Man laver et backupjob ved hjælp af NT Backup. Dette job gemmes i en BAT-fil f.eks Backup.bat, som man schedulere ved hjælp af AT. Gå i DOSPrompt og skriv følgende :
AT \\Computernavn 23:00 /Interactive /Every:[m,t,w,t,f] "backup.bat"
Er der én, der gider forklare følgende lidt nærmere - hvad sker der: ntbackup backup e:\ /v /b /e /l c:\winnt\backup.log ntbackup backup c:\winnt\backup.log /a
Her er en udførligbeskrivelse at ´hvad de forskellige parametre gør
I den sidste linie C:\winnt\backup.log /a gør /a at den tilføjer dagens logfil til den i forvejen eksisterende
Using Batch Files to Do Backups
Backup operations can also be performed at the command prompt using ntbackup. Most of the command parameters do not require user input and can therefore be implemented in batch files. However, a few of the parameters require user input. The following parameters require user input:
ntbackup [/nopoll] [/missingtape] /nopoll
Specifies that the tape should be erased. Do not use /nopoll with any other parameters.
Specifies that a tape is missing from the backup set when the set spans several tapes. Each tape becomes a single unit as opposed to being part of the set.
You can create a batch file to back up one or more drives regularly. However, using batch files enables you to back up directories only (not individual files). Wildcard characters cannot be used in the batch files.
Each of the following parameters (except /tape) must be used only with the backup operation parameter.
Specifies one or more paths of the directories to be backed up.
Causes backup sets to be added or appended after the last backup set on the tape. When /a is not specified, the program overwrites previous data. When more than one drive is specified but /a is not, the program overwrites the contents of the tape with the information from the first drive selected and then appends the backup sets for the remaining drives.
Verifies the operation.
Restricts access.
/d "text"
Specifies a description of the backup contents.
Specifies that the local registry be backed up.
/hc:on or /hc:off
Specifies that hardware compression is on or off.
/t {option}
Specifies the backup type. Option can be one of the following:
normal copy incremental differential daily /l "filename"
Specifies the filename for the backup log.
Specifies that the backup log include exceptions only.
Specifies the tape drive to which the files should be backed up. N is a number from 0 to 9 that corresponds to the number the drive was assigned when the tape drive was installed.
hvordan kan man giv backup_tape et navn som d:\\ når der ikke noget backup_tape i my computer...? hilsen kejser$
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