21. december 2001 - 09:53
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Kan det lade sig gøre? >vælg>submit>beregn
Jeg har følgende spørgsmål. Kan det laade sig gøre at lave et javascript som kan udregne et antal point udfra et givet svar via en radioknap? For så at skrive den samlede score i et tekstfelt? Det går ud på at der ved spørgsmål nr. 1 skal svares vha. point, f.eks der vælges 4 point og ved spørgsmål nr. 2 vælges der et svar der hedder 10 point, så skal man submitte og en samlet score - i dette tilfælde er det \"14\" er svaret. Er er en html kode som måske kan bruges som eks.: <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"> </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\"> Nr. 1<br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 10 point <br> <br> Nr. 2<br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" name=\"radiobutton\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 10 point <br> <br> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Submit\"> <br> <br> Ialt point <input type=\"text\" name=\"textfield\"> </body> </html> Jeg giver gerne mellem 100 og 275 point for et godt svar :-)
Annonceindlæg fra Cognizant
21. december 2001 - 11:17
<html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"> <script> var button1 = 0; var button2 = 0; function calculate(a) { if(a.name.indexOf(\"1\") > 0) button1 = parseInt(a.point); else button2 = parseInt(a.point); textfield.value = button1 + button2; } </script> </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\"> Nr. 1<br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"1\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"2\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"3\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"4\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"5\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"10\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 10 point <br> <br> Nr. 2<br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"1\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"2\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"3\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"4\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"5\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" point=\"10\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"radiobutton\"> 10 point <br> <br> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Submit\"> <br> <br> Ialt point <input type=\"text\" name=\"textfield\"> </body> </html>
21. december 2001 - 11:20
du kan også sagtens fjerne point attributen : <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"> <script> var button1 = 0; var button2 = 0; function calculate(a) { if(a.name.indexOf(\"1\") > 0) button1 = parseInt(a.value); else button2 = parseInt(a.value); textfield.value = button1 + button2; } </script> </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\"> Nr. 1<br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"10\"> 10 point <br> <br> Nr. 2<br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"10\"> 10 point <br> <br> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Submit\"> <br> <br> Ialt point <input type=\"text\" name=\"textfield\"> </body> </html>
21. december 2001 - 11:48
Hvad er forskellen på de 2 scripts ???? Og hvis jeg gerne vil have flere spørgsmål tilføjet - ser det så sådan her ud?? (det virker nemlig ikke *s*) <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"> <script> var button1 = 0; var button2 = 0; var button3 = 0; function calculate(a) { if(a.name.indexOf(\"1\") > 0) button1 = parseInt(a.value); if button2 = parseInt(a.value); else button3 = parseInt(a.value); textfield.value = button1 + button2 + button3; } </script> </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\"> Nr. 1<br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"10\"> 10 point <br> <br> Nr. 2<br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"10\"> 10 point<br> <br> Nr. 3<br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"10\"> 10 point<br> <br> Ialt point <input type=\"text\" name=\"textfield\"> </body> </html>
21. december 2001 - 12:16
Du kan sagtens tilføje flere sæt af knapper. ligesom at du kan tilføje flere knapper i hvert sæt. Du skal bare ha scriptet sådan her : ----------------------------------------- <script> var button1 = 0; var button2 = 0; var button3 = 0; function calculate(a) { if(a.name.indexOf(\"1\") > 0) button1 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"2\") > 0) button2 = parseInt(a.value); else button3 = parseInt(a.value); textfield.value = button1 + button2 + button3; } </script> ----------------------------------------- Linien : if(a.name.indexOf(\"1\") > 0) Kontrollere om der står et 1 tal i sættets name, og hvis ikke, så hopper den ned til næste som så kontrollere om der står 2 i navnet, og hvis ikke, så hopper den ned og udfører det der står her : button3 = parseInt(a.value); Det vil sige at hvis du skal ha flere sæt af knapper, så skal du ha en ekstra kontrol som denne her : else if(a.name.indexOf(\"xxxxx\") > 0) Så du kan altså tilføje som du har lyst til : if(a.name.indexOf(\"1\") > 0) button1 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"2\") > 0) button2 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"3\") > 0) button3 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"4\") > 0) button4 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"5\") > 0) button5 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"6\") > 0) button6 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"7\") > 0) button7 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"8\") > 0) button8 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"9\") > 0) button9 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"10\") > 0) button10 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"11\") > 0) button11 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"12\") > 0) button12 = parseInt(a.value); else button13 = parseInt(a.value); Go fornøjelse
22. december 2001 - 00:04
Kasseper - det ser perfekt ud - dog er der lige den sidste lille detalje - 10x10=100! ikke sandt ? Men iflg. skemaet her giver det kun 90 ! Kan du se fejlen ??? Her er det færdige script som jeg gerne vil have det: <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"> <script> var button1 = 0; var button2 = 0; var button3 = 0; var button4 = 0; var button5 = 0; var button6 = 0; var button7 = 0; var button8 = 0; var button9 = 0; var button10 = 0; function calculate(a) { if(a.name.indexOf(\"1\") > 0) button1 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"2\") > 0) button2 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"3\") > 0) button3 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"4\") > 0) button4 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"5\") > 0) button5 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"6\") > 0) button6 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"7\") > 0) button7 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"8\") > 0) button8 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"9\") > 0) button9 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"10\") > 0) button10 = parseInt(a.value); textfield.value = button1 + button2 + button3 + button4 + button5 + button6 + button7 + button8 + button9 + button10; } </script> </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\"> <br> <table width=\"600\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"> <tr> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 1</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton1\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 2</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton2\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 3</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton3\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 4</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton4\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton4\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton4\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton4\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton4\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton4\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 5</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton5\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton5\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton5\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton5\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton5\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton5\" value=\"10\"> 10 point </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 6</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton6\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton6\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton6\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton6\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton6\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton6\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 7</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton7\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton7\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton7\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton7\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton7\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton7\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 8</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton8\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton8\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton8\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton8\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton8\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton8\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 9</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton9\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton9\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton9\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton9\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton9\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton9\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 10</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton10\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton10\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton10\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton10\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton10\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton10\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> </tr> </table> <br> Ialt point <input type=\"text\" name=\"textfield\"> </body> </html>
22. december 2001 - 09:43
Ja jeg kan godt se fejlen, men det er delvist min fejl : i denne linie if(a.name.indexOf(\"1\") > 0) kontrollere vi om tegnet \"1\" indgår i radio-sættets navn, og det gøre det både i sættet der hedder radiobutton1 og i radiobutton10, så derfor må vi finde en metode til at afgrænse tallene i radioknapsætsnavne..... Så vi bruger navne radiobutton#10# altså bruger vi # til at afgrænse, vi kunne også ha brugt et hvilket som helst andet tegn. Derfor skal det nu se således ud : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"> <script> var button1 = 0; var button2 = 0; var button3 = 0; var button4 = 0; var button5 = 0; var button6 = 0; var button7 = 0; var button8 = 0; var button9 = 0; var button10 = 0; function calculate(a) { if(a.name.indexOf(\"#1#\") > 0) button1 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"#2#\") > 0) button2 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"#3#\") > 0) button3 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"#4#\") > 0) button4 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"#5#\") > 0) button5 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"#6#\") > 0) button6 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"#7#\") > 0) button7 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"#8#\") > 0) button8 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"#9#\") > 0) button9 = parseInt(a.value); else if(a.name.indexOf(\"#10#\") > 0) button10 = parseInt(a.value); textfield.value = button1 + button2 + button3 + button4 + button5 + button6 + button7 + button8 + button9 + button10; } </script> </head> <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\"> <br> <table width=\"600\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"> <tr> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 1</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#1#\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#1#\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#1#\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#1#\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#1#\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#1#\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 2</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#2#\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#2#\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#2#\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#2#\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#2#\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#2#\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 3</b><br> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#3#\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#3#\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#3#\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#3#\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#3#\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#3#\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> <td><font size=\"2\"><b>Nr. 4</b><br> <!-- OSV. frem til nummer 10 --> <br> a: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#10#\" value=\"1\"> 1 point<br> b: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#10#\" value=\"2\"> 2 point<br> c: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#10#\" value=\"3\"> 3 point<br> d: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#10#\" value=\"4\"> 4 point<br> e: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#10#\" value=\"5\"> 5 point<br> f: <input type=\"radio\" onClick=\"calculate(this)\" name=\"radiobutton#10#\" value=\"10\"> 10 point</font></td> </tr> </table> <br> Ialt point <input type=\"text\" name=\"textfield\"> </body> </html> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Så sulle det virke..!
22. december 2001 - 09:58
Perfekt ! Hvor lækkert - Tusind tak Casper *s* Her er dine velfortjente 100 point plus en lille bonus for det gode og tålmodige arbejde *s*
Vi tilbyder markedets bedste kurser inden for webudvikling