Avatar billede magicboy Nybegynder
05. december 2001 - 23:23 Der er 3 kommentarer

sætte billed ind

Hvis jeg nu vil have et billed til at køre op istedet for en tekst hvad skal så retes... og kan det lade sig gøre

<style type=\"text/css\">
#divNewsCont {position:absolute; left:100px; top:200px; width:300px; height:80px; clip:rect(0px 300px 80px 0px); visibility:hidden; overflow:hidden;}
#divNews    {position:absolute;}
<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">
*  Copyright (C) 2001 <a href=\"/dhtmlcentral/thomas_brattli.asp\">Thomas Brattli</a>
*  This script was released at DHTMLCentral.com
*  Visit for more great scripts!
*  This may be used and changed freely as long as this msg is intact!
*  We will also appreciate any links you could give us.
*  Made by <a href=\"/dhtmlcentral/thomas_brattli.asp\">Thomas Brattli</a>
function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed)
    this.opera5=(navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"Opera\")>-1 && document.getElementById)?1:0
    this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf(\"MSIE 5\")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;
    this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf(\"MSIE 6\")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;
    this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;
    this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0;
    this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0;
    this.bw=(this.ie6 || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5)
    return this
var bw=new lib_bwcheck()

Use the style tag to change the placement and width of the layers.
If you are trying to place this into a table cell or something make the
position of the divNewsCont layer relative...Remeber that that might crash
Netscape 4 though, Good luck!

Variables to set

//How do you want the script to work?
//0 = Fade in - Fade out
//1 = Slide in - Fade out
//2 = Random
nWorks = 1

//If you use the slide set these variables:
nSlidespeed = 5 //in px
nNewsheight = 80 //This is how long down it should start the slide.

nBetweendelay = 1000 //The delay before fading out.
nFont = \'arial,helvetiva\' //The font for the news.
nFontsize = 12 //Font size in pixel.
nFadespeed = 100 //The speed to fade in, in milliseconds.

//Set the colors, first color is same as background, last color is the color it stops at:
//You can have as many colors you want
nColor=new Array(\'#FFFFFF\', \'#EEEEEE\',\'#CCCCCC\',\'#999999\',\'#666666\',\'#333333\',\'#000000\')

//This is the news you wanna have, set the link and the text. If you don\'t wan\'t it to link anywhere
//use a # as the link
nNews=new Array()
//Copy there three lines and change the info and numbers to get more news.
nNews[0]=new Array()
nNews[0][\"text\"]=\"New scripts  is updated with more scripts then ever!\"

nNews[1]=new Array()
nNews[1][\"text\"]=\"Dynamic HTML scripts can be found here! ZoomText, FadeNews, TextChange and lot\'s lot\'s more..\"

nNews[2]=new Array()
nNews[2][\"text\"]=\"Search the web with yahoo!\"

Object code...Object constructors and functions...
function makeNewsObj(obj,nest,font,size,color,news,fadespeed,betweendelay,slidespeed,works,newsheight){
    nest=(!nest) ? \"\":\'document.\'+nest+\'.\'
      this.css=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj).style:bw.ie4?document.all[obj].style:bw.ns4?eval(nest+\"document.layers.\" +obj):0;   
      this.writeref=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj):bw.ie4?document.all[obj]:bw.ns4?eval(nest+\"document.layers.\" +obj+\".document\"):0;
    if(font){this.color=new Array(); this.color=eval(color); this.news=new Array(); this.news=eval(news)
        this.font=font; this.size=size; this.speed=fadespeed; this.delay=betweendelay; this.newsheight=newsheight;
        this.fadeIn=b_fadeIn;this.fadeOut=b_fadeOut; this.newsWrite=b_newsWrite; this.y=1
        this.slideIn=b_slideIn; this.moveIt=b_moveIt; this.slideSpeed=slidespeed; this.works=works
        if(bw.dom || bw.ie4){this.css.fontFamily=this.font; this.css.fontSize=this.size; this.css.color=this.color[0]}
    this.obj = obj + \"Object\";     eval(this.obj + \"=this\"); return this

// A unit of measure that will be added when setting the position of a layer.
var px = bw.ns4||window.opera?\"\":\"px\";

function b_moveIt(x,y){this.x=x; this.y=y; this.css.left=this.x+px; this.css.top=this.y+px;}

function b_newsWrite(num,i){
    if (bw.ns4){
        this.writeref.write(\"<a href=\\\"\"+this.news[num][\'link\']+\"\\\" target=\\\"myTarget\\\" style=\\\"text-decoration:none; font-size:\"+this.size+\"px\\\">\"
            +\"<font face=\\\"\"+this.font+\"\\\" color=\\\"\"+this.color[i]+\"\\\">\"+this.news[num][\'text\']+\"</font></a>\")
    }else this.writeref.innerHTML = \'<a id=\"\'+this.obj+\'link\' +\'\" target=\"myTarget\"  style=\"text-decoration:none; font-size:\'+this.size+\'px; color:\'+this.color[i]+\'\" href=\"\'+this.news[num][\'link\']+\'\">\'+this.news[num][\'text\']+\'</a>\'
//Slide in
function b_slideIn(num,i){
    if (this.y>0){
        if (i==0){this.moveIt(0,this.newsheight); this.newsWrite(num,this.color.length-1)}
        i ++
    }else setTimeout(this.obj+\".fadeOut(\"+num+\",\"+(this.color.length-1)+\")\",this.delay)
//The fade functions
function b_fadeIn(num,i){
    if (i<this.color.length){
        if (i==0 || bw.ns4) this.newsWrite(num,i)
            obj = bw.ie4?eval(this.obj+\"link\"):document.getElementById(this.obj+\"link\")
            obj.style.color = this.color[i]
        i ++
    }else setTimeout(this.obj+\".fadeOut(\"+num+\",\"+(this.color.length-1)+\")\",this.delay)

function b_fadeOut(num,i){
    if (i>=0){
        if (i==0 || bw.ns4) this.newsWrite(num,i)   
            obj = bw.ie4?eval(this.obj+\"link\"):document.getElementById(this.obj+\"link\")
            obj.style.color = this.color[i]
        i --
        num ++
        if(num==this.news.length) num=0
        works = !this.works?0:this.works==1?1:Math.round(Math.random())
        if(works==0) setTimeout(this.obj+\".fadeIn(\"+num+\",0)\",500)
        else if (works==1){this.y=1; setTimeout(this.obj+\".slideIn(\"+num+\",0)\",500)
The init function. Calls the object constructor and set some properties and starts the fade
function fadeInit(){
    oNews = new makeNewsObj(\'divNews\',\'divNewsCont\',nFont,nFontsize,\"nColor\",\"nNews\",nFadespeed,nBetweendelay,nSlidespeed,nWorks,nNewsheight)
    oNewsCont = new makeNewsObj(\'divNewsCont\')
    works = !oNews.works?0:oNews.works==1?1:Math.round(Math.random())
    if (works==0) oNews.fadeIn(0,0)
    else if (works==1) oNews.slideIn(0,0)
    oNewsCont.css.visibility = \"visible\"

//Calls the init function on pageload.
if(bw.bw) onload = fadeInit
<div id=\"divNewsCont\">
    <div id=\"divNews\">
        Default text, this is the text that 3.x browsers will see
        You can have lot\'s of ˜ here in stead. Or you can use a
        script to write in text only if it\'s Netscape 4 (you have to
        do that so that the layer gets some content or the written in text
        won\'t show correct.
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
05. december 2001 - 23:25 #1

Default text, this is the text that 3.x browsers will see
        You can have lot\'s of &#732; here in stead. Or you can use a
        script to write in text only if it\'s Netscape 4 (you have to
        do that so that the layer gets some content or the written in text
        won\'t show correct.

ud med dit billede...
Avatar billede magicboy Nybegynder
05. december 2001 - 23:26 #2
okay tak..  kender du et godt og enkelt script hvor der kan være billed med
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
05. december 2001 - 23:30 #3
ikke hvis det skal virke i de fleste browsere...
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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