Avatar billede jab Nybegynder
04. marts 2002 - 23:48 Der er 10 kommentarer og
2 løsninger

er det muligt at bruge 2 netkort i win2k på samme netværk

Jeg har lige læste en artikel om at man på linux kan koble 2 netkort sammen (en form for bundle) så det vil give en "200 Mbit" forbindelse til det samme netværk ... det kræver 2 netkort (100 mbit) og 2 kabler (yez yez)
det jeg så tænkte på .... er det muligt at få op og køre i windows 2k ?
hvis ikke .. hvorfor ? :)
det var alt

Avatar billede Slettet bruger
04. marts 2002 - 23:53 #1
Det er ikke noget problem. Kører det selv på netværk på diverse lokationer.
Avatar billede jab Nybegynder
04. marts 2002 - 23:55 #2
hvordan ? ..... er der noget specielt der skal sættes op eller hvordan ?
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
04. marts 2002 - 23:56 #3
nej, det kan du godt, kører fint her, hvor vi har 3 maskiner på lokalt net udover Internettet.

Det er efter min mening nemmere at sætte netværket op, det er hurtigere end med et kort til både lokalt og internet.
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
04. marts 2002 - 23:57 #4
Nej, du smider bare et ekstra netkort i så kører det.
Avatar billede jab Nybegynder
05. marts 2002 - 00:01 #5
well, giver det ikke et problem med at f.eks.
jeg kører inet over lan
og får ip via dhcp .... dvs 2 iper...... vil windows ikke blive forviret over at der er inet adgang på begge kort ?
og hvad med windows networking .... bliver der 2 share navne eller ?
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
05. marts 2002 - 00:05 #6
Nej, det er ikke noget problem.
Avatar billede grinderslev Praktikant
05. marts 2002 - 00:10 #7
schulze og retaxes: Hvad gør i for at undgå routing loops?
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
05. marts 2002 - 00:12 #8
Tildeler statiske IP-adresser til de ekstra net-kort.
Avatar billede rune.rasmussen Nybegynder
05. marts 2002 - 08:05 #9
ja ja:

PSS ID Number: Q175767
Article last modified on 12-18-2001


The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
- Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0
- Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
- Microsoft Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition version 4.0


If you configure a Windows-based computer that has more than one network adapter
on the same physical network and subnet, you may experience unexpected results.
This article discusses expected behavior of this type of nonstandard


Consider the following configuration of a Windows-based computer:

- A working computer that has Windows installed.

- Two network adapters connected to the same physical network (or hub).

- TCP/IP installed as the network protocol.

- Adapter addresses on the same subnetwork and

- Assume a client on the network uses the address

When you use this configuration, you may expect the two adapters on the same
network and protocol subnetwork to perform some kind of load balancing. By
definition of the Ethernet network topology, only one adapter may communicate on
the network at the same time. Therefore, both adapters cannot be transmitting at
the same time and must wait if another device on the network is transmitting.
Additionally, broadcast messages must be handled by each adapter as they are
both listening on the same network. If anything, this configuration requires
more overhead, not taking into consideration any protocol-related issues. This
configuration is not a good method to provide a redundant network adapter for
the same network.

Assume that the server needs to send a packet using the TCP/IP protocol to a
client with the address This address is on the local subnet, so
use of a gateway is not required to reach the client. The protocol stack uses
the first route it finds in the local routing table. This is typically the first
adapter installed, which, in this case, is If the transmission
fails, subsequent retries may use the same adapter according to the entry found
in the routing table.

If the network cable for the adapter fails, this does not necessarily
cause the routing table to be updated with the removal of the route. Therefore,
the second adapter still may not be used.

Another consideration is that some network applications bind to specific adapters
in the system. If a network application were to bind to the second adapter
specifically, application-related traffic received from clients on the first
adapter may be ignored by the application. This may be a result of NetBIOS name
registration on the network. Additionally, if the adapter fails to which the
application is bound, the application may fail if it does not decide to use the
other adapter. Depending on the application, the other adapter may or may not be

In most instances, unless applications specifically demand, this type of
configuration is not beneficial. Some manufacturers make fault-tolerant network
adapters to guard against a single point of failure. These adapters enable two
adapters to be placed in the same server, but only enable use of one adapter at
a time. If the primary adapter fails, the driver deactivates the first card and
activates the second with the same address configuration. The end result is a
fairly seamless transition to the alternate adapter. This is the preferred
method to guard against a single network adapter as a single point of failure.

Microsoft Cluster Server

Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) does not make use of additional adapters on the
same network and relies on existing features of the TCP/IP protocol. In the
event of adapter failure, the software does not automatically try to register IP
Address Resource addresses on the other adapter. If you want to avoid a single
network adapter as a single point of failure, consider use of a fault-tolerant
network adapter set as mentioned previously in this article.

The preceding information applies to the broadcast route. For the route to the
subnet, it uses the highest numerical IP address within the subnet. For example,
assume two adapters with IP addresses and, where was installed first. This creates the following routes:

Additional query words: adapter multihomed multi-homed MSCS

Keywords          : kbnetwork
Technology        : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNTWsearch kbWinNTW400 kbWinNTW400search kbWinNT400search kbwin2000AdvServ kbwin2000AdvServSearch kbwin2000Serv kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTSEntSearch kbWinNTSEnt400 kbWinNTS400search kbWinNTS400 kbwin2000ServSearch kbwin2000Search kbwin2000ProSearch kbwin2000Pro kbWinAdvServSearch
Version          : :2000,4.0
Issue type        : kbinfo
Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
28. juni 2002 - 17:36 #10
Kan du ikke snart lukke dette spm.?
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
17. juli 2002 - 10:37 #11
schulze har meldt sig ud, men han spøger endnu!
Takker for pointene ;o)

Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
17. juli 2002 - 10:38 #12
Placering 82

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