Avatar billede myth Nybegynder
29. november 2001 - 10:10 Der er 4 kommentarer og
1 løsning

MP3 og Windows XP

Ja det her spørgsmål er til ære for nogle bekendte.

Vi kører alle Windows XP Pro og det funker kan man jo kun sige...

Men... Vi kan godt lide at have digitale kopier af vores Audio-Cd\'er.

Nu kommer ? :

Jeg kan bruge audiograbber til at encode mp3 med... De andre kan ikke så de må nøjes med wmA-formatet der godt nok fylder mindre men er man vandt til en ting så....

Hvad kan dette skyldes? De andre kan grabbe mp3 i Analog ikke digitalt... det kan jeg... De kan slet ikke få adgang til ACPI!!! Jeg kunne heller ikke tidligere men blev overtalt til at prøve en gang til.

Trist tilmode over at det ikke ville funke installerede jeg det ellers glemte AUDIOGRABBER!!!! Hokuspokus det kørte bare?!!!
Avatar billede steel-shark Nybegynder
29. november 2001 - 11:02 #1
prøv eventuellt med et andeet program!!!
søg efter Cannamp
Avatar billede myth Nybegynder
29. november 2001 - 11:13 #2
problemet ligger jo i at xp disabler acPI driveren til CD-rom drevet
Avatar billede isl19960 Nybegynder
29. november 2001 - 11:23 #3
Prøv at højrklikke på dit cd-rom drev i \'denne computer\' - herunder kan du vist sætte om den skal bruge digital eller analog...

(frit fra hukommelsen - sidder lige nu ved win2000) =)
Avatar billede myth Nybegynder
29. november 2001 - 11:26 #4
jeg vil gerne have en masse gode forslag til print da jeg ikke har i-net på min egen derhjemme men sidder på job
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
09. december 2001 - 16:59 #5
Jeg har fået aspi til at virke under win xp. Problemet er at du ikke har installeret en sapi driver.
Det er nødvendigt at installere filer i system biblioteket og ændre i regedit.
jeg kan godt sende filerne til dig.
Her er lidt vejledning på engelsk.

MPAction Rip’n’Coder CD-ROM \"Compatibility Issues\"
CD ripping issues

CD ripper settings

Audio Rip\'n\'Coder has full automated speed sensing, jitter correction and buffer control. Users are not required to set these parameters

This will assure the best settings are used to provide the best results. It does however make the ripper somewhat intolerant of producing errored results and will produce an error message after a predetermined error re-reads have occured.

If you have the correct ASPI drivers as described below and a fully DAE supporting CDrom then you will be able to rip without error in Rip\'n\'Coder so long as the CD itself is in fair condition.

There are 3 control \"modes\" in Audio Rip\'n\'Coder to modify the ASPI control during audio extraction.

Normal, Buffer Burst Reading and Synchronise Sector, these modes may allow you to rip where you experience error messages.

Program ASPI Notes:

It is a standard fact in any CD ripper that the best method bar none is Digital Audio Extraction (DAE) via ASPI layer.

All Rippers do perform DAE using ASPI, but only if the ASPI layer is working correctly, if it is not Audio Rip\'n\'Coder will not work because Rip\'n\'Coder ONLY uses DAE method, simply because all Windows computers can run ASPI layer and it assures the best Audio extraction results over all other methods used.

Other CD ripping programs often incorporate other methods for Ripping the CD to operate if the DAE method via ASPI does not work on your computer.

Unlike Audio Rip\'n\'Coder these programs will rip the CD, but in all cases the methods used are inferior to DAE via ASPI by a notable margin.

Some other rippers may default to Mscdex a legacy CD rom support driver that runs in DOS, or even worse 1x1 Analogue recording via sound card, either way so that these programs can continue producing the output to then encode to MP3 and appear to operate properly.

They do operate but not properly if they are not extracting audio via ASPI layer to assure the best audio quality, in the humble opinion of Rip\'n\'Coder author.

It is a common occurrence to receive support Email that states that XXXX program will Rip Cd\'s but Audio Rip\'n\'Coder will not work. This simply indicates the other software is not using ASPI layer but an alternative ripping method, if ASPI layer was working properly, Rip\'n\'Coder will work on it. For those people when they fix ASPI things start working right.

Solution is simple: Fix ASPI layer on your machine and whatever you use to Rip Cd\'\'s with it will work to it optimum quality ripping.

This page has all the details you need below to fix ASPI layer on your computer simply, but also includes some detailed additions for those more inquisitive who want to know what is being modified and added to fix ASPI layer. You can ignore the techo jargon regarding files and registry entries and just download the files you need to update and run them.

Because Audio Rip\'n\'Coder only supports the best method of CD Audio extraction by design it includes a testing program during the installation to ensure the CD can be read via ASPI layer, this tester is not generally found in other Rippers that provide inferior non ASPI methods that simply revert to the next best method that works and disable the ones that don\'t, like DAE via ASPI layer.

It may make it snappy and simple for the user for the ripper program to divert to Analogue or another method, but the point of the whole exercise is to rip CD\'s so you achieve the best quality so Rip\'n\'Coder only does it the best way and leaves the other inferior methods out of the program.

Rip\'n\'Coder may make you jump a hoop or two installing it with it testing and dealing with ASPI layer, but you will reap the benefits in the quality you have in all your music you encode by using ASPI layer to extract CD audio and no other method, whatever ripper you use.

CD and ASPI tester

If you do have an error at any time you can run mpactest.exe

Go to the program folder where Rip\'n\'Coder is installed (e.g. C:\\MPAction), there is a program called \"mpactest.exe\", this is the testing program that is run during installation and can be used to test ripping at any time.

Run mpactest.exe (double click on it), when it goes to test the CD rom ripping it will ask you to insert a CD and it will display the Logical drive letters and CD devices found.

Select each CD device in the list if you have multiple drives, each logical drive letter (e.g. D:, E:) found for that device will be shown above.

Select the CD to test by Device (e.g. NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:502) not Drive letter to do a Ripping test.

If there is an error note the error message, please read the continuing issues that may cause ripping errors to see if these resolve the issue for you, please report the error at support page.

You can re-run mpactest.exe at anytime to test CD ripping outside of Rip\'n\'Coder after you make changes needed to resolve ripping errors.

ASPI error issues.

During installation ASPI driver versions will be tested and you will be notified of the existence of ASPI driver on your machine and if found the suitability of those version drivers for use with Audio Rip\'n\'Coder.

If you have No ASPI drivers you may choose cancel to the Ripping test that follows as it will not work and you will receive this message.

Inside the program after installation the \"CD Ripper\" button is disabled on startup of the application then there is an ASPI driver error or no ASPI drivers as above, the solution to the ASPI Initialise error is covered below.

There are issues with ASPI mini port drivers used for DAE (Digital Audio Extraction) that may produce result from No initialisation (above), to ASPI error messages.

Some of the reasons are: The CDrom does not support DAE ripping and some don\'t, or there is ASPI driver problems.

Windows 95B onwards provided a minimal set of ASPI drivers, however there may be a number of reasons you do not have the correct ASPI Layer Drivers.

Example: A user has an SCSI scanner with a separate SCSI card. The scanner software installs an ASPI that is not compatible for Ripping it will cause errors.

Or a user has a 66 Mhz ATAPI card with its own driver and that is a simple ASPI driver and no good for DAE Ripping.

NOTE: Because Windows 2000 and Windows XP are not provided with ASPI drivers, (Win95/98 are) you will need to add them, it is no more difficult than adding drivers or the like for other programs you may have like games etc that require certain hardware support.

As you have most likely have a CD-rom that is capable of Digital Audio Extraction it makes sense to add ASPI supprt to enable this feature for the best Ripping results.

There are references by some product vendors not to use ASPI in Windows 200 / XP, the only reason this is stated by them is because of the above fact that the ASPI drivers are not provided with_the_windows_system, but when added WILL function the same as all other versions of Windows with ASPI and the warning they provide is by no means a technical warning that will effect your computer adversely if you use ASPI drivers on Windows 2000 or XP.

Use aspichk.exe to test for the presence and correct operation of ASPI drivers.


An ASPICHK.EXE output will look like this

Windows 95 / 98 / Me

Windows NT / 2000 / XP

You must have \"Host Adapters\" showing.

You may gave the right drivers but may not have the Adapter showing and you will need to resolve this in the CD-ROM or the IDE set up.

The drivers required are:

For Windows 95 / 98 / Me ASPI drivers:

wnaspi32.dll (4.54) or (4.57)
winasp.dll (4.54) or (4.57)
apix.vxd (4.54) or (4.57)
aspienum.vxd (4.54) or (4.57)
There is program that will update Drivers for (Windows 95/98 ONLY) here aspi_W9x driver (Important Note: set windows date back to 1998, run aspi_me.exe to update drivers, then set date back to current date when done)

If you want to know where do the files go.

wnaspi32.dll = windows\\system
winaspi.dll = windows\\system
apix.vxd = windows\\system\\Iosubsys
aspienum.vxd = windows\\system

Note this registry entry is added to Windows9x or should be by programs that update ASPI drivers.

If you do not have this registry entry you may not see CD rom device as it will be locked out. If the entry does not exist after updating ASPI drivers you must add it. Do Not edit the registry unless you are familar with the procedure.

If you are not familiar with editing registry download RegAspi9x.reg HERE , once you have downloaded the file, unzip it and double click on it, this will add the entry to your registry, re-start your machine.

For Windows NT / 2000 / XP ASPI drivers:

winasp.dll (4.60)
wowpost.exe (4.60)
aspi32.sys (4.60)
wnaspi32.dll (4.60)

There is program that will update Drivers for (Windows NT / 2000 / XP ONLY) here aspi_NT-2000 drivers

If you want to know where do the files go.

winaspi.dll = winnt\\system
wowpost.exe = winnt\\system
aspi32.sys = winnt\\system32\\drivers
wnaspi32.dll = winnt\\system32

Note these registry entries are added to Windows NT / 2000 / XP or should be by programs that update ASPI drivers

If you do not have the registry entries you may not see CD rom device as it will be locked out. If the entry does not exist after updating ASPI drivers you must add it. Do Not edit the registry unless you are familar with the procedure.

If you are not familiar with editing registry, for windows NT download RegAspiNT.reg HERE once you have downloaded the file, unzip it and double click on it, this will add the entry to your registry, re-start your machine.

Once you have restarted the computer after making ASPI additions then Run the Audio Rip\'n\'Coder to see if ASPI initialises properly enabling the CD ripping button.

There is no need to Re-install Audio Rip\'n\'Coder.

To try to stop other programs from messing with or over writing your ASPI driver I suggest you set the file attributes of them to Read Only (right click, choose properties you will see 4 check boxes to set these instead of \"archive\" to \"read only\")

Original ASPI driver ver 1.x files can be found on Windows Installation discs for Win9x but above links provide the latest 4.xx versions.

OTHER issues relating to CD-ROM error messages

Your CD-ROM itself may not be compatible for high speed DAE via ASPI layer.

The CD-ROM must be on the same machine as the Rip\'n\'Coder, it cannot be a Network mapped CD-ROM as Rip\'n\'Coder wont use the ASPI drivers on the mapped machine, it will only access the ones on the machine the application resides on connected to its local CD-ROM.

If you do not have a local CD-ROM, the \"Ripper\" button is disabled/greyed.

You can Encode over a LAN and Rip the CD to a destination Drive or folder on a Network drive. MPAction JukeBox works over a LAN also.

Encoding is best done on the fastest machine you own. Ripping on the best CD-ROM you own.

It may be a good idea before you purchase a new CDrom, evaluate your usage and get a decent one for the job that will definitely support full DAE, it really makes the difference.

A DAE supporting CDrom player is about the same price as 4 to 5 music CD’s so if you want quality sound use DAE ripping.

If you cannot get another CD-Rom to support DAE Ripping then you can use Analogue recording methods.

Here is a program that will work similar to the Ripper but will do it in Analogue, this will work for any computer that can play a CD.

It is called T.A.R. (This Aint no Ripper) (a very un original name for a very \"lame\" method of CD to HDD ;-)

Download here

You must have one of the softwares we provide installed to use this program as it uses shared files supplied with the main programs. There is no install simply unzip it and use it.

Logical Drive letter/s issue

The logical drive letter is the drive letter used by Windows, the CDrom is addressed via IDE device and not windows so it must determine the logical drive to associate with file system.

Rip\'n\'Coder determines the correct logical drive to use with each CD device found

It is possible that the logical drive letter is incorrectly set in Rip\'n\'Coder for one or a number of CDrom devices.

This can be fixed by going into Audio Rip\'n\'Coder options dialog and select CD devices and set the correct Logical Drive letter for each CD device. Press OK when done.

This will fix the CD drive letter err
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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