<?include("header.php"); if( isset($task2Explain) ){ $_SESSION["task2Explain"] = $task2Explain; } ?> <script language="javascript"> var val = 0;
function saveData(){
if (document.Task3.isReady() == "yes") { document.Task3.submit(); return true; } else { alert("You have to calculate before continuing!"); return false; } }
function choose(){ if(document.actionForm.factor.value != "-") { document.Task3.setI(document.actionForm.factor.value); } } </script> <h1>Task 3 of 6</h1> <form name="actionForm" action="task4.php" onsubmit="return saveData();"> <p>The inclination angle is called i. If i = 0° or i = 180° we see a circle, and a line if i = 90°. For any other value of i between 0° and 180°, we see an ellipse. </p> <table widht="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top"><p><img src="img/ampersand.gif" width="24" height="30" class="ampersand"> How can you determine i from the measurement of the major and minor axes of the ellipse (choose a relationship)? The figure below might help in deriving this relationship. </p> </td> <td align="center"> <select name="factor" onchange="choose();"><option value="-">choose...</option> <option value="0">i = asin(minor/major)</option> <option value="1">i = acos(minor/major)</option> <option value="2">i = atan(minor/major)</option> <option value="3">i = acos(minor/(major * 20^(1/2)))</option> <option value="4">i = asin(minor/(major * 20^(-1/2)))</option> <option value="5">i = asin((minor - ln 4)/major)</option> <option value="6">i = asin(minor/(e^major))</option> </select></td> </tr> </table> <img src="img/fig10.gif" width="725" height="228" border="0"> <p class="pictureText"> Figure A: An inclination angle i, describes the tilt of an object, e.g. a ring, away from the plane of the sky.<br> <br> Figure B: Imagine that we are now looking at the system from the side, so that we see the ring with an inclination angle, i, relative to the plane of the sky (this plane is perpendicular to the observer’s line of sight). The inclination angle can be derived from a simple relation between the minor and major axes of the observed ellipse. The nearest part, A, and the furthest part, B, of the ring are indicated. </p>
<p><img src="img/ampersand.gif" width="24" height="30" class="ampersand"> Measure the major and minor angular diameter of the ellipse and calculate. The inclination angle i, is calculated from the relationship you chose. </p> <p align="center"><applet code="Task3" width="357" height="500" name="Task3" id="Task3"> <param name="sessionid" value="<?=session_id()?>"> </applet></p> <center><input type="submit" value="Proceed to task 4"></center> </form> <?include("footer.php")?>
<ole> Det burde ingen browser kunne. En select adskiller sig semantisk fra andre formelementer, når man skal hente den aktuelle værdi af den. At nogle browsere kan hente 'value' er en fejl ;o)
Du bør nok lukke spørgsmålet. Bare svar selv og tag pointene tilbage. /mvh </bole>
Mange tak for hjælpen :o) Kool at folk gider svare selv uden point :o) Tais
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