30. oktober 2001 - 21:29Der er
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OS version?
Jeg vil gerne vide hvordan jeg kan hive ud i et c++ program hvilken version af windows man bruger. getenv(\"OS\") virker fint, men jeg får kun Windows_NT, jeg vil ha mere præcist, såsom Windows 2000, Windows XP osv. nogen?
Specifies the size, in bytes, of this data structure. Set this member to sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO) before calling the GetVersionEx function.
Identifies the major version number of the operating system. For example, for Windows NT version 3.51, the major version number is 3; and for Windows NT version 4.0, the major version number is 4.
Identifies the minor version number of the operating system. For example, for Windows NT version 3.51, the minor version number is 51; and for Windows NT version 4.0, the minor version number is 0.
Windows NT: Identifies the build number of the operating system. Windows 95: Identifies the build number of the operating system in the low-order word. The high-order word contains the major and minor version numbers.
Identifies the operating system platform. This member can be one of the following values:
Value Platform VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s Win32s on Windows 3.1. VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS Win32 on Windows 95. VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT Win32 on Windows NT.
Windows NT: Contains a null-terminated string, such as \"Service Pack 3\", that indicates the latest Service Pack installed on the system. If no Service Pack has been installed, the string is empty. Windows 95: Contains a null-terminated string that provides arbitrary additional information about the operating system.
hvis dwMajorVersion er 3 og dwMinorVersion = 51 er det WinNt 3.51 og hvis dwMajorVersion er f.eks 5 og dwMinorVersion = 0 er det Win2k
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