Nedenstående eksempel tilføjer en fil til et eksisterende zip arkiv.
Det sker ved at indholdet af en eksisterende kopieres over i et nyt arkiv og ny data tilføjes.
import java.util.*;
public class WernerZip extends java.lang.Object { static outZip;
/** Creates new Zip */ public WernerZip() { }
public WernerZip(String[] args) { if(args.length <3) //we need at least 3 arguments { System.out.println(\"Syntax: java Zip <Standard zipfile> <Output zipfile> <fileToAdd 1 or more> \"); System.exit(1); //wrong number of arguments }
String zipName=args[0]; //get zip filname from arguments String outName=args[1]; //get output zip filname from arguments
File inputFile=new File(zipName); if(!inputFile.exists()) //check if input zip file exists { System.out.println(\"Error 2\"); System.exit(2); }
//check if to add files exists for(int x=2;x<args.length;x++) //loop through all files to add to see if the exists { inputFile=new File(args[x]); if(!inputFile.exists()) //check one of them { System.out.println(\"Error 3\"); System.exit(3); } }
try { outZip=new FileOutputStream(outName)); //create the new zip file
copyZip(zipName,outName); //copy contens of input zip file to the new zip file
for(int x=2;x<args.length;x++) //loop through files to add { addFile(outZip,args[x]); //add a new file to the zip file }
outZip.close(); //done } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); //deep trouble } } /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main (String args[]) { WernerZip zip=new WernerZip(args); }
private void copyZip(String inName, String outName) throws IOException { inZip = new; //open input zip file Enumeration enum = inZip.entries(); //get enumerator in order to iterate through files in input zip file
while(enum.hasMoreElements()) //iterate { entry = ( enum.nextElement(); //get zip entry for a single file
InputStream in=inZip.getInputStream(entry); //get the input stream so we can read the file
byte data[]=new byte[16384]; //read 16k at a time int len=0; entryOut = new; //create zip entry in output zip file outZip.putNextEntry(entryOut); //insert entry in output zip file while(len!=-1) //EOF ? {,0,16384); //read max 16 KB of data
if(len!=-1) //anything read from file ? { outZip.write(data,0,len); //add the block to output zip file } } outZip.closeEntry(); //done in.close(); //done } }
int pos=zipFileName.lastIndexOf(\'\\\\\'); //find last index of the \'\\\' char if(pos!=-1) //was there a \'\\\' { zipFileName=zipFileName.substring(pos+1); //remove everything before and including the last \'\\\' } entry = new; //create a new zip entry and replace \\ with / //her skal filen addes z.putNextEntry( entry ); //add entry FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(fileName); //open input file
byte data[]=new byte[16384]; //læs 1k af gangen int len=0;
while(len!=-1) //anything read from file {,0,16384); //read 16Kb max if(len!=-1) { z.write(data,0,len); //add the data to the zip file } } in.close(); //Close the file z.closeEntry(); } }
disky: er der en grund til linien static outZip; Er det ikke lidt farligt at lade en sådan variabel være statisk? Det vil have minimale omkostninger at lave den til en instansvariabel og gøre klassen mere sikker.
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