Okay, java.js skal indeholde det følgende uden ---
// chromeless windows v2.1
www.microbians.com / Gabriel Suchowolski power[z]one - powerz@microbians.com
// Distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
// - Chromeless trick by webFX.
http://www.eae.net/webfx/// - Chromeless mouse control to handled like a normal window by Gabriel Suchowolski power[z]one
function openchromeless(theURL, wname, W, H, windowX, windowY, windowCERRARa, windowCERRARd, windowCERRARo, windowNONEgrf, windowCLOCK, windowTIT, windowREALtit , windowBORDERCOLOR, windowBORDERCOLORsel, windowTITBGCOLOR, windowTITBGCOLORsel) {
var windowW = W;
var windowH = H;
// var windowX = Math.ceil( (window.screen.width - windowW) / 2 );
// var windowY = Math.ceil( (window.screen.height - windowH) / 2 );
if (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4) isie=true
else isie=false
if (isie) { H=H+20+2; W=W+2; }
s = \",width=\"+W+\",height=\"+H;
if (isie && (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(\"win\")!=-1) ) {
var dowin = theURL != \"\" ? true : false;
var chromeTIThtml = \'\\n\' +
\'<html> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<head> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<title> CHROMELESS WINDOWS / TITLEBAR</title> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<style type=\"text/css\"> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'#mywindowTITLE { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 22px; z-index: 1; background-color: \'+windowTITBGCOLOR+\'; clip:rect(0,100%,22,0); } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'#mywindow { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 22px; z-index: 2; clip:rect(0,100%;22,0); } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'#mywindowCLOSE { position: absolute; left: -22px; top: -22px; width: 11px; height: 11px; z-index: 3; clip:rect(0,11,11,0); } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'#mywindowCLOCK { position: absolute; left: -22px; top: -22px; width: 11px; height: 11px; z-index: 3; clip:rect(0,11,11,0); } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'</style> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<script language=\"javascript\"> \'+ \'\\n\'
if ( theURL != \"\" ) {
chromeTIThtml = chromeTIThtml +
\' theURL = \"\'+theURL +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowCERRARa = \"\'+windowCERRARa +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowCERRARd = \"\'+windowCERRARd +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowCERRARo = \"\'+windowCERRARo +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowCLOCK = \"\'+windowCLOCK +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowBORDERCOLOR = \"\'+windowBORDERCOLOR +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowBORDERCOLORsel= \"\'+windowBORDERCOLORsel +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowTITBGCOLOR = \"\'+windowTITBGCOLOR +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowTITBGCOLORsel = \"\'+windowTITBGCOLORsel +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'
} else {
chromeTIThtml = chromeTIThtml +
\' theURL=\"about:blank\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowCERRARa = \"img/close_a.gif\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowCERRARd = \"img/close_d.gif\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowCERRARo = \"img/close_o.gif\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowCLOCK = \"img/clock.gif\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowTIT = \"<font face=verdana size=1> window title</font>\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowBORDERCOLOR = \"#000000\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowBORDERCOLORsel = \"#FF8A00\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowTITBGCOLOR = \"#d7dcd9\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' windowTITBGCOLORsel = \"#ffffff\" \'+ \'\\n\'
chromeTIThtml = chromeTIThtml +
\'var windowCERRARImg_a = new Image(); windowCERRARImg_a.src = windowCERRARa; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var windowCERRARImg_d = new Image(); windowCERRARImg_d.src = windowCERRARd; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var windowCERRARImg_o = new Image(); windowCERRARImg_o.src = windowCERRARo; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var windowCLOCKImg = new Image(); windowCLOCKImg.src = windowCLOCK; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'function mouseSTATUS() { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' this.x = null; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' this.y = null; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' this.bt = \"up\"; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' this.oldx = null; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' this.oldy = null; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' this.dx = null; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' this.dy = null; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' this.screeny = null; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' this.screenx = null; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' this.element = null; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' this.event = null; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'} \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var mouse = new mouseSTATUS(); \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'function actualizateMouseSTATUS(e) { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if (!e) var e = event \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if ( (e.type==\"mousedown\" || e.type==\"mouseup\") && e.button!=1) return true \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' var x=e.x+document.body.scrollLeft \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' var y=e.y+document.body.scrollTop \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' mouse.x = x; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' mouse.y = y; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if ( e.type == \"mousedown\" ) mouse.bt = \"down\"; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' else if ( e.type == \"mouseup\" ) mouse.bt = \"up\"; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if (window.event) { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' mouse.screenx=window.event.screenX; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' mouse.screeny=window.event.screenY; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } else { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' mouse.screenx=-1; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' mouse.screeny=-1; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'} \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'function initMouseEvents() { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.onmousedown = actualizateMouseSTATUS \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.onmousemove = actualizateMouseSTATUS \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.onmouseup = actualizateMouseSTATUS \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.onselectstart = selectstart \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.ondragstart = new Function(\"actualizateMouseSTATUS(event); return false;\") \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'} \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'function selectstart(){ \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if ( event.srcElement.tagName != \"INPUT\" && event.srcElement.tagName != \"TEXTAREA\") { return false; } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' else { mouse.bt=\"up\"; return true; } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'} \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'initMouseEvents() \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var mywindowbt =\"up\"; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var wincloseSTATUS=\"up\"; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var ofx=0; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var ofy=0; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var opx=0; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var opy=0; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var px=0; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var py=0; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var wcpx1=-1, wcpy1=-1; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var wcpx2=-1, wcpy2=-1; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'var wclosechanged = false; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'function initToMoveWin() { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if (wincloseSTATUS==\"up\" && ( mywindowbt==\"up\" || mywindowbt==\"over\") ) { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if ( parent.mainloaded ) document.all[\"mywindowCLOCK\"].style.visibility = \"hidden\"; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.all[\"mywindowCLOCK\"].style.pixelLeft=document.body.clientWidth-36 \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.all[\"mywindowCLOCK\"].style.pixelTop =4 \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' wcpx1 = document.all[\"mywindowCLOSE\"].style.pixelLeft=document.body.clientWidth-18 \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' wcpy1 = document.all[\"mywindowCLOSE\"].style.pixelTop =4 \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' wcpx2 = wcpx1 + 11 - 1 \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' wcpy2 = wcpy1 + 11 - 1 \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if ( mouse.x >= wcpx1 && mouse.x <= wcpx2 && mouse.y >= wcpy1 && mouse.y <= wcpy2) { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if (wclosechanged == false) { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.all[\"mywindowCLOSE\"].document.images[\"closewin\"].src=windowCERRARImg_o.src \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' wclosechanged = true \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } else if (wclosechanged == true) { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.all[\"mywindowCLOSE\"].document.images[\"closewin\"].src=windowCERRARImg_d.src \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' wclosechanged = false \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if ( mouse.y <= 22 && mouse.y >= 1 && mywindowbt == \"up\" && mouse.bt ==\"up\" ) { mywindowbt = \"over\" } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' else if ( ( mouse.y > 22 || mouse.y < 1 ) && mywindowbt == \"over\" && mouse.bt ==\"up\" ) { mywindowbt = \"up\" } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' else if ( mouse.y <= 22 && mouse.y >= 1 && mywindowbt == \"over\" && mouse.bt == \"down\" ) { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' self.window.focus(); \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if ( mouse.x >= wcpx1 && mouse.x <= wcpx2 && mouse.y >= wcpy1 && mouse.y <= wcpy2 ) { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' wincloseSTATUS=\"down\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.all[\"mywindowCLOSE\"].document.images[\"closewin\"].src=windowCERRARImg_a.src \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } else { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.all[\"mywindowTITLE\"].style.backgroundColor = windowTITBGCOLORsel \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' document.body.style.borderColor = windowBORDERCOLORsel \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' parent.chromewinb.document.bgColor = windowBORDERCOLORsel \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' parent.chromewinl.document.bgColor = windowBORDERCOLORsel \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' parent.chromewinr.document.bgColor = windowBORDERCOLORsel \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' ofx = mouse.x; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' ofy = mouse.y; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' opx = mouse.x; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' opy = mouse.y; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' mywindowbt=\"down\"; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' else if ( mouse.bt ==\"up\" && mywindowbt == \"down\" ) { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' mywindowbt=\"up\"; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' ofx=0; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' ofy=0; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' opx=0; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' opy=0; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if ( mouse.x >= wcpx1 && mouse.x <= wcpx2 && mouse.y >= wcpy1 && mouse.y <= wcpy2 && wincloseSTATUS==\"down\" ) { top.window.close() } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' wincloseSTATUS=\"up\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' if ( document.all[\"mywindowTITLE\"] ) { \'+ \'\\n\'+
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\' parent.chromewinb.document.bgColor= windowBORDERCOLOR \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' parent.chromewinl.document.bgColor= windowBORDERCOLOR \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' parent.chromewinr.document.bgColor= windowBORDERCOLOR \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' else if ( mywindowbt == \"down\" && wincloseSTATUS == \"up\") { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' var m_scrx = mouse.screenx; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' var m_scry = mouse.screeny; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' opx = px + ofx - m_scrx; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' opy = py + ofy - m_scry; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' px = m_scrx - ofx; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' py = m_scry - ofy; \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' top.window.moveTo(px , py); \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' setTimeout(\"initToMoveWin()\",50); \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'} \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'</script> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'</head> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<body TOPMARGIN=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 scroll=no style=\"border: 1px solid \'+ windowBORDERCOLOR +\'; overflow: hidden; margin: 0pt;\" bgcolor=\'+windowTITBGCOLOR+\'> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<div id=mywindow><img src=\"\'+windowNONEgrf+\'\" width=100% height=20></div> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<div id=mywindowTITLE>\'+ \'<table width=100% height=20 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=middle align=left>\'+windowTIT+\'</td></tr></table>\' +\'</div> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<div id=mywindowCLOSE><img name=closewin src=\"\'+ windowCERRARd +\'\" border=0 width=11 height=11></div> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<div id=mywindowCLOCK><img name=clockwin src=\"\'+ windowCLOCK +\'\" border=0 width=11 height=11></div> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'</body> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<script>initToMoveWin();</script> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'</html> \'+ \'\\n\'
var chromeFRMhtml = \'\' +
\'<HTML> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<HEAD> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<TITLE>\'+ windowREALtit +\'</TITLE> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'</HEAD> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<script> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'mainloaded = false \'+ \'\\n\'+
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\' chromewint.document.open(); \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' chromewint.document.write( \"\'+ quitasaltolinea(chromeTIThtml) +\'\" ); \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' chromewint.document.close(); \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' chromewinl.document.bgColor=\"\'+ windowBORDERCOLOR +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' chromewinb.document.bgColor=\"\'+ windowBORDERCOLOR +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' chromewinr.document.bgColor=\"\'+ windowBORDERCOLOR +\'\" \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } else { \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' setTimeout(\"generatetitle()\",200) \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' } \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'} \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'generatetitle() \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'</script> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'<frameset border=0 framespacing=0 frameborder=0 rows=\"22,100%,1\" onload=\"mainloaded=true\" onreadystatechange=\"generatetitle()\"> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' <frame name=chromewint src=\"about:blank\" scrolling=no noresize> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' <frameset border=0 framespacing=0 frameborder=0 cols=\"1,100%,1\"> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' <frame name=chromewinl src=\"about:blank\" scrolling=no noresize> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' <frame name=main src=\"\'+theURL+\'\"> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' <frame name=chromewinr src=\"about:blank\" scrolling=no noresize> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' </frameset> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\' <frame name=chromewinb src=\"about:blank\" scrolling=no noresize> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'</frameset> \'+ \'\\n\'+
\'</HTML> \'
splashWin = window.open( \"\" , wname, \"fullscreen=1,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0\"+s);
splashWin.resizeTo( Math.ceil( W ) , Math.ceil( H ) );
splashWin.moveTo ( Math.ceil( windowX ) , Math.ceil( windowY ) );
splashWin.document.write( chromeFRMhtml );
else {
var splashWin = window.open(theURL, wname, \"toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1\"+s, true);
function quitasaltolinea(txt) {
var salida = txt.toString()
var re = /\\\\/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, \"\\\\\\\\\");
var re = /\\//g; var salida = salida.replace(re, \"\\\\\\/\");
var re = /\\\"/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, \"\\\\\\\"\");
var re = /\\\'/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, \"\\\\\\\'\");
var re = /\\n/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, \"\\\\n\");
var re = / /g; var salida = salida.replace(re, \"\");
var re = /\\t/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, \"\");
var re = /\\r/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, \"\");
return salida
og du kalder med koden
function openIT() {
windowCERRARa = \"close_a.gif\"
windowCERRARd = \"close_d.gif\"
windowCERRARo = \"close_o.gif\"
windowNONEgrf = \"none.gif\"
windowCLOCK = \"clock.gif\"
windowREALtit = \"INFO/CONTACT \"
windowTIT = \"<font face=verdana size=2 color=white> INFO/CONTACT</font>\"
windowBORDERCOLOR = \"#333300\"
windowBORDERCOLORsel = \"#333300\"
windowTITBGCOLOR = \"#333300\"
windowTITBGCOLORsel = \"#333300\"
openchromeless(theURL, wname, W, H, windowW, windowH, windowCERRARa, windowCERRARd, windowCERRARo, windowNONEgrf, windowCLOCK, windowTIT, windowREALtit , windowBORDERCOLOR, windowBORDERCOLORsel, windowTITBGCOLOR, windowTITBGCOLORsel)
Hvor de to linier
bestemmer placeringen af vinduet !
Voila !
/ LJ