Avatar billede demospasser Nybegynder
21. februar 2002 - 15:06 Der er 9 kommentarer og
1 løsning

IIS på Windows2000

En proces ved navn dllhost.exe er gået amok. Ved ikke lige hvad den gør, jeg ved dog at den kører i forbindelse med IIS. Problemet er at den sluger alt hvad der hedder cpu kraft. Er der nogle der ved hvordan man får den til at "oføre" sig pænt ?
Avatar billede Søren Bech Morsing Praktikant
21. februar 2002 - 15:11 #1
Er det ikke fordi du laver noget skod kode, fx en uendelig løkke?
Eller har nogle .js eller .vbs filer du eksekvere?

Prøv at stoppe IIS
Avatar billede rune.rasmussen Nybegynder
21. februar 2002 - 15:12 #2
det har noget at gøre med forbindelser til SQL servere
(det er hvad jeg har fundet ud af indtil nu)
Avatar billede demospasser Nybegynder
21. februar 2002 - 15:15 #3
IIS er blevet stoppet, men dllhost brager op ad igen så snart den startes. Det er muligt at koden er skod, den er nemlig totalt rodet men det er ikke mig der står bag den.
Avatar billede Søren Bech Morsing Praktikant
21. februar 2002 - 15:16 #4
aha... så er du jo nødt til at få lavet koden ordenligt af ham der har lavet den
Avatar billede demospasser Nybegynder
21. februar 2002 - 15:19 #5
Ja, men det er lidt underligt at den har kørt et stykke tid uden at gå amok, men pludselig spasser den ud.
Avatar billede rune.rasmussen Nybegynder
21. februar 2002 - 15:26 #6
check denne her: (jeg synes bare ikke den indeholder en løsning !?)

PSS ID Number: Q258833
Article last modified on 08-19-2001


The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Transaction Server 2.0, used with:
  - the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT
- Microsoft COM+, version 1.0


When a Microsoft Transaction Server (Mtx.exe) or COM+ (Dllhost.exe) process
displays high CPU utilization in Perfmon, and the CPU Usage rises to 100%, this
article can help you capture a process dump and a Performance Monitor log, which
you can use to compare with the process dump, to help isolate the problem. To
analyze the dump, you can contact a Microsoft Support Professional or use the
WinDbg tool (see the "References" section for more information).


To capture a process dump and a Performance Monitor log, follow these steps:

1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then
  click Performance Monitor.

2. On the toolbar, click the plus (+) button. In the Add To Chart dialog box,
  select the following items:

  Object = Process
  Counter = % Processor Time
  Counter = ID Process

3. From the Instance list, click All processes on the system, click Add, and
  then click Done.

4. To highlight the process that is consuming the most CPU, on a computer that
  is running Microsoft Windows NT 4, press the BACKSPACE key once. On a
  Microsoft Windows 2000-based computer, click the light bulb button on the
  tool bar. The selected counter appears in white on the graph.

5. Use the arrow keys to find the process that is consuming the most CPU. Note
  the Process name and Process ID.

6. Press the DELETE key to remove other irrelevant counters from chart.

7. On the Perfmon toolbar, click the plus (+) button. In the Add to Chart dialog
  box, select the following items:

  Object = Thread
  Counter = % Processor Time

8. From the Instance list, click All the threads for the noted process instances
  (MTX.exe in Windows NT 4 and Dllhost.exe in Windows 2000), click Add, and
  then click Done.

  This will look like the following:

  - dllhost/0
  - dllhost/0#1
  - dllhost/1
  - dllhost/1#1

  The number after the '/' is the thread number. The number after the '#' is the
  process instance number (you might have more than one dllhost). The thread
  you're looking for should have a process number that is the same as what you
  found in step 5.

9. Use the arrow keys to find the thread that is consuming the most CPU, and
  note which instance it is.

10. On the Perfmon toolbar, click the plus (+) button. In the Add to Chart
  dialog box, select the following items:

  Object = Thread
  Counter = ID Thread
  Instance = The instance of the thread noted in the previous step.

11. Click Add, and then click Done.

12. Note the last reading for the ID Thread, and exit Perfmon.

13. Install UserDump on the system.

14. At a command prompt, type the following command to change the folder to the
  Userdump folder:

  "userdump [noted process ID]" (without the quotation marks)

If you need to consult a Microsoft Support Professional, zip the Userdump and
arrange to send it with the following information:

- Windows NT service pack
- Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version (if any)
- Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) version
- High CPU Utilization thread ID
- SQL version and service pack (if any)
- Oracle version, Client version, and Net Library version (if any)
- Any additional patch or hotfixes that are currently used
- Symbol files for your custom or third party components (if any)


For additional information, click the article numbers below to view the articles
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q250509 XADM: How to Use Userdump.exe to Capture the State of the Information

  Q281630 HOWTO: Configure Visual Basic DLL Project Properties to Run in IIS,
  MTS, or COM+

For more information about Windows Debuggers, see the following Microsoft Web


Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbCOMPlus kbDebug kbMTS kbDSupport
Technology        : kbMTSsearch kbAudDeveloper
Version          : :1.0,2.0
Issue type        : kbhowto
Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2001.
Avatar billede demospasser Nybegynder
21. februar 2002 - 15:32 #7
Den har jeg kigget på, men det kan jeg jo ikke rigtig bruge :(
Avatar billede demospasser Nybegynder
22. februar 2002 - 09:44 #8
Skal vi konkludere at det er koden der stinker?
Avatar billede demospasser Nybegynder
10. april 2002 - 12:49 #9
Det er vores kode. Det bliver aldrig bedre
Avatar billede Søren Bech Morsing Praktikant
10. april 2002 - 12:50 #10
Det var jo det vi svarede for lang tid siden :)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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