Avatar billede kermit Nybegynder
25. maj 2000 - 11:22 Der er 5 kommentarer og
4 løsninger

Tilføj bruger til NT domæne (NT4)

Jeg skal bruge noget kode til følgende:

Oprette en bruger i et specifikt nt domæne
Tilføje password til brugeren
Tilføje brugeren i specifike gruper

Please ?!!!
Avatar billede midgaardsorm Nybegynder
25. maj 2000 - 12:11 #1
Det kan man vist ikke !! Beklager
Avatar billede borrisholt Novice
25. maj 2000 - 12:39 #2
Om det her er et svar eller ej, kommer vel an på øjene der ser ....

Om det du spørget efter er muligt at lave i Visual Basic, ved jeg ikke jeg kan ikke programmere VB. Der i mod klarer jeg mig rimeligt i Delphi. Jeg har skrevet en User Manager til Windows NT, der meget ligner Microsofts, blot har jeg tilføjet nogle af de features der mangler .....
Jeg vil meget gerne sende dig koden, men det krøver du kan forstå Delphi.

Da jeg ikke frekventerer VB Programmering, grundet min manglende viden på området, bliver du nød til at sende mig en e-mail hvis du ønsker koden tilsendt !?!?

Jens B
Avatar billede sjensen Nybegynder
25. maj 2000 - 12:59 #3

Med færdig kode kan jeg desværre ikke lige hjælpe, men du skal bruge Windows API kald, og dem du har brug for hedder:

EnumUsers, AddUsers, EnumGroups, AddGroup o.s.v.

Prøv at søge i Windows hjælpefilen (win32.hlp ?) for yderligere beskrivelser af disse kald.
Avatar billede privaten Nybegynder
25. maj 2000 - 16:44 #4

Du skal bruge NETAPI32 dll'et, og sikre dig at have de fornødne rettigheder i NT når du kører din kode...

Ellers er det noget med at lege med nedenstående kode...

  Option Explicit
  Option Base 0    ' Important assumption for this code

  Type MungeLong
    X As Long
    Dummy As Integer
  End Type

  Type MungeInt
    XLo As Integer
    XHi As Integer
    Dummy As Integer
  End Type

  Type TUser0                    ' Level 0
    ptrName As Long
  End Type

  Type TUser1                    ' Level 1
    ptrName As Long
    ptrPassword As Long
    dwPasswordAge As Long
    dwPriv As Long
    ptrHomeDir As Long
    ptrComment As Long
    dwFlags As Long
    ptrScriptPath As Long
  End Type

  ' for dwPriv
  Const USER_PRIV_MASK = &H3
  Const USER_PRIV_USER = &H1

  ' for dwFlags
  Const UF_SCRIPT = &H1
  Const UF_LOCKOUT = &H10
  Const UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT = &H200    ' Needs to be ORed with the
                                      ' other flags

  ' for lFilter

  Declare Function NetGetDCName Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" (ServerName As Byte, _
  DomainName As Byte, DCNPtr As Long) As Long

  Declare Function NetUserDel Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" (ServerName As Byte, _
  UserName As Byte) As Long

  Declare Function NetGroupAddUser Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" (ServerName As _
  Byte, GroupName As Byte, UserName As Byte) As Long

  Declare Function NetGroupDelUser Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" (ServerName As _
  Byte, GroupName As Byte, UserName As Byte) As Long

  ' Add using Level 1 user structure
  Declare Function NetUserAdd1 Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" Alias "NetUserAdd" _
  (ServerName As Byte, ByVal Level As Long, Buffer As TUser1, ParmError _
  As Long) As Long

  ' Enumerate using Level 0 user structure
  Declare Function NetUserEnum0 Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" Alias "NetUserEnum" _
  (ServerName As Byte, ByVal Level As Long, ByVal lFilter As Long, _
  Buffer As Long, ByVal PrefMaxLen As Long, EntriesRead As Long, _
  TotalEntries As Long, ResumeHandle As Long) As Long

  Declare Function NetGroupEnumUsers0 Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" Alias _
  "NetGroupGetUsers" (ServerName As Byte, GroupName As Byte, _
  ByVal Level As Long, Buffer As Long, ByVal PrefMaxLen As Long, _
  EntriesRead As Long, TotalEntries As Long, ResumeHandle As Long) As Long

  Declare Function NetGroupEnum0 Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" Alias "NetGroupEnum" _
  (ServerName As Byte, ByVal Level As Long, Buffer As Long, ByVal _
  PrefMaxLen As Long, EntriesRead As Long, TotalEntries As Long, _
  ResumeHandle As Long) As Long

  Declare Function NetUserGetGroups0 Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" Alias _
  "NetUserGetGroups" (ServerName As Byte, UserName As Byte, _
  ByVal Level As Long, Buffer As Long, ByVal PrefMaxLen As Long, _
  EntriesRead As Long, TotalEntries As Long) As Long

  Declare Function NetAPIBufferFree Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" Alias _
  "NetApiBufferFree" (ByVal Ptr As Long) As Long

  Declare Function NetAPIBufferAllocate Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" Alias _
  "NetApiBufferAllocate" (ByVal ByteCount As Long, Ptr As Long) As Long

  Declare Function PtrToStr Lib "Kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyW" _
  (RetVal As Byte, ByVal Ptr As Long) As Long

  Declare Function StrToPtr Lib "Kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyW" _
  (ByVal Ptr As Long, Source As Byte) As Long

  Declare Function PtrToInt Lib "Kernel32" Alias "lstrcpynW" _
  (RetVal As Any, ByVal Ptr As Long, ByVal nCharCount As Long) As Long

  Declare Function StrLen Lib "Kernel32" Alias "lstrlenW" _
  (ByVal Ptr As Long) As Long

  Function AddUserToGroup(ByVal SName As String, _
  ByVal GName As String, ByVal UName As String) As Long
  ' This only adds users to global groups - not to local groups
  Dim SNArray() As Byte, GNArray() As Byte, UNArray() As Byte, _
  Result As Long
    SNArray = SName & vbNullChar
    GNArray = GName & vbNullChar
    UNArray = UName & vbNullChar
    Result = NetGroupAddUser(SNArray(0), GNArray(0), UNArray(0))
    If Result = 2220 Then Debug.Print _
  "There is no **GLOBAL** group '" & GName & "'"
    AddUserToGroup = Result
  End Function

  Function DelUser(ByVal SName As String, ByVal UName As String) As Long
  Dim UNArray() As Byte, SNArray() As Byte
    UNArray = UName & vbNullChar
    SNArray = SName & vbNullChar
    DelUser = NetUserDel(SNArray(0), UNArray(0))
  End Function

  Function DelUserFromGroup(ByVal SName As String, _
  ByVal GName As String, ByVal UName As String) As Long
  ' This only deletes users from global groups - not local groups
  Dim SNArray() As Byte, GNArray() As Byte, UNArray() As Byte, _
  Result As Long
    SNArray = SName & vbNullChar
    GNArray = GName & vbNullChar
    UNArray = UName & vbNullChar
    Result = NetGroupDelUser(SNArray(0), GNArray(0), UNArray(0))
    If Result = 2220 Then Debug.Print _
  "There is no **GLOBAL** group '" & GName & "'"
    DelUserFromGroup = Result
  End Function

  Function EnumerateGroups(ByVal SName As String, _
  ByVal UName As String) As Long
  ' Enumerates global groups only - not local groups
  ' The buffer is filled from the left with pointers to user names that
  ' are filled from the right side. For example:
  '    ptr1|ptr2|...|ptrn|<garbage>|strn|...|str2|str1
  '    ^-------------- BufPtr buffer ----------------^
  ' On NT, TotalEntries is the number of entries left to be read including
  ' the currently read entries.
  ' On LanMan and OS/2, it is the total number of entries, period. Code
  ' would have to be changed to reflect this if the Domain controller
  ' wasn't an NT machine.
  ' BufPtr gets the address of the buffer (or ptr1 - add 4 to BufPtr for
  ' each additional pointer)
  Dim Result As Long, BufPtr As Long, EntriesRead As Long, _
  TotalEntries As Long, ResumeHandle As Long, BufLen As Long, _
  SNArray() As Byte, GNArray(99) As Byte, UNArray() As Byte, _
  GName As String, I As Integer, UNPtr As Long, _
  TempPtr As MungeLong, TempStr As MungeInt

    SNArray = SName & vbNullChar      ' Move to byte array
    UNArray = UName & vbNullChar      ' Move to Byte array
    BufLen = 255                      ' Buffer size
    ResumeHandle = 0                  ' Start with the first entry

      If UName = "" Then
        Result = NetGroupEnum0(SNArray(0), 0, BufPtr, BufLen, _
  EntriesRead, TotalEntries, ResumeHandle)
        Result = NetUserGetGroups0(SNArray(0), UNArray(0), 0, BufPtr, _
  BufLen, EntriesRead, TotalEntries)
      End If
      EnumerateGroups = Result
      If Result <> 0 And Result <> 234 Then    ' 234 means multiple reads
                                                ' required
        Debug.Print "Error " & Result & " enumerating group " & _
  EntriesRead & " of " & TotalEntries
        Exit Function
      End If
      For I = 1 To EntriesRead
        ' Get pointer to string from beginning of buffer
        ' Copy 4 byte block of memory in 2 steps
        Result = PtrToInt(TempStr.XLo, BufPtr + (I - 1) * 4, 2)
        Result = PtrToInt(TempStr.XHi, BufPtr + (I - 1) * 4 + 2, 2)
        LSet TempPtr = TempStr ' munge 2 Integers to a Long
        ' Copy string to array and convert to a string
        Result = PtrToStr(GNArray(0), TempPtr.X)
        GName = Left(GNArray, StrLen(TempPtr.X))
        Debug.Print "Group: " & GName
      Next I
    Loop Until EntriesRead = TotalEntries
  ' The above condition only valid for reading accounts on NT
  ' but not OK for OS/2 or LanMan

    Result = NetAPIBufferFree(BufPtr)        ' Don't leak memory

  End Function

  Function EnumerateUsers(ByVal SName As String, ByVal GName As String) _
  As Long
  ' If a group name is specified, it must be a global group
  ' and not a local group.
  ' The buffer is filled from the left with pointers to user names that
  ' are filled from the right side. For example:
  '    ptr1|ptr2|...|ptrn|<garbage>|strn|...|str2|str1
  '    ^-------------- BufPtr buffer ----------------^
  ' On Windows NT, TotalEntries is the number of entries left to be read,
  ' including the currently read entries.
  ' On LanMan and OS/2, it is the total number of entries, period.  Code
  ' would have to be changed to reflect this if the Domain controller
  ' wasn't an NT machine.
  ' BufPtr gets the address of the buffer (or ptr1 - add 4 to BufPtr for
  ' each additional pointer)
  ' SName should be "\\servername"
  Dim Result As Long, BufPtr As Long, EntriesRead As Long, _
  TotalEntries As Long, ResumeHandle As Long, BufLen As Long, _
  SNArray() As Byte, GNArray() As Byte, UNArray(99) As Byte, _
  UName As String, I As Integer, UNPtr As Long, TempPtr As MungeLong, _
  TempStr As MungeInt

    SNArray = SName & vbNullChar      ' Move to byte array
    GNArray = GName & vbNullChar      ' Move to Byte array
    BufLen = 255                      ' Buffer size
    ResumeHandle = 0                  ' Start with the first entry

      If GName = "" Then
        Result = NetUserEnum0(SNArray(0), 0, FILTER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT, _
  BufPtr, BufLen, EntriesRead, TotalEntries, ResumeHandle)
        Result = NetGroupEnumUsers0(SNArray(0), GNArray(0), 0, BufPtr, _
  BufLen, EntriesRead, TotalEntries, ResumeHandle)
      End If
      EnumerateUsers = Result
      If Result <> 0 And Result <> 234 Then    ' 234 means multiple reads
                                                ' required
        Debug.Print "Error " & Result & " enumerating user " _
  & EntriesRead & " of " & TotalEntries
        If Result = 2220 Then Debug.Print _
  "There is no **GLOBAL** group '" & GName & "'"
        Exit Function
      End If
      For I = 1 To EntriesRead
        ' Get pointer to string from beginning of buffer
        ' Copy 4-byte block of memory in 2 steps
        Result = PtrToInt(TempStr.XLo, BufPtr + (I - 1) * 4, 2)
        Result = PtrToInt(TempStr.XHi, BufPtr + (I - 1) * 4 + 2, 2)
        LSet TempPtr = TempStr ' munge 2 integers into a Long
        ' Copy string to array
        Result = PtrToStr(UNArray(0), TempPtr.X)
        UName = Left(UNArray, StrLen(TempPtr.X))
        Debug.Print "User: " & UName
      Next I
    Loop Until EntriesRead = TotalEntries
  ' The above condition is only valid for reading accounts on Windows NT,
  ' but is not OK for OS/2 or LanMan

    Result = NetAPIBufferFree(BufPtr)        ' Don't leak memory

  End Function

  Function GetPrimaryDCName(ByVal MName As String, _
  ByVal DName As String) As String
  Dim Result As Long, DCName As String, DCNPtr As Long
  Dim DNArray() As Byte, MNArray() As Byte, DCNArray(100) As Byte
    MNArray = MName & vbNullChar
    DNArray = DName & vbNullChar
    Result = NetGetDCName(MNArray(0), DNArray(0), DCNPtr)
    If Result <> 0 Then
      Debug.Print "Error: " & Result
      Exit Function
    End If
    Result = PtrToStr(DCNArray(0), DCNPtr)
    Result = NetAPIBufferFree(DCNPtr)
    DCName = DCNArray()
    GetPrimaryDCName = DCName
  End Function

  Function AddUser(ByVal SName As String, ByVal UName As String, _
  ByVal PWD As String) As Long
  Dim Result As Long, UNPtr As Long, PWDPtr As Long, ParmError As Long
  Dim SNArray() As Byte, UNArray() As Byte, PWDArray() As Byte
  Dim UserStruct As TUser1
  ' Move to byte arrays
    SNArray = SName & vbNullChar
    UNArray = UName & vbNullChar
    PWDArray = PWD & vbNullChar
  ' Allocate buffer space
    Result = NetAPIBufferAllocate(UBound(UNArray) + 1, UNPtr)
    Result = NetAPIBufferAllocate(UBound(PWDArray) + 1, PWDPtr)
  ' Copy arrays to the buffer
    Result = StrToPtr(UNPtr, UNArray(0))
    Result = StrToPtr(PWDPtr, PWDArray(0))
  ' Fill the structure
    With UserStruct
      .ptrName = UNPtr
      .ptrPassword = PWDPtr
      .dwPasswordAge = 3
      .dwPriv = USER_PRIV_USER
      .ptrHomeDir = 0
      .ptrComment = 0
      .ptrScriptPath = 0
    End With
  ' Add the user
    Result = NetUserAdd1(SNArray(0), 1, UserStruct, ParmError)
    AddUser = Result
    If Result <> 0 Then
      Debug.Print "Error " & Result & " in parameter " & ParmError _
  & " when adding user " & UName
    End If
  ' Release buffers from memory
    Result = NetAPIBufferFree(UNPtr)
    Result = NetAPIBufferFree(PWDPtr)

  End Function
Avatar billede privaten Nybegynder
25. maj 2000 - 16:45 #5

Hvis du skal bruge yderligere må du "råbe op"

Avatar billede privaten Nybegynder
25. maj 2000 - 17:02 #6
Glemte lige:

Du skal hvis lige prefixe type definationer & functions declarationer med et private fx.:

Type TUser0                    ' Level 0
    ptrName As Long
End Type

Declare Function NetGetDCName Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" (ServerName As Byte, _
  DomainName As Byte, DCNPtr As Long) As Long

Ændres til:

Private Type TUser0                    ' Level 0
    ptrName As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function NetGetDCName Lib "NETAPI32.DLL" (ServerName As Byte, _
  DomainName As Byte, DCNPtr As Long) As Long

Avatar billede mawtex Nybegynder
01. juni 2000 - 19:24 #7
Tag et kik på ADSI - det er en add on på NT4 (native i Win2000). Med ADSI kan du alt det du efterlyser med ganske få liniers kode. ADSI giver også adgang til tonsvis af andre ting, f.eks. Exchange Server.

Eksempel på et ADSI-kald der opretter en ny bruger:
Set myComputer = GetObject("WinNT://mymachine")

' Create the new user account
Set newUser = myComputer.Create("user", "ppopnakke")

' Set properties in the new user account
newUser.FullName = "Palle Popnakke"
newUser.Description = "Lidt om palle..."
newUser.Password = "palle123"

Læs om ADSI på:

Avatar billede ahl Nybegynder
02. august 2000 - 00:05 #8
hvad med at svare kermit?!?!?
Avatar billede kermit Nybegynder
15. september 2000 - 08:39 #9
Sorry ! Har fundet ud af en anden metode !

Men her er lidt points !
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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