Avatar billede muffy Nybegynder
25. november 2001 - 20:44 Der er 1 løsning


<%    @EnableSessionState    = False %>
<%    Option Explicit %>
<%    Response.Expires    = 0 %>
    UPLOAD_PATH    = Server.MapPath(\"artkel_upload\")
    Dim g_oFso, g_oFolder, g_oFile

    Set g_oFso    = Server.CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\")
    Set g_oFolder    = g_oFso.getFolder(UPLOAD_PATH)

If (Request.ServerVariables(\"REQUEST_METHOD\") = \"POST\") Then
    Dim g_oUpload
        Set g_oUpload    = get_upload_files()

    Dim fpos, fcontent
    fcontent    = g_oUpload(\"upload\").Item(\"content\")
    Set g_oFile    = g_oFso.CreateTextFile(UPLOAD_PATH & \"\\\" & extract_filename(g_oUpload(\"upload\").Item(\"filename\")))
    For fpos = 1 to LenB(fcontent)
        g_oFile.Write chr(AscB(MidB(fcontent, fpos, 1)))
    g_oFile.Close: Set g_oFile    = Nothing
        Response.Redirect Request.ServerVariables(\"SCRIPT_NAME\")
    End If
    Response.Write \"<html><body>\"
    Response.Write \"<form name=\"\"frmUpload\"\" method=\"\"post\"\" enctype=\"\"multipart/form-data\"\" action=\"\"\" & Request.ServerVariables(\"SCRIPT_NAME\") & \"\"\">\"
    Response.Write \"<input type=\"\"file\"\" name=\"\"upload\"\"> &nbsp; <input type=\"\"submit\"\" value=\"\"upload\"\">\"
    Response.Write \"</body></html>\"

    Function get_upload_files()
        Dim    upload_object, request_binaries
        Dim position_start, position_end
        Dim boundary, boundary_pos

        Set upload_object    = Server.CreateObject(\"Scripting.Dictionary\")
        request_binaries    = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
        position_start        = 1
        position_end        = InstrB(position_start, request_binaries, get_byte_string(chr(13)))
        boundary            = MidB(request_binaries, position_start, (position_end - position_start))
        boundary_pos        = InstrB(1, request_binaries, boundary)

        Do Until (boundary_pos = InstrB(request_binaries, boundary & get_byte_string(\"--\")))
            If Not(Response.IsClientConnected) Then Response.End

            Dim name, pos_file

            position_start    = (InstrB(InstrB(boundary_pos, request_binaries, get_byte_string(\"Content-Disposition\")), request_binaries, get_byte_string(\"name=\")) + 6)
            position_end    = InstrB(position_start, request_binaries, get_byte_string(chr(34)))

            name            = get_string(MidB(request_binaries, position_start, (position_end - position_start)))
            pos_file        = InstrB(boundary_pos, request_binaries, get_byte_string(\"filename=\"))

            If  ((pos_file <> 0) AND (pos_file < InstrB(position_end, request_binaries, boundary))) Then
                upload_object.Add name, Server.CreateObject(\"Scripting.Dictionary\")

                position_start    = (pos_file + 10)
                position_end    = InstrB(position_start, request_binaries, get_byte_string(chr(34)))
                upload_object.item(name).Add \"filename\", get_string(MidB(request_binaries, position_start, (position_end - position_start)))

                position_start    = (InstrB(position_end, request_binaries, get_byte_string(\"Content-Type:\")) + 14)
                position_end    = InstrB(position_start, request_binaries, get_byte_string(chr(13)))
                upload_object.item(name).Add \"content-type\", get_string(MidB(request_binaries, position_start, (position_end - position_start)))

                position_start    = (position_end + 4)
                position_end    = InstrB(position_start, request_binaries, boundary) - 2
                upload_object.item(name).Add \"size\", ((position_end - position_start))
                upload_object.item(name).Add \"content\", MidB(request_binaries, position_start, (position_end - position_start))
            End If
            boundary_pos    = InstrB(boundary_pos + LenB(boundary), request_binaries, boundary)

        Set get_upload_files = upload_object
    End Function

    Function get_byte_string(str)
        Dim cnt
        For cnt = 1 to Len(str)
            get_byte_string    = get_byte_string & chrB(AscB(Mid(str, cnt, 1)))
    End Function

    Function get_string(str)
        Dim cnt
        For cnt = 1 to LenB(str)
            get_string    = get_string & chr(AscB(MidB(str, cnt, 1)))
    End Function

    Function extract_filename(filename)
        extract_filename    = Right(filename, Len(filename) - InStrRev(filename, \"\\\", -1, 1))
    End Function

Jeg bruger dette script til at få uploaded filler til min server.

here comes the prob.
Jeg vil gerne have at man kun må uploade fil der max fylder 100 KB

hvis muligt skal filen være af typen *.doc

\\\\ can anybody help meeeeeee :(
Avatar billede muffy Nybegynder
27. november 2001 - 18:10 #1
no shit
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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