21. maj 2002 - 10:46Der er
5 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Aflevering og arkivering i en udlånsdatabase i Access 2000
Jeg er i gang med en skoleopgave, er forholdsvis newbie i Access og arbejder alene.
Jeg er begyndt på at lave en afleveringsformular med tilhørende underformularer, som lige nu viser det, den enkelte låner har lånt på forskellige datoer.
I forbindelse med afleveringen skal der ske følgende: Udlånet skal arkiveres som en aflevering (evt. en arkivtabel), chkStatus skal ændres til unchecket, fordi hardwaren ikke længere er udlånt. Hvert enkelt stykke hardware er unikt identificeret, mens software blot registreres på navnet.
Jeg søger en god og brugervenlig løsning på mit problem.
solution! All tables and forms already existed, so the following was suggested.
Why do you need to archive the “aflevering”, I assume that you DO NOT intend deleting the records once returned “afleveret”?
If you change the queries which the sub forms are based on to JUST select those where the “afleveringsdato” field is NOT empty then all you need to do is enter a date in the “afleveringsdato”, and requery the form to show those where the “afleveringsdato” field is empty!
If it is a record in the hardware sub form then you can also uncheck the status field in the BEFORE UPDATE event.
If you do it this way then you can always make a query to see those which have been returned by selecting those with a date in the “afleveringsdato” field!
Another way to do it is to have a button on each SUB form. You select a record in the sub form then press the button which then sets the date field to Now() and the Status to unchecked and then requeries the form. This still means that you alter the queries so that only those where the “afleveringsdato” field is empty are selected.
and thanks for the points :o)
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