16. marts 2000 - 10:59Der er
3 kommentarer og 1 løsning
form height
Jeg ønsker at bruge en form som layout til et print. Men der er en max height (afhængig af skærmstørrelse) Er der nogen måde hvor på man kan få størrelsen på formen til en A4 side,uafhængig af skærmopløsningen ????
This example was in a recent VB publication. This creates a Vertical and Horizontal scrollable window. Place a picture box control on the form and size it to fill a good portion of the form. Next, place a vertical scrollbar beside the picture box, make it the same height as the picture box, and align the tops of the controls. Also, place a horizontal scrollbar and size it accordingly.
Now, draw another picture box within the first picture box. You can't simply double click on the toolbox - You need to *manually* draw this control. Doing so will make Picture1 the *container* for Picture2. Set Picture2's Appearance property to Flat, then set its Top, Left, Height, and Width properties to the same values as Picture1.
Next, set Picture2's Autosize property to True. Doing so allows it to assume the size of the assigned bitmap image. Finally, assign a bitmap (large; to overrun the side of the control) to Picture2's picture property.
Option Explicit Private lFromRight As Long Private lFromBottom As Long
VScroll1.Height = Picture1.Height HScroll1.Width = Picture1.Width End Sub
Private Sub HScroll1_Change() Picture2.Left = -HScroll1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub VScroll1_Change() Picture2.Top = -VScroll1.Value End Sub
Det er et eksempel jeg engang har fundet selv til samme formål.
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