This driver only works with the SpeedStream 3060, 3061, 4031, and 4060. There is no planned support for other SpeedStream products such as the SpeedStream 3010, 3020, and 4020, or other versions of Windows.
Og dette:
Before upgrading to Windows XP
Before upgrading your version of Windows to Windows XP, the following steps must be performed. If the previous version of SpeedStream software is not uninstalled prior to upgrading the operating system, it may be difficult to get the product to operate correctly in Windows XP. Try uninstalling the software from Windows XP if this occurs.
1. Uninstall Efficient Networks SpeedStream DSL software. a. Click Start, and then Programs > Efficient Networks b. Select Uninstall SpeedStream DSL c. Proceed with the uninstall prompts. d. After completion of the uninstall, you will be required to reboot.
2. After the computer has restarted, install the Efficient Networks SpeedStream DSL software version 3.4.1.
Installing the SpeedStream 3010 ATM Card driver on Win95/98: PPP Method
Remove any installed driver for the SpeedStream 3010 ATM card.
Create the driver disk by unzipping the driver file for Win95/98 onto a blank, format floppy disk.
Copy the profile file (.ACF) onto the driver disk and rename it to \"default.acf\".
For Windows 98 only, run 10p11w9x.exe to the driver disk.
Restart Windows, the Plug-and-Play system should find the ADSL card.
Direct the Add New Hardware Wizard to find and load driver from the driver disk ( the card\'s Installation Guide may help here.)
Restart Windows when prompted.
Another dialog box appears telling you that you are about to complete the installation. Press the \"OK\" button.
Again restart Windows when prompted.
You should now have the PPP driver setup properly. In the \"Dial-up Networking\" folder you should find a icon for connecting to SuperNetvigator 1.5M service. Make sure you enter your correct logon ID and password.
manon>> Til det overstående du lige har skrevet ved der siger de at man skal/har downloadet nogle filer... Hvilke filer er det og hvor kan jeg hente dem?
Jeg kunne lige pluselig huske at jeg havde stillet samme spm for en ven der også har samme kort og XP - han måtte dog skifte sit produkt hos TDC, da hans ADSL ikke var XP kompatibel! Tror nok det heder NETexpress ADSL - men er ikke sikker. Ring til TDC og forhør dig!
Har fået netværkskortet til at virke men nu siger den \"Der er hardware fejl i modemet\" eller noget i den stil... Har lagt mærke til der er felre her på der har oprettet sådan her et spm.
De yder ingen support på WinXP Pro. Så lukker spm. da jeg nok ikke får noget ud af det...
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