Annonceindlæg fra COMM2IG
25. februar 2002 - 15:58
function Encrypt(Text: string; Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4: Integer): string; var BufS, Hexa, Hexa1, Hexa2: string; BufI, BufI2, Sc, Sl, Num1, Num2, Num3, Num4, Res1, Res2, Res3, Res4: Integer; begin Sl := Length(Text); Sc := 0; BufS := ''; if (Key1 in [1..120]) and (Key2 in [1..120]) and (Key3 in [1..120]) and (Key4 in [1..120]) then begin BufI := Key1 * Key4; BufI2 := Key3 * Key2; BufI := BufI - BufI2; if BufI = 0 then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; end else begin Result := ''; Exit; end; repeat Inc(Sc); if Sc = Sl then Num1 := 0 else Num1 := Ord(Text[Sc]); Inc(Sc); if Sc = Sl then Num2 := 0 else Num2 := Ord(Text[Sc]); Inc(Sc); if Sc = Sl then Num3 := 0 else Num3 := Ord(Text[Sc]); Inc(sc); if Sc = Sl then Num4 := 0 else Num4 := Ord(Text[Sc]); Res1 := Num1 * Key1; BufI := Num2 * Key3; Res1 := Res1 + BufI; Res2 := Num1 * Key2; BufI := Num2 * Key4; Res2 := Res2 + BufI; Res3 := Num3 * Key1; BufI := Num4 * Key3; Res3 := Res3 + BufI; Res4 := Num3 * Key2; BufI := Num4 * Key4; Res4 := Res4 + BufI; for BufI := 1 to 4 do begin case BufI of 1: Hexa := IntToHex(Res1, 4); 2: Hexa := IntToHex(Res2, 4); 3: Hexa := IntToHex(Res3, 4); 4: Hexa := IntToHex(Res4, 4); end; Hexa1 := '$' + Hexa[1] + Hexa[2]; Hexa2 := '$' + Hexa[3] + Hexa[4]; if (Hexa1 = '$00') and (Hexa2 = '$00') then begin Hexa1 := '$FF'; Hexa2 := '$FF'; end; if Hexa1 = '$00' then Hexa1 := '$FE'; if Hexa2 = '$00' then begin Hexa2 := Hexa1; Hexa1 := '$FD'; end; BufS := BufS + Chr(StrToInt(Hexa1)) + Chr(StrToInt(Hexa2)); end; until Sc = Sl; Result := BufS; end; function Decrypt(Text: string; Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4: Integer): string; var BufS, Hexa1, Hexa2: string; BufI, BufI2, Divzr, Sc, Sl, Num1, Num2, Num3, Num4, Res1, Res2, Res3, Res4: Integer; begin Sl := Length(Text); Sc := 0; BufS := ''; if (Key1 in [1..120]) and (Key2 in [1..120]) and (Key3 in [1..120]) and (Key4 in [1..120]) then begin Divzr := Key1 * Key4; BufI2 := Key3 * Key2; Divzr := Divzr - BufI2; if Divzr = 0 then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; end else begin Result := ''; Exit; end; repeat for BufI := 1 to 4 do begin Inc(Sc); Hexa1 := IntToHex(Ord(Text[Sc]), 2); Inc(Sc); Hexa2 := IntToHex(Ord(Text[Sc]), 2); if Hexa1 = 'FF' then begin Hexa1 := '00'; Hexa2 := '00'; end; if Hexa1 = 'FE' then Hexa1 := '00'; if Hexa1 = 'FD' then begin Hexa1 := Hexa2; Hexa2 := '00'; end; case BufI of 1: Res1 := StrToInt('$' + Hexa1 + Hexa2); 2: Res2 := StrToInt('$' + Hexa1 + Hexa2); 3: Res3 := StrToInt('$' + Hexa1 + Hexa2); 4: Res4 := StrToInt('$' + Hexa1 + Hexa2); end; end; BufI := Res1 * Key4; BufI2 := Res2 * Key3; Num1 := BufI - BufI2; Num1 := Num1 div Divzr; BufI := Res2 * Key1; BufI2 := Res1 * Key2; Num2 := BufI - BufI2; Num2 := Num2 div Divzr; BufI := Res3 * Key4; BufI2 := Res4 * Key3; Num3 := BufI - BufI2; Num3 := Num3 div Divzr; BufI := Res4 * Key1; BufI2 := Res3 * Key2; Num4 := BufI - BufI2; Num4 := Num4 div Divzr; BufS := BufS + Chr(Num1) + Chr(Num2) + Chr(Num3) + Chr(Num4); until Sc = Sl; Result := BufS; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin decrypt('weert',11034,53430,33460,1232305); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin encrypt('weert',11034,53430,33460,1232305); end; Stoney