15. januar 2002 - 11:29Der er
11 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Hjælp? selvstændig access formular?!?
ka man få Access eller noget andet i forbindelse med Access til at lave en selvstænding exe(eventuelt andet) fil udfra sine tabeller + formularer i access?
og points går til den første der siger nej eller hvis svaret er ja, så den første der fortæller hvordan ;)
It is also possible using Office developer edition to make a set-up kit containing a runtime version of Access. This means that your application (database) can be distributed to PC\'s where Access is NOT installed. But again the set-up kit contains NO EXE and also many files.
well then, hvad med at sætte en server up hvorfra den hiver required files eller data? er det en mulighed? (mindre virksomhed med 20 comps, der har brug for at kunne hive Access databaser men det er udelukket at installere access på alle comps) alle løsninger er velkommen.
If you design your database correctly this is no problem. You have an access database with only forms/queries/reports and temporary tables. This is called the front-end. You also have a database which only contains the tables (data) which all users need access to. This is called the back-end. The back-end database gets placed on a server. The front-end database links to the data in the back-end database. Then using the setup-wizard in Access (included with Office Developer Edition) you make a setup-kit for your application. This set-up kit is very much like any program you may have installed from a CD. You run this set-up kit on each PC which is to use the application.
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