Okey, hør her jeg har en accessdatabase med ca. 200.000 poster, i hver post er der et lille ja/nej afkrydsningsfelt. Desværre er dette felt som standart ikke afkrydset, og jeg vil nu gerne have de 200.000 felter afkrydset!
Dog skal alle nye poster i fremtiden, ikke være afkrydset automatisk!
lav en opdateringsforespørgsel enten på baggrund af den tabel eller forespørgsel hvor feltet er med o g træk dit ja/nej ned og opdater det til 0 mener jeg ellers er det -1
Oh I forgot! Checked (afkrydset) = True, so as far as I can see there is no need to alter standard value if it already is false, as dsb states himself!
Hi Terry! Where do You see, that there is only one table in the db? False / True = xx, Ok You win I mentioned the \"Standardværdi\", becaurse it seems to me, that dsb does not know what it is. But by knowing this dsb has the possibility to change it if He wants. :o)
mugs>I came to think of this question just as Iwas crawling out of my bed. In my comment 20:18 I sain only one tabel, nothing about in the database. Infact there could be many in the database isself, but if ther eis only one in the query then you dont need to use the table name. Access nearly always addeds the table name but it isnt necessary.
For example:
SELECT tbl1.fld1 as Myfld1, tbl2.fld1 as Myfld2 from tbl1, tbl2
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