<% Function Wrap(ByVal Text, ByVal WrapChar, ByVal WrapAt) \' ***************************************************************************************************** \' * WordWrap v1.2 - WordWraps a string off as near as possible to the specified max character amount * \' * By Thomas Daugaard, December 11th, 2000. * \' * * \' * Arguments: Text : The string to wordwrap * \' * WrapChar : A string specifying how/with what to wrap the string. Default is <br> * \' * WrapAt : Numeric value specifying the maximum amount of characters allowed in a * \' * string. Wraps backwards in the string to ensure that the max value is meet. * \' * * \' * Note: Arguments are passed By Value, not reference. * \' *****************************************************************************************************
Text = Trim(Text) If Len(Text) =< WrapAt Or Len(Text) = 0 Or InStr(Text, \" \") = 0 Then Wrap = \"\" & Text: Exit Function If Len(WrapChar) = 0 Then WrapChar = \"<br>\" Do If Len(Text) < WrapAt Then strFinal = strFinal & Text: Exit Do strPart = Left(Text, WrapAt): intOff = WrapAt If Not Right(strPart, 1) = \" \" Then intOff = InStrRev(strPart, \" \") If intOff = 0 Then intOff = InStr(Text, WrapAt, \" \") If intOff = 0 Then strPart = Text End If strPart = Left(Text, intOff) Text = Right(Text, Len(Text) - Len(strPart)) strFinal = strFinal & strPart & WrapChar Loop Wrap = strFinal End Function
function SMSsender(strNummer, strFra, strBesked) \' *** SMTP Mail komponent valg *** \' 0 = JMail \' 1 = ASPMail intMailer = 0 strSMTP = \"Domæne\" \' SMTP server rsttes til.... strAfs = \"Email@email\" \' En gyldig POP3 konto rettes til....
If Len(strNummer) > 0 And Len(strFra) > 0 And Len(strBesked) > 0 Then
If Len(strNummer) = 8 And IsNumeric(strNummer) Then If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) > 2010 Then If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 2010 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 2059 Then strDom = strTeleDK If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 2060 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 2099 Then strDom = strSonofon If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 2110 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 2199 Then strDom = strTeleDK If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 2210 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 2299 Then strDom = strSonofon If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 2310 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 2399 Then strDom = strTeleDK If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 2320 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 2499 Then strDom = strTeleDK If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 2610 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 2699 Then strDom = strMobilix If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 2710 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 2799 Then strDom = strMobilix If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 2810 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 2899 Then strDom = strTelia If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 3010 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 3689 Then strDom = strTeleDK If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 3690 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 3309 Then strDom = strMobilix If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 3810 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 4049 Then strDom = strTeleDK If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 4050 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 4099 Then strDom = strSonofon If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 4320 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 4679 Then strDom = strTeleDK If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 4690 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 4709 Then strDom = strMobilix If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 4710 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 4979 Then strDom = strTeleDK If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 5010 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 5199 Then strDom = strTeleDK If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) = 6910 Or CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) = 6911 Then strDom = strMobilix If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) = 6912 Or CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) = 6966 Then strDom = strMobilix If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 6960 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 6964 Then strDom = strMobilix If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) = 6969 Or CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) = 6996 Then strDom = strMobilix If CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) => 6980 And CInt(Left(strNummer, 4)) =< 6989 Then strDom = strMobilix
If strDom > \"\" Then strFra = \"(\" & strFra & \") \"
If intMailer = 0 Then Set JMail = Server.CreateObject(\"JMail.SMTPMail\") JMail.ServerAddress = strSMTP JMail.Sender = strAfs JMail.AddRecipient (strNummer & strDom) Else Set ASPMail = Server.CreateObject(\"SMTPsvg.Mailer\") ASPMail.RemoteHost = strSMTP ASPMail.FromAddress = strAfs ASPMail.AddRecipient \"\", (strNummer & strDom) End If
If Len(strBesked) > intMsgSize then strWrapped = Split(Wrap(strBesked, \"|\", intMsgSize), \"|\") For Index = 0 To UBound(strWrapped) Select Case intMailer Case 0: JMail.Body = strFra & strWrapped(Index): JMail.Execute Case 1: ASPMail.BodyText = strFra & strWrapped(Index): ASPMail.SendMail End Select Next intMsgSize = UBound(strWrapped) + 1 Else Select Case intMailer Case 0: JMail.Body = strFra & strBesked: JMail.Execute Case 1: ASPMail.BodyText = strFra & strBesked: ASPMail.SendMail End Select intMsgSize = 1 End If
Set JMail = Nothing
bolValid = True Select Case (intMsgSize > 1) Case True: strSendt = \"Din besked blev sendt af <b>\" & intMsgSize & \"</b> SMS´er til <b>\" & strNummer & \"</b>.\" Case False: strSendt = \"Din besked blev sendt til <b>\" & strNummer & \"</b>.\" End Select Else strSendt = \"Beskeden kunne ikke sendes da det indtastede tlf nummer ikke er et gyldigt mobil nummer, <b>\" & strNummer & \"</b>.\" End If Else strSendt = \"Beskeden kunne ikke sendes da det indtastede tlf nummer ikke er et gyldigt mobil nummer, <b>\" & strNummer & \"</b>.\" End If Else strSendt = \"Beskeden kunne ikke sendes da det indtastede tlf nummer ikke er et gyldigt mobil nummer, <b>\" & strNummer & \"</b>.\" End If Else strSendt = \"Fejl i besked, fra eller mobil nummer!\" End If SMSsender = strSendt end function %>
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