Avatar billede tfnm Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 11:18 Der er 15 kommentarer og
1 løsning

ASP, Perl, PHP3

Jeg får snart brug for nogle dynamiske sider. Jeg overvejer kraftigt at bruge ASP, men hvad er i grunden hurtigst?
ASP, Perl eller PHP3?
Avatar billede boomer Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 12:09 #1
Hvad mener du med hurtigst?

Det er hurtigst at komme igang med ASP, men jeg ved ikke hvad der kører hurtigst.

ASP er fint til langt de fleste formål.
Avatar billede 127144146281 Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 12:15 #2
Jeg har hørt at PHP3 skulle køre en smule hurtigere end ASP, men det er så også meget svære at lave, så derfor vil jeg klart anbefale ASP, CGI synes jeg du skal glemme alt om.
Avatar billede boomer Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 12:30 #3
Ja, CGI er mere eller mindre forældet.

Avatar billede tfnm Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 13:19 #4
Svaret er så accepteret! ;-)
Avatar billede winther Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 13:20 #5
CGI forældet?

Ja så har jeg hørt den med.
Avatar billede boomer Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 13:42 #6
Winther: Jeg ved da godt at mange stadigt bruger formmail og andre standardscripts som indkøbskurve og sådan noget.

Man faktum er at man næsten aldrig hører om nye CGI ting, og desuden kan en almindelig bruger ikke bare lige sætte sig ned og lave et Perl script.
Avatar billede winther Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 16:06 #7
Der kommer da stadig mange CGI/perl ting og der er jo ikke så mange alternativer ud over PHP når man kører Unix.

Det kan godt være det ikke er nemt, men prof folk bruger stadig Perl i stor stil. Bare ta' et kig på http://www.cgi-resources.com/

Perl er jo ikke kun til webbrug -  det kan bruges til 1000 andre ting.
Avatar billede boomer Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 16:24 #8
Jeg kender adressen.

Men for mig at se står valget mellem PHP/Unix og ASP/IIS hvor den sidste er klart den letteste for den almene bruger.

Perl kan bruges til andre ting, men det var ikke det tfnm var interesseret i.
Avatar billede winther Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 16:36 #9
Enig - ASP er det letteste!

Dermed ikke sagt at CGI/perl er "forældet".
Avatar billede boomer Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 16:46 #10
Det bliver bare ikke brugt så meget mere.. :-)
Avatar billede winther Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 18:36 #11
Det er og bliver vist en udokumenteret påstand. ;-D
Avatar billede a Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 18:58 #12
cgi er ikke forældet, på nogen måder!!
Avatar billede sone Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 19:02 #13
Nu hvor vi har gang i påstandene, så vil jeg også være med:

Jeg mener (påstår om man vil) at ASP, PHP m. fl. blot er forskellige implementationer af begrebet CGI.
CGI er den web-teknologi hvor et program kører på serveren med div. HTTP-felter som inputparametre. Programmet genererer et output som sendes afsted som en response.

Den eneste forskel på "traditionel" CGI og ASP er process-modellen. På IIS kører ASP som én process med flere tråde, hvor traditionel CGI kører med flere processer (én proces pr. request).

Ref. er side 40-41 i ASP Unleashed.
Avatar billede a Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 19:06 #14
ASP, kan man også godt kalde for et cgi program...
Forskellen på ASP og et konventionelt(?) cgi prog. er at ASP er en ISAPI-application
Avatar billede a Nybegynder
30. maj 1999 - 19:10 #15
kort sagt cgi prog. bliver afviklet og afsluttet, hvorimod ASP (som er en DLL fil), hele tiden kører (og bare afvikler de ting den får besked på og derefter er klar til næste ting)
Avatar billede webtime Nybegynder
31. maj 1999 - 19:23 #16
Her er en kommentar - kald det bare en funktionsoversigt for PHP og ASP - fra et indlæg i en PHP Mailing Liste:

********** paste ************

ASP Application Object
  has the methods

  Calling the lock method will lock all concurrent accesses to
  application variables ("properties of the application object")
  until unlock is called (or the page ends).

  Usage example:
    Application("visits") = Application("visits") +1
  <%= Application("visits") %> hits to this application.

PHPLIB has currently no $app object. Support for this is planned in the
next release of PHPLIB (PHPLIB-7).

ASP Request Object
  has the slots

PHP gives access to Cookies as normal PHP variables and via
$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS. Form variables are accessible as normal PHP variables
and as $HTTP_GET_VARS and $HTTP_POST_VARS. The query string and other
server variables are available as normal PHP variables. See the output
of phpinfo() for full details. How do you access ClientCertificates with

ASP Response Object
  has the slots

  has the properties

  has the methods

PHP does not have a buffer property, because PHP always generates
unbuffered output. Consequently, there is no Clear method. If you want
buffered output, you have to buffer manually by appending to a string
using sprintf():

  $buf .= sprintf("My Output<br>");
  $buf .= sprintf("Goes here<br>");

and flush your buffer with

  print $buf;

You clear your buffer by destroying $buf, as in

  $buf = "";

In PHP, you cannot add headers and cookies to a response, because the
output is unbuffered. Instead, you create cookies with PHPs setcookie()
function and output headers using PHPs header() function. Calls to
either of them must go before ANY output on your page. This leads to a
specific programming style, the PHP normal form, which has all function
definition, result calculation and so on at the top of the page, without
any output at all. Depending on the result headers and cookies are
generated, then the result HTML is emitted. PHP has a flush() function,
but you rarely need it - PHP does not buffer.

Set the Content-Type using

        header("Content-Type: image/gif");

or whatever you need. Set an expiration time $exp seconds in the future

        $exp_gmt = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time()+$exp) . " GMT");
        header("Expires: " . $exp_gmt);

or set $exp to an absolute timestamp and leave of the "time()+" in that
statement. Set the responde status using

        header("Status: 401 Unauthorized");

You may also create a relocation (as in the Redirect method of ASP)

        header("Location: http://..../.../inded.html");

To create log messages with PHP, use the PHP syslog() function.

You don`t need BinaryWrite with PHP, because PHP is binary save. If you
open files with PHP using fopen() and you are not on a Unix system, see
the "wb" and "rb" open modes.

The equivalent to End is exit().

Write responses using "echo", "print" or "printf".

ASP Server object
  has the properties

  has the methods

In PHP, the script timeout and script memory usage can be controlled
from the php3.ini file. See max_execution_time and memory_limit in that

rawurlencode(), rawurldecode(), urlencode(), urldecode(),
base64_encode(), base64_decode(), quoted_printable_decode(),
htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities() encode and decode for you just
like HTMLEncode and URLEncode (only better). There are additional
encoding and decoding function like addslashes(), quotemeta(),
stripslashes() and more.

CreateObject is an ASP method for communication with COM objects. If you
are on Unix, you don`t have this (but a multitude of PHP extensions). On
NT PHP, use Zeev`s COM-access from PHP.

PHP is independent from the webserver and does not have access to the
web servers path mapping, as MapPath does. But in mod_php you _could_
have such a function (anyone willing to write one?) and in CGI function
there is always PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED and several other useful
variables for the common cases (see phpinfo() output for details).

ASP Session object
  has the properties

  has the method

In PHPLIB, $sess->id is the session id, and $sess->lifetime is the
session lifetime in minutes. $sess->delete() destroys your current

In ASP, you store values in your session object like

  Session("memo") = "remember me"

In PHPLIB, you use any value and register it

  $memo = "remember me";

PHPLIB requires that you frame your page with page_open() and
page_close() statements. Use the auto_init feature of PHPLIBs Session to
have Session_OnStart functionality.

PHPLIB also has user variables on authenticated pages. There is no
equivalent in ASP.

There are some predefined components that come with ASP:

    use any PHP ad rototor, there are many freely available.

    use the browsecap() function of PHP

  ADO Database Access
    PHP has many database access functions, including ODBC.
    PHPLIB provides a nice abstraction that provides some
    database independence.

    provides a list of URLs that can be browsed like a book.
    Each URL in the list also has a descriptive text.

    There are methods GetListCount (number of URLs in the list),
    GetNextURL (return the next URL in the list depending on
    the current page), GetPreviousURL, GetListIndex (return
    the current index into the list), GetNthDescription,
    GetNextDescription, GetPreviousDescription, GetNthUrl.

    Easily done in PHP and pretty useless.

File system access in ASP is done via the VBScript FileSystemObject and
TextStream objects. In PHP, you use standard fopen(), opendir() and
stat(), like in C or other programming languages.

Feel free to add to this or to use this as part of a PHP-ASP migration


SH Online Dienst GmbH, Kristian Koehntopp,
Siemenswall, 24107 Kiel, +49 431 386 436 00
Using PHP3? See our web development library at
http://phplib.shonline.de/ (GPL)

********** paste slut ************

Med venlig hilsen

Chris Østergaard
ASP Udvikler
WebTime Internet
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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