 17:23 #9
to 1 (som præposition og adverbium) îîîîî BEMÆRK:  Udtales sædvanligvis [t@] foran en konsonant og [tU] foran en vokal, men kan udtales [tu:] når det er trykstærk. Ud over det nedenfor viste bruges to efter visse verber, substantiver og adjektiver og i fraseverber som 'see to' og 'come to'. Det bruges også ved visse verber med to objekter foran det indirekte objekt.
1.    præposition = til · You use to when indicating the place that someone or something visits, moves towards, or points at. ‹ Two friends and I drove to Florida during college spring break... Ramsay made a second visit to Italy. ...a five-day road and rail journey to Peking... She went to the window and looked out... He pointed to a chair, signalling for her to sit.
2.    præposition = til · If you go to an event, you go where it is taking place. ‹ We went to a party at the leisure centre... He came to dinner... I do hope you'll be able to come to the wedding... Eliza accepted Charles' invitation to a house party.
3.    præposition = til · If something is attached to something larger or fixed to it, the two things are joined together. ‹ There was a piece of cloth tied to the dog's collar... Many patients prefer hand-held shower heads rather than those fixed to the wall... Scrape off all the meat juices stuck to the bottom of the pan.
4.    præposition = til; på; mod · You use to when indicating the position of something. For example, if something is to your left, it is nearer your left side than your right side. ‹ Hemingway's studio is to the right... You will see the chapel on the hill to your left... Atlanta was only an hour's drive to the north.
5.    præposition: (vb n PRÆP n) = til · When you give something to someone, they receive it. ‹ He picked up the knife and gave it to me... Firms should be allowed to offer jobs to the long-term unemployed at a lower wage.
6.    præposition: (adj/n PRÆP n) = mod; på · You use to to indicate who or what an action or a feeling is directed towards. ‹ Marcus has been most unkind to me today. ...troops loyal to the government. ...the problem of cruelty to children... I have had to pay for repairs to the house.
7.    præposition: (adj/n PRÆP n) = for; på · You use to with certain nouns and adjectives to show that a following noun is related to them. ‹ He is a witty man, and an inspiration to all of us... Marriage is not the answer to everything... She was very sympathetic to the problems of adult students.
8.    præposition = { }; til · If you say something to someone, you want that person to listen and understand what you are saying. ‹ I'm going to have to explain to them that I can't pay them.
9.    præposition = til · You use to when indicating someone's reaction to something or someone's feelings about a situation or event. For example, if you say that something happens to someone's relief, you mean that they are relieved when it happens. ‹ To his surprise, the bedroom door was locked... He survived, to the amazement of surgeons.
10.    præposition = for · You use to when indicating the person whose opinion you are stating. ‹ It was clear to me that he respected his boss... Everyone seemed to her to be amazingly kind. ¤ according to: se according.
11.    præposition = til · You use to when indicating what something or someone is becoming, or the state or situation that they are progressing towards. ‹ The shouts changed to screams of terror. ...an old ranch house that has been converted to a nature centre. ...a return to active politics... Charles has been promoted to general sales and marketing manager.
12.    præposition: (n PRÆP n) = for · To can be used as a way of introducing the person or organization you are employed by, when you perform some service for them. ‹ Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne... He was an official interpreter to the government of Nepal.
13.    præposition = til · You use to to indicate that something happens until the time or amount mentioned is reached. ‹ Every vehicle was banned from coming into Mexico City one day a week from Monday to Friday... From 1977 to 1985 the United States gross national product grew 21 percent... The annual rate of inflation in Britain has risen to its highest level for eight years.
14.    præposition: (from n PRÆP n) = til · You use to when indicating the last thing in a range of things, usually when you are giving two extreme examples of something. ‹ I read everything from fiction to history and science. ...mechanical toys and gadgets, from typewriters to toy cars. ...new orders for everything from computers to trucks.
15.    præposition: (from n PRÆP n) = til · If someone goes from place to place or from job to job, they go to several places, or work in several jobs, and spend only a short time in each one. ‹ Larry and Andy had drifted from place to place, worked at this and that.
16.    frase: (FRASE efter vb) = frem og tilbage · If someone moves to and fro, they move repeatedly from one place to another and back again, or from side to side. ‹ She stood up and began to pace to and fro... The boat was rocking gently to and fro in the water. ¤ Se også to-ing and fro-ing.
17.    præposition: (mængdetal/n PRÆP mængdetal) = i // fem minutter i otte · You use to when you are stating a time which is less than thirty minutes before an hour. For example, if it is five to eight, it is five minutes before eight o'clock. ‹ At twenty to six I was waiting by the entrance to the station... At exactly five minutes to nine, Ann left her car and entered the building.
18.    præposition: (mængde PRÆP mængde) = på; til · You use to when giving ratios and rates. ‹ ...engines that can run at 60 miles to the gallon. ...a mixture of one part milk to two parts water.
19.    præposition = til · You use to when indicating that two things happen at the same time. For example, if something is done to music, it is done at the same time as music is being played. ‹ Romeo left the stage, to enthusiastic applause... Amy woke up to the sound of her doorbell ringing... 'I've got an idea,' said Edward to a chorus of groans.
20.    konvention = det er det hele; værre er det ikke · If you say 'There's nothing to it', 'There's not much to it', or 'That's all there is to it', you are emphasizing how simple you think something is. ‹ 'There is nothing to it,' those I asked about it told me... She's going through a difficult time. That's all there is to it. BRUG: fremhævende
21.    adverbium: (ADV efter vb) = til; i · If you push or shut a door to, you close it but may not shut it completely. ‹ He slipped out, pulling the door to.

to 2 (foran infinitiv) îîîîî BEMÆRK:  Udtales [t@] foran en konsonant og [tU] foran en vokal.
1.    : (to inf) = at · You use to before the base form of a verb to form the 'to-infinitive'. You use the to-infinitive after certain verbs, nouns, and adjectives, and after words such as 'how', 'which', and 'where'. ‹ The management wanted to know what I was doing there... She told ministers of her decision to resign... Trish was the first to see him... Nuclear plants are expensive to build, though cheap to operate... Darling! It's lovely to see you... She did not take the judge's advice about how to do her job... The Foreign Minister is to visit China... The youngest child, John, was to die at the age of fourteen.
2.    : (to inf) = for at · You use to before the base form of a verb to indicate the purpose or intention of an action. ‹ ...using the experience of big companies to help small businesses... He was doing this to make me more relaxed... He is leaving tomorrow to play his first match. ...programs set up to save animals... To help provide essential nourishment, we've put together these nutritious drinks. SYNONYM: in order to ¤ in order to: se order.
3.    : (to inf) = for at · You use to before the base form of a verb when you are commenting on a statement that you are making, for example when saying that you are being honest or brief, or that you are summing up or giving an example. ‹ I'm disappointed, to be honest... Well, to sum up, what is the message that you are trying to get across?
4.    : (to inf) = at · You use to before the base form of a verb in exclamations when you are emphasizing a very strong emotion, such as a desire or wish, or a regret or disappointment. ‹ Oh, to think of his poor wife, standing there helpless... But then to be let down like that, oh it's so unfair! BRUG: fremhævende
5.    : (to inf) = for at; og · You use to before the base form of a verb when indicating what situation follows a particular action. ‹ He made his way to the kitchen to find Francis cooking... From the garden you walk down to discover a large and beautiful lake... He awoke to find Charlie standing near the bed.
6.    = til at // for meget til at / gammel nok til at · You use to with 'too' and 'enough' in expressions like too much to and old enough to.

Du bad selv om det :-) - desuden kan jeg anbefale dig en normal ordbog eller et at de små 25 kroners hæfter som du nok kender fra Dansk/Tysk.
Avatar billede xpx Nybegynder
28. maj 2002 - 17:25 #10
Okey... Jeg bad om det, og jeg fik det :] *sider og læser de sidste linier*. Mange tak! (Kunne du overtales til at lægge et svar?) Og.. Jeg er på vej ud efter sådan en ordbog :]

Avatar billede prodic Mester
28. maj 2002 - 17:26 #11
seraphiel ->
Det kommer meget an på hvad man hentyder til i sætningen der forekom før.
Avatar billede prodic Mester
28. maj 2002 - 17:26 #12
Xpx ->Done :)
Avatar billede xpx Nybegynder
28. maj 2002 - 17:41 #13
Så skulle det være gjort :]

Avatar billede zaditor Nybegynder
28. maj 2002 - 17:48 #14
takker for point
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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