Help me with a \"simpel\" perl program!
Could somebody help me with the following questions?I prefer English answers but it is also okay with Danish answers.
Consider the enclosed PERL program,
a. Describe exactly what command line arguments takes.
$location = $ARGV[0];
$level = $ARGV[1];
if (!$level) { exit;}
print STDERR \"*** page: $location level $level\\n\";
@contents = `/usr/bin/lynx -source $location`;
foreach $line (@contents) {
$newloc = \"\";
# http href
if ($line =~ m/href=\\\"?(http:[^\\>\\s\\\"]+)/i) {
$newloc = $1;
# href starting with ./ (local file)
} elsif ($line =~ m/href=\\\"?[.]\\/([^\\>\\s\\\"]+)/i) {
$newloc = \"$location/$1\";
# href starting with local file name
} elsif ($line =~ m/href=\\\"?([^\\>\\s\\\"]+)/i) {
$newloc = \"$location/$1\";
# html file for example with frames
} elsif ($line =~ m/=\\\"?([^\\>\\s\\\"]+html?)/i) {
$newloc = \"$location/$1\";
if ($newloc =~ /\\.(pdf|ps)/) {
print STDERR \"avoiding file $newloc\\n\";
} elsif ($newloc =~ /mailto\\:/) {
print STDERR \"avoiding file $newloc\\n\";
} elsif ($newloc) {
$newlevel = $level-1;
system(\" $newloc $newlevel\");
print @contents;
b. Consider the regular expressions in the following
two lines:
if ($line =~ m/href=\\\"?(http:[^\\>\\s\\\"]+)/i) {
elsif ($line =~ m/href=\\\"?[.]\\/([^\\>\\s\\\"]+)/i) {
For each of these regular expressions:
-Describe exactly what it matches
-Give a line that would match it