Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 21:56 Der er 40 kommentarer

Hacker fjolser...

Ok, nu er det 4. gang (i aften) at min Norton Firewall opdager en hacker og fortæller mig hackerens ipadresse!
Jeg er begyndt at skrive dem ned, men den skriver dem sikkert også i en logfil.
Hvem skal jeg sende dem til?
Jeg har hørt om en internetside hvor man kan anmelde hackere, hvad er den?
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 21:58 #1
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 21:58 #2

her kan du anmelde ;)
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 21:59 #3
hov... så lige at det kun var TDC\'s kunder...
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 21:59 #4
nu er jeg oppe på 37!!
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 22:01 #5
kan det ikke ske lidt mere anonymt??
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 22:02 #6
hvorfor vil du ha anonymitet??

Og hvilke porte bliver der \"hacket\" på ???
Det er jo ikke sikkert at det er hack forsøg..

læs mere her http://www.csirt.dk/newssystem/display.asp?ArticleID=115
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 22:04 #7
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 22:07 #8
Jeg har mine grunde til at være anonym, men jeg aner virkelig ikke hvilke porte det er, jeg har \"kun\" ipadressen.
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 22:08 #9
hvordan ved du så at de har forsøgt at hacke dig???
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 22:10 #10
Min Norton Firewall advarede mig og blokkede \"hackerens\" adgang!
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 22:12 #11
det er jo ikke sikkert at det har været et hacker forsøg.. og nu siger du at på 3-4 minutter havde der været 35 nye forsøg... nej jeg tror ikke at det har været forsøg...

kan jeg se din logfil ?
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 22:15 #12
nu er jeg oppe på 1098 attempts og 8 hackere!
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 22:16 #13
kan ikke komme videre uden logfil...
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 22:18 #14
Jeg leder lige efter den... er ikke sikker på hvor den ligger...
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 22:19 #15
det må stå i firewall\'ens opsætning
Avatar billede oniel Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 22:21 #16
Hvis du er på en dynamisk ip kan der være mange grunde til \"besøg\".

Derfor er det ret væsenligt at finde ud af hvilke porte der bliver scannet. Det giver et fingerpeg om hvad det er der søger adgang.

På en dynamisk ip kan adressen jo være brugt tidligere til deling af filer - hvis så modtageren forsøger at genoptage et download vil det se ud som et uautoriseret visit hos dig!

Prøv at finde ud af lidt mere inden du springer ud i anmeldelse med mere!

Og endelig - et lovligt site med et lovligt formål kan da ikke kræve anonymitet ved anmeldelser!
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 22:24 #17
Min antivirus har lige fundet en trojan i en aktiv fil på mit C drev!
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 22:46 #18
jeg har nu fundet en event log...
der står blandt andet:
Date: 19-01-2002 Time: 22:07:37
Port scan detected from address
Blocked further access for 30 minutes after detecting at least 6 ports being probed.
Avatar billede erikjacobsen Ekspert
19. januar 2002 - 22:53 #19
Den Ip er jo
Name:    security.norton.com
---ret underholdende.... er det en selvtest af programmet??
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 22:55 #20
Erik > *LOL*
Avatar billede danscape Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 22:55 #21
Du skal bruge www.anmeld.politi.dk =)

Her anmeldte jeg \"min\" hacker i tirsdags ;)
Avatar billede kaptajnen Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 23:00 #22
Hvis man har ip. nummeret kan man så ikke finde ud af noget om hackeren?
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 23:00 #23
Det er overhoved ikke underholdende!!
Her er nogle andre Ip\'er:
Avatar billede kaptajnen Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 23:03 #24
Hvad betyder det her ping haløj?

The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (ICMP Echo Request (\'Ping\')) from

Time: 19-01-02 21:51:56
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 23:03 #25
Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
(C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.

C:\\>ping -a

Pinging game1.gate58.dk [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=115

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 30ms, Maximum =  41ms, Average =  32ms

C:\\>ping -a

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=511ms TTL=235
Reply from bytes=32 time=521ms TTL=235
Reply from bytes=32 time=541ms TTL=235
Reply from bytes=32 time=531ms TTL=235

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 511ms, Maximum =  541ms, Average =  526ms

C:\\>ping -a

Pinging c-e45d70d5.036-4-6370682.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se [
32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=113
Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=113
Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=113
Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=113

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 30ms, Maximum =  50ms, Average =  40ms

C:\\>ping -a

Pinging game1.gate58.dk [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=115
Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=115

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 30ms, Maximum =  41ms, Average =  37ms
Avatar billede hojben Novice
19. januar 2002 - 23:05 #26
Avatar billede erikjacobsen Ekspert
19. januar 2002 - 23:05 #27
Hold så kæft, kaptajnen. Du er en ussel snyder på eksperten.dk. Og tro ikke
du ikke er anmeldt.
Avatar billede kaptajnen Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 23:07 #28
Man har vel lov til at over føre fra sine gamle brugere!
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 23:07 #29
Date: 19-01-2002 Time: 21:52:46
Rule \"Default Block DeepThroat Trojan horse\" blocked (,2140).  Details:
Inbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,2140)
Remote address,service is (,27015)
Process name is \"N/A\"
Avatar billede erikjacobsen Ekspert
19. januar 2002 - 23:07 #30
Det får admin afgøre
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 23:08 #31
Er det en hacker ??
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 23:09 #32
Date: 18-01-2002 Time: 23:10:32
Port scan detected from address At least 10 ports being probed.
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 23:12 #33
her er hele min eventlog:

Norton Internet Security Version 4.0
19-01-2002 23:12 (Rom, normaltid)
Alerts Event Log
19-01-2002 22:49:33 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\ICQ ME\\ICQSRP.EXE\"
19-01-2002 22:07:37 Supervisor  Port scan detected from address
Blocked further access for 30 minutes after detecting at least 6 ports being probed.
19-01-2002 21:56:40 Supervisor  Security alert displayed for rule Default Block Portal of Doom Trojan horse.
Remote computer (, 27018)
19-01-2002 21:56:40 Supervisor  Rule \"Default Block Portal of Doom Trojan horse\" blocked (,3700).  Details:
Inbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,3700)
Remote address,service is (,27018)
Process name is \"N/A\"
19-01-2002 21:52:46 Supervisor  Security alert displayed for rule Default Block DeepThroat Trojan horse.
Remote computer (, 27015)
19-01-2002 21:52:46 Supervisor  Rule \"Default Block DeepThroat Trojan horse\" blocked (,2140).  Details:
Inbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,2140)
Remote address,service is (,27015)
Process name is \"N/A\"
19-01-2002 21:50:12 Supervisor  Security alert displayed for rule Default Block Bla Trojan horse.
Remote computer (, 27015)
19-01-2002 21:50:12 Supervisor  Rule \"Default Block Bla Trojan horse\" blocked (,1042).  Details:
Inbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,1042)
Remote address,service is (,27015)
Process name is \"N/A\"
19-01-2002 21:46:41 Supervisor  Security alert displayed for rule Default Block Portal of Doom Trojan horse.
Remote computer (, 27015)
19-01-2002 21:46:41 Supervisor  Rule \"Default Block Portal of Doom Trojan horse\" blocked (,3700).  Details:
Inbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,3700)
Remote address,service is (,27015)
Process name is \"N/A\"
19-01-2002 21:42:40 Supervisor  Security alert displayed for rule Default Block DeepThroat Trojan horse.
Remote computer (, 27015)
19-01-2002 21:42:40 Supervisor  Rule \"Default Block DeepThroat Trojan horse\" blocked (,2140).  Details:
Inbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,2140)
Remote address,service is (,27015)
Process name is \"N/A\"
19-01-2002 21:30:46 Supervisor  Security alert displayed for rule Default Block Master Paradise Trojan horse.
Remote computer (, 27015)
19-01-2002 21:30:46 Supervisor  Rule \"Default Block Master Paradise Trojan horse\" blocked (,3129).  Details:
Inbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,3129)
Remote address,service is (,27015)
Process name is \"N/A\"
19-01-2002 21:30:28 Supervisor  Security alert displayed for rule Default Block Rat Trojan horse.
Remote computer (, 27015)
19-01-2002 21:30:28 Supervisor  Rule \"Default Block Rat Trojan horse\" blocked (,2989).  Details:
Inbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,2989)
Remote address,service is (,27015)
Process name is \"N/A\"
19-01-2002 21:28:18 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
19-01-2002 21:26:33 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
19-01-2002 21:22:10 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
19-01-2002 21:13:09 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\TEMP\\GAMESPYINSTALLER254STD.EXE\"
19-01-2002 18:58:13 Supervisor  Port scan detected from address At least 10 ports being probed.
19-01-2002 15:36:05 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
18-01-2002 23:14:47 Supervisor  Port scan detected from address At least 10 ports being probed.
18-01-2002 23:10:32 Supervisor  Port scan detected from address At least 10 ports being probed.
18-01-2002 13:15:47 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
17-01-2002 22:34:30 Supervisor  Port scan detected from address At least 10 ports being probed.
16-01-2002 23:15:24 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
16-01-2002 23:11:42 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
16-01-2002 22:51:44 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,27016)
Remote address,service is (,3622)
Process name is \"D:\\GAMES\\HALF-LIFE\\HLDS.EXE\"
15-01-2002 19:35:48 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
15-01-2002 14:41:37 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,1492)
Remote address,service is (,65040)
Process name is \"D:\\GAMES\\HALF-LIFE\\HL.EXE\"
15-01-2002 14:23:38 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\KH\\CRACK WHORE\\CRACKWHORE.EXE\"
15-01-2002 14:23:33 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\KH\\CRACK WHORE\\CRACKWHORE.EXE\"
11-01-2002 13:15:21 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"block\" communications.  Details:
Outbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (localhost,2347)
Remote address,service is (,2347)
09-01-2002 21:37:06 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (pop3.mail.dk(,smtp(25))
Process name is \"C:\\WINDOWS\\TEMP\\GM51.EXE\"
09-01-2002 21:36:19 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,smtp(25))
Process name is \"C:\\WINDOWS\\TEMP\\GM51.EXE\"
09-01-2002 16:15:47 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\SUCATREG.EXE\"
09-01-2002 16:15:46 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"block\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\SUCATREG.EXE\"
09-01-2002 14:43:21 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,ftp(21))
07-01-2002 22:11:47 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\KH\\WWWHACK\\WWWHACK.EXE\"
07-01-2002 22:11:47 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\KH\\WWWHACK\\WWWHACK.EXE\"
07-01-2002 22:11:42 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\KH\\WWWHACK\\WWWHACK.EXE\"
07-01-2002 20:21:52 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"C:\\WINDOWS\\WUAUCLT.EXE\"
06-01-2002 22:44:18 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
06-01-2002 22:44:12 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (,1152)
Remote address,service is (,ftp-data(20))
06-01-2002 22:44:04 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,ftp(21))
06-01-2002 22:23:48 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (,http(80))
Remote address,service is (,4781)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\WINPROXY 3.0\\WINPROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 22:23:40 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (,http(80))
Remote address,service is (,4738)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\WINPROXY 3.0\\WINPROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 22:23:38 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (,http(80))
Remote address,service is (,4676)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\WINPROXY 3.0\\WINPROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 22:23:37 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (,http(80))
Remote address,service is (,4606)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\WINPROXY 3.0\\WINPROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 22:23:36 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (,http(80))
Remote address,service is (,4558)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\WINPROXY 3.0\\WINPROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 22:23:35 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (,http(80))
Remote address,service is (,4521)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\WINPROXY 3.0\\WINPROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 22:23:34 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (,http(80))
Remote address,service is (,4445)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\WINPROXY 3.0\\WINPROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 22:23:33 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (,http(80))
Remote address,service is (,4190)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\WINPROXY 3.0\\WINPROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 22:23:32 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (,http(80))
Remote address,service is (,4105)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\WINPROXY 3.0\\WINPROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 22:23:24 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Inbound TCP connection
Local address,service is (,http(80))
Remote address,service is (,3630)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\WINPROXY 3.0\\WINPROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 19:10:59 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
06-01-2002 19:10:59 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,daytime(13))
06-01-2002 19:10:41 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,daytime(13))
06-01-2002 19:10:33 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,daytime(13))
06-01-2002 19:25:10 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
06-01-2002 18:43:56 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\WINPROXY 3.0\\WINPROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 17:47:35 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http-proxy(8080))
06-01-2002 17:25:23 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http-proxy(8080))
Process name is \"C:\\PROGRAMMER\\A4PROXY\\A4PROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 17:22:12 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"C:\\PROGRAMMER\\A4PROXY\\A4PROXY.EXE\"
06-01-2002 17:02:00 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\DAP ME\\DAP.EXE\"
06-01-2002 17:02:00 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\DAP ME\\DAP.EXE\"
06-01-2002 14:32:45 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\GAMES\\HALF-LIFE\\PUNKBUSTER\\PB.EXE\"
06-01-2002 14:32:39 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\GAMES\\HALF-LIFE\\PUNKBUSTER\\PB.EXE\"
06-01-2002 13:29:03 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,1754)
Remote address,service is (,27010)
Process name is \"D:\\GAMES\\HALF-LIFE\\HL.EXE\"
05-01-2002 21:47:05 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (www.eksperten.dk(,http(80))
Process name is \"C:\\WINDOWS\\EXPLORER.EXE\"
05-01-2002 18:04:20 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
04-01-2002 23:56:43 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"block\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,18342)
04-01-2002 19:43:04 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\KAZAA ME )(\\KAZAA.EXE\"
04-01-2002 19:43:04 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,1214)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\KAZAA ME )(\\KAZAA.EXE\"
04-01-2002 19:43:04 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\KAZAA ME )(\\KAZAA.EXE\"
04-01-2002 19:21:25 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (pop3.mail.dk(,pop3(110))
04-01-2002 18:20:19 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound UDP packet
Local address,service is (,27960)
Remote address,service is (,27952)
04-01-2002 18:17:24 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
04-01-2002 18:17:24 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
04-01-2002 18:17:24 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,8000)
04-01-2002 18:17:24 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
04-01-2002 18:17:24 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
04-01-2002 18:17:24 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
04-01-2002 18:17:24 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http-proxy(8080))
04-01-2002 18:17:24 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
04-01-2002 18:17:11 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
04-01-2002 15:30:52 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"C:\\WINDOWS\\WUAUBOOT.EXE\"
04-01-2002 15:25:27 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
03-01-2002 23:24:40 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,202)
03-01-2002 23:23:52 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,202)
03-01-2002 23:09:00 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,202)
03-01-2002 22:36:06 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\A4PROXY\\A4PROXY.EXE\"
03-01-2002 22:34:48 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http-proxy(8080))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\A4PROXY\\A4PROXY.EXE\"
03-01-2002 22:34:40 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\A4PROXY\\A4PROXY.EXE\"
03-01-2002 22:34:21 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\A4PROXY\\A4PROXY.EXE\"
03-01-2002 22:06:15 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (pop3.mail.dk(,pop3(110))
03-01-2002 21:52:25 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
03-01-2002 21:39:21 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,19274)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\ICQ ME\\ICQ.EXE\"
03-01-2002 21:39:21 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\ICQ ME\\ICQ.EXE\"
03-01-2002 21:39:14 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\ICQ ME\\ICQ.EXE\"
03-01-2002 21:39:11 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\ICQ ME\\ICQ.EXE\"
03-01-2002 21:39:07 Supervisor  The user has created a rule to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
03-01-2002 21:39:07 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,19274)
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\ICQ ME\\ICQ.EXE\"
03-01-2002 21:39:04 Supervisor  This one time, the user has chosen to \"permit\" communications.  Details:
Outbound TCP connection
Remote address,service is (,http(80))
Process name is \"D:\\PROGRAMMER\\ICQ ME\\ICQ.EXE\"
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 23:19 #34
www.anmeld.politi.dk ser ikke særlig anonym ud...
Ringer de til en?
Avatar billede prodic Mester
19. januar 2002 - 23:33 #35
Umiddelbart så ville jeg scanne min PC for Trojans hvis jeg var dig.
De Trojans der optræder i din liste er på port 27015 som er Half-Life Multiplayer port.

Så hvis du har spillet Half-life online inden for den sidste tid, så er din IP registreret endnu på de forskellige servere. Det kan give dig utallige \"indbruds-forsøg\".

Alene navnet Trojan lyder ikke betryggende - har du scannet din PC for virus?

Du kan også være udsat for forskellige forsøg fra andre brugere som intetanende er ramt at en virus i stil med Nimda. Det betyder, at de ikke ved de har den og derfor er mere eller mindre uskyldige.

Alt det har de andre også forklaret dig tidligere - denne gang håber jeg så du læser hvad der står.

Med de programmer du har kørende så ville jeg nok tænke over det 2 gange inden jeg anmelder nogen - den kunne tænkes at fare tilbage på dig selv.
Medmindre du har betalt for alle dine programmer naturligvis.
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 23:42 #36
ok, jeg spillede Counter-Strike lige inden det hele begyndte så det er nok det!

Jeg genstartede lige computeren og kørte en virus scan (den fandt nogle trojans), nu er \"hacker angrebende\" stoppet!

Jeg har valgt ikke at anmelde nogen!

Desuden har jeg sat flere point til rådighed og hvis du (Prodic) vil have point skal du blot lave et svar, alle der har svaret relevant vil få point!
Avatar billede prodic Mester
19. januar 2002 - 23:44 #37
Nej tak!
Avatar billede reg_guy Nybegynder
19. januar 2002 - 23:55 #38
mange tak for hjælpen!
Avatar billede overloaded Mester
05. juni 2002 - 12:40 #39
Hvis en rigtig hacker virkrlig vil ind i ens computer kommer han det om du vil eller ej, det er bare et spørgsmål om tid. En firewall er ligesom en mur omkring et hus jo højere man bygger muren jo sværere vil det være at komme over, men så finder man jo bare stige der er lang nok. Håber i kan følge mig:)
Avatar billede aaa_2500 Nybegynder
31. juli 2002 - 14:03 #40
>Jeg har valgt ikke at anmelde nogen!

Det er vel nok storsindet af dig, specielt når du ikke får noget ud af det!

Hacking og forsøg på hacking er strafbart, men portscanning alene er ikke nok til at underbygge "forsøg på hacking", idet det ikke beviser "ond hensigt".

Politiet vil sikkert tage imod din anmeldelse, men videre kommer det ikke.
Sådan er livet...
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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