Du skal bruge Access programet som kan købes selvstendig eller i en af de mange office parkér. Du kan også få fat i programmet runtime fra microsoft. Runtime er et program der gør at de databser du instalere på din venners/kunders maskiner ikke behøver at have instalere Access.
hvis du vil se hvad databasen indeholder (altså tabellerne) kan du lave en odbc forbindelse til databasen, og så bruge sql sætninger til at undersøge den.
Det lyder som om spørgeren kan lave en odbc til en access database, når brugeren ikke ved hvilket program der åbner en mdb. Så svaret kan nok ikke bruges til meget
forresten havde spørgsmålet stået i baggrunde, og jeg glemte at opdatere inden jeg skrev, så jeg havde ikke set dit svar "07/04-2002 11:23:56" som nok giver en lidt nemmere løsning..
You can use almost any program as long a sit supports ADO (included in MDAC) for example Visual Basic and Visual C++. Also other Office applications can open an MDB file too. But IF you want to design forms in th eMDB file then Access is needed.
microsoft runtime DOES NOT allow you to modify an MDB file!
Microsoft runtime is included with Office Developer edition (which cost about kr.9000) and it allows you to distribute your Access applications WITHOUT having to include Access. But as I said IT DOES NOT allow you to modify your MDB file.
Hi lhdesign>Sorry for taking over, just thought that it is important to mention that the runtime IS NOT free and is ONLY available IF you have an Office Developer Edition license :o) (as far as I know)
Thank you for your help Lars and Terry - I almost thought I could save the license for Access in our remote offices: but MS-Runtime is no good to us if you can't modify the actual data in the database e.g. add customers and stuff. It did sound too good to be true :-)
jakslev (sabmobil?) you CAN modify the data in your database. You CAN NOT modify forms code etc. So it is PERFECT for distributing Access applications to remote offices, I use it myself.
This is taken form there: Royalty-Free Access Run-Time. This Office XP Developer licensing agreement—including royalty-free distribution of Access version 2002 applications and Access Data Projects—makes it simple and extremely cost-effective to deploy business applications.
På Internettet kan du finde et lille Shareware-program, som hedder DBgate. Ved hjælp af det kan du flytte tabellerne(data) over i Excel. Programmet kan kun bruges 5 minutter ad gangen uden licens.
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